Does your country ever BTFO white people? My country does. and I am so proud of it.
Fuck white people
Does your country ever BTFO white people? My country does. and I am so proud of it
Does nature ever BTFO your country?
Yes indeed. Fuck white people.
Haitian pride!
Which is why our military is there in "peace missions" and you fucking subhuman retards are coming here.
what does an average haiti pc look like
i want to see a mud brick pc
Haiti is literally proof that colonialism was a good thing and that niggers belong in slavery.
>French colonies
>The shittiest the west produced
Nothing new here.
No need to get shook up about it friend
How's that wifi doing through your tent wall, bro?
Lol, look where that got you.
Go Haiti! The most poorest country in the fucking Americas! Show those white people that you can destroy a country faster!
Get the fuck out of my country, ape. We've enough niggers here to be housing haitian "refugees" who create even more no-go zones.
niggers are monkeys
When the fuck did yall get internet?
Our military should depopulate the country.
Pretty sure there are some white people left who built the company.
You would be dead right now if white people didn't save your shithole of a country from that earthquake, ungrateful turd
Francophone niggers are the worst I swear
>1 Post by this ID
Did you go to get more dirt cookies?
Hold down f11 pls
Our military killed him probably, based military
>Blacks in the US didn't revolt and got rap contracts and unlimited KFC
>Blacks in Haiti did revolt and now they eat mud
Have you realized you are subhuman yet?
> literally lives on aid from white people
> proud of massive chimpout
Don't worry. We'll be arming the Dominican Republic and you'd all be extinct soon enough.
HaitiANO dame mi raciĆ³n de scat.
So have you started rebuilding since the earthquake or are you waiting for the white people to repair your shit once again?
Haiti ain't free, the road to a 80% dried-mud diet gotta be littered with the blood of whitey. Napoleon Bonaparte aka 'ooga boog bad white man' ain't my emperor, he's a honkey and probably eats food too. A BLACK NATION not CIVILISATION ok? Praise Louverture.
my GF is half haitian.
nice looking women desu
>BTFO white people
>country falls apart
>population dumb as fuck
Haitians are animals.
How the fuck are you using internet, anyway? Did you steal a phone from a human?
>GDP per capita of fucking 800 dollars
>A minimum wage loser flipping burgers produces more wealth in a couple weeks than the average Haitian produces in a year.
Yeah, you guys are doing great with no whites. Have fun in your utopia.
Fucking horrible documentary
They would've died out long before that if it weren't for the aid of white people
Haiti is proof that niggers are unable to maintain civilization
10/10 bantz
It isn't a documentary, Pedro. It's a lesson.
It still depicts horrible shit
Top lmao
Someone do a spurdo of this
Killing innocent whites is always horrible, yes?
No country ever benefits from leaving a group of people BTFO because of their skin color.
I am so proud that my country acknowledges that in our Constitution.
Not that, the French are cunts. But the way Haiti's history was forgotten and abandoned for the sake of political correctness is terrifying.
It reminded me we are forced to knowledge minority in order to keep a "safe and peaceful" life.
Admitting otherwise is suicidal.
They did the same shit with Zimbabwe.
Quite an interesting video.
I didn't knew that stereotypes about Haitians were in fact tame compared to how hopelessy useless they are in reality.
lmao you only exist because of white people.
God fucking damn yes. This lad for new mayor of London.
we gonna BTFO the whiteys in the US pretty soon too, Ra willing
Yeah man stick it to the white man !!!!
How is your country doing ?
Especially the cities m8 ?
Definitely has to look like NYC, LA, Dallas, London, Paris and Warsaw among many others ?
You mind sending us some pic's of your backyard or the surrounding area ?
White people btfo.
>muh nothing can grow in this soil, it's too sandy
>muh tsetse flies
>muh whitey stole our farming skills
>we wuz kangz
Hey, do me a favor, open this up and hold F11.
So do you belive in the whole shaman ju ju rituals?
Ton ton macoute is a pretty funny name for death squads.
> Sonthonax did nothing wrong!
Are blacks natives there or have they been take there by slave owners?
Oh a raging nigger
now watchu gon do?
shitpost everywhere?
I once watched a movie about Columbus' arrival in Americanand in that the blacks were already there. I assume they are settlers from Africa or something like that, like Abos but a lot later.
also kek thread here
No. There were no blacks on Haiti prior to Euros bringing them there. There were natives but they were basically extinct by the time the French took half the island.
what happens when black people try to run a country
That's because they killed literally every white person in the country after independence
honestly im surprised haiti has internet. it's one of the poorest countries in the world
just launched a mud cookie out of my nose
fucking kekkos
How do we convince Soros to flood some black country with whites and replace them in the process?
bestiality is illegal in the US, kiddo
That book, El Reino de Este Mundo, by Alejo Carpentier, holy shit, now THAT is a book. Talks about one of the slave revolts in Haiti, in a fictionalized way. If any of you faggots are interested, give it a shot.
Where are all your trees?
Talked with an old black navy retiree and he mentioned Haiti. When he said it he did a shiver and said it was the worst place he'd ever seen and would die before going there again.
Said they would slaughter animals in the streets and just hack them up to cook them right on the sidewalk.
>referring to slaves as "workers"
Come on, son.
yes those white devils, must be punished.
Hait is literally 4th world tier, but at least you killed all the crackers.
Dude, post pic of your rubble filled PC.
Man what a great discussion with such amazing talking points.
But.. you owe every scrap of culture you have to white people.
Your country showed that blacks are incapable of effective self governance. Now you're all starving
There's a reason why God has cursed the shithole you live in.
My family in DR kills your people for sport along the border you disgusting Haitian.
I realize you are a proxyfag, but I still hope you get AIDS.
Pay debt.
I came here to say this
top fucking kek m8
implying that a smouldering heap of shit and rubble constitutes a country
Will the Chinks be on our side in the upcoming world wide race war or will they roll over us as well?
Hey OP the white man helped out haiti when your ass got earthquake'd
Can somebody explain this meme to a mac fag?
>(((merchants))) scoop up some dirt and sell it to nigs
I'm surprised acctually.
Didn't know that they had discovered fire.
No they did not. they only fucked with the farmers, there are still white people living in Zimbabwe, not as much as there used to be but the mad ones stayed.
The Haitians straight up genocided the whites and look how well it worked out for them. Haiti is like a post apocalyptic hell hole.
Thats what happens when you expect animals to govern animals.
screen starts shaking from going to fullscreen to normal again