High education doesn't imply high intelligence. I'm very intelligent but lazy so I never went to college

High education doesn't imply high intelligence. I'm very intelligent but lazy so I never went to college.

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fuck off jew with your jew news source
fuck yourself to death

>Considers liberal arts majors as "educated"

There I told you what to tell your Facebook friend in the argument you are having now go fuck off.

If you measure average iq for political parties dems will lose to reps.Why?Simple answer.Niggers are dumb.


not an arguments

Educated doesn't mean taught to think, it means taught to repeat.

Because our college professors are widely liberal and they are the ones indoctrinating the youth everyday.
Everyday a new commie is brainwashed into the ranks

Those actually are arguments.

Well you would have to be a dumb close minded bigot to still believe and think racist things. I'm not surprised at all that intelligent people have left behind such outdated things like racism and religion. Faith in humanity rising

>having a meme degree constitutes high education

People who actually make money vote right.

80% of the dem voter base is shitskins and wymen

>I'm not surprised at all that intelligent people have left behind such outdated things like racism and religion. Faith in humanity rising

>be me
>political autist
>champion HS debater
>get a perfect ACT and near perfect SAT
>go to UoC and get degrees in Economics and Political Science
>meet people who are wrong, I prove them to be wrong, but remain wrong because "opinions"
>meet people who say "I don't do politics, but..."
>meet people who think politics are boring
>know people who say stuff like this, and when I ask them the most basic questions about the survey, they profess total ignorance
>this is everyone I know save for 3 or 4 people
>even the people who are right are often right for the wrong reasons or can't see into the deeper levels of why they're right
Life among plebs is suffering.

Oh boy the autistic Canadian who does nothing but shit post all day is in yet another thread. How have you not killed yourself yet what keeps you going?

Actually literally none of those comments are arguments.

Not proper English

>conflating educations

Christ, you're as bad as those fuckwits who perpetuate that wage gap bullshit, all while conflating job types for each gender, and comparing.

A better title would be: Why are individuals of superior intelligence like engineers overwhelmingly right leaning, whereas womens studies majors overwhelmingly left leaning.

Feel free to riddle me that one.

I was an ultraleftist like all those around me in our metropolitan bubble of wealth and luxury, but if you stare at the lie a little too hard you can never believe it again.
I wouldn't call myself a reactionary but the terms in which Liberals see the world are ridiculously unsatisfying to anybody who actually wants to understand the world.
I look at things historically more than politically now.

"highly educated"
> gender studies

I'm more educated than 99% of these idiotic college liberals. I don't give a fuck.

nothing new
serveral studies came to the conclusion that conservative thinking people have a lower iq.

If you believe in socialism, you are completely uneducated on anything involving political matters, period. If you believe in super-ethnic-egalitarianism, you are completely uneducated on science or social studies.

>describe your life and ideas living as a below average intelligence being Sup Forums
Well, I am voting Clinton. I like my Black friends. I also shelter Immigrants.

Knowing I'm smarter and better off than a bigot like you will ever be :)

>describe your life and ideas living as a below average intelligence being Sup Forums

How about some punctuation, faggot?


You didn't ask for an argument. Eat a bucket of AIDS.

It didn't matter what their opinions are as long as they can defend them. Saying that because they're more educated, their opinion is worth anything is meaningless unless they can present a sound argument

Anyone who actually think a 'higher education' means anything has probably never been to college. If anything it is likely to dumb you down, unless you are in STEM. And, big surprise, people in STEM fields are more likely to vote republican.

>And, big surprise, people in STEM fields are more likely to vote republican.
It really depends on the career. Academia is liberal as fuck like all government work.


Frankly, in terms of raw intellect, my peers at a prestigious liberal arts university are not intelligent when it comes to anything outside of analyzing a text or reviewing primary source science articles.

A lot of this comes from them never having had to work and living an incredible sheltered and easy lifestyle. They are so out of touch with reality it's insane. And they ALL think they're so much better than everyone else because of MUH EDUCATION that when someone who has a conservative worldview engages them in a discussion they have straight up anxiety attacks.

I can't wait for this meme to die, it's so pathetic. That's all it is, pathetic human specimens trying to justify they're existence


>Is a NEET who spends all day pretending to be a caricature liberal because of le ebben Canadian shitpoater may may
>Smarter than me


I wish these faggots would circlejerk each other in private instead of on the pages of the New York Times

>jew york times

oh boy I'm sure the article is full of facts and isn't biased in any way

>Neil Gross, the author of the article is a Jewish sociology professor

oy vey what a surprise, another kike.

Schools have been promoting being a special snowflake and treating others with respect for this generation, liberal agenda plays off of that. That's what the left does, they play off this type of shit.

t. socialist


you literally






But I have a job I'm not some misogynistic NEET.


>highly educated = rich
Of course it sounds nice that all people are equal and caring and compassionate and only a single unified evil force is keeping minorities down.

It sounds good which is all they know.

Rich people live in gated communities or surrounded by more then well off minorities.

Put a rich white girl in the fucking ghetto for a month on her own. She will be raped and beaten and robbed.

The article classifies the "highly intelligent" and "educational elite" as people who completed graduate school.

That should be all I need to say.




It's by design.

People who are "highly educated" spent decades getting braised in the potent sauce of institutional leftism. They are told, year after year, that progressive liberalism is the "correct" ideology. In fact, it's not even an ideology at all! The left has a Truth Bias, after all! It's all bullshit but people want to believe they are reasonable, and they want to believe the professors and other authority figures all around them are trustworthy and objective and really just want to discover truth.

It's very hard to go through a lot of education and not get brainwashed.

>Why are individuals of superior intelligence like engineers overwhelmingly right leaning,
*citation needed

c...can Sup Forums be wrong, just once?

Sup Forums is surprisingly liberal on social issues, and most students don't actually study STEM, so this isn't saying much.

Also: Romney had more college-educated voters than Obama in 2012. Obama just had more PhD voters, probably liberal arts graduates.

What's wrong with socialism?
Why shouldn't we care for those that can't care for themselves.
Why shouldn't college be free to all who want to learn.
Why shouldn't we extend a helping hand to the minorities we kept under or boot for so long.

>Checkered shirt on a suit and a tie

Literally a cuck flag

No you don't. You spend all day and all night here pretending to be a liberal caricature because shitheads retards here kept spamming "a fucking leaf" for weeks so now you are acting like a character. You and a handful of other dumb fuck autistic Canadians. I saw mods permaban some of you for this so hopefully your turn comes up soon.

Oh wow. Life is a jest

Here's actual data from the GSS. To be fair to Democrats, I excluded nonwhites.

Democrats are more likely to have graduate degrees, less likely to have bachelors degrees, and MUCH less likely to have high school degrees.

>highly (((educated)))

>What's wrong with socialism?
Economic calculation problem

Actually I'd argue differently as there is so much social pressure to conform to this way of thinking, it would take a strong, open mind to actually try on different opinions and see which actually matches reality the closest.

My parents never discussed politics with me and would never tell me who they voted for. I guessed from this that they were conservative as it was so different from the behavior of liberals. During my adolescence I naturally wanted to be different and became a die hard liberal... until, that is, I held these liberal beliefs to the same critical standards I held for conservatives. Neither ideology is perfect, I have my own views, but I must say I do lean conservative

Projecting much?

Liberal arts with gender studies p.h.D
>highly educated

Degrees don't correlate with any level of intelligence. Have you met the average student?

E.G in my international relations lecture, some lefty faggot with a PLATE in his ear asked why it should bother us in Germany if China and Japan fight over an Island

The answer is very easy. College kids only learn what they are being taught in college, nothing else, most of them never read, watch documentaries or debate; they don't know shit. Going to college has no correlation with political and historical knowledge whatsoever, unless we are talking precisely about these careers. And that's why most of them are liberals, all they know is the constant parroting of the liberal media and the loud mob of ignorant pricks like SJWs, feminists and comunists. Also, I highly doubt there's correlation with college education and high IQ today in most western countries, it's surely more related to household income and cultual background than intelligence.

t. 132 IQ architect

Highly educated tend to be from the upper middle to upper class. Richer people support globalism (modern liberalism) because it benefits them financially. Their jobs aren't the ones being shipped over seas but products still get cheaper for them.

>govt tested WEIS III 120 IQ
>didn't succumb to college meme
>joined military, paid more than min wage millenials working 3 jobs
>see parts of the world other millenials will never get to (fuck Arabia)
>get prestige when looking for civ job
>will separate with an at least an A.S. in Emergency Management for free
>will separate with free certifications as welder and electrician
>all 3 fields make more starting than what most millenials will be making at age 45
>I separate and will be making that money at age 25
>Implying this is the less intelligent route


College is a meme, there are only a few careers like lawyer, doctor, or teacher/professor that actually require college education. Everyone else is wasting time and money. I know some real low IQ people that are walking away woth Bachelor's degrees. Going to college doesn't mean shit, just that you scrounged up enough money and had the patience to go. Enjoy paying off your 60k of student loan debt over the next 40 years while working a job that barely pays above minimum wage; I'll be over on my 20 acres of land backed up to Nat'l Forest land living the good life with a number of fun toys to dick about with on my free time.

not wanting the state to do something =/= not wanting it to be done

Exactly- graduate degree, generally speaking, tells me the person in question:

a. Hates to work.
b. Needs to spend $200,000 to convince someone it wouldn't be a net loss to employ them.
c. Glasses, bitter, and effectively a ward of the state.

Only way you could make it to a PhD is by being a liberal cuck. You rack up debt, memeorize "facts" (i.e. give up free thought) and tongue the anus of faculty.

After my master's I nope.jpeged the fuck out of academia when state republicans killed campus carry initiatives for the second time. I had to listen to a Canadian talk about how little gun crime there is in Canada, and how he'd never use a gun against another human being even if he was in danger (which he believed was the reason Canada was so much safer).

Projecting what that I'm a Canadian? Whatever you are going to get banned soon since mods are cracking down on this bullshit so enjoy your autism while it lasts.

Why are highly educated liberal? Because 70% of youth go to collegues such as Humanities and Political sciences (lol) and these fags count as "highly educated".

Would take one engineer over pretty much every sinle of these fucks.

Education != intellect. It's more like a bag, you can give it to anyone.

But soft, sheltered people who exist in closed groups are easily brainwashed.

If that were the case, colleges and businesses would have thrown out affirmative action long ago. They're racist when convenient to their agenda.

I don't think they realize how much this article helps conservatives/Trump. One of bigger problems for liberalism is that liberals are perceived as self important arrogant assholes with heads so far up their asses they never see sunshine who all live in gates communities and sip champagne while talking about poor oppressed peoples. This does fuck all to change that and, in fact, further entrenches it.

I guess all their education doesn't exactly make them smart.

Nice bait, read the study, todays liberals are NOTHING like liberals over 16 years ago, they have been infected with radicalism

Libertarians have a higher average IQ than liberals but that doesn't mean it's objectively better.

Every country with a history of socialism is now underperforming economically: eastern Europe, Venezuela, North Korea, China, Cuba.

East Germany was under socialist rule for less than half a century. 25 years after German reunification, it still hasn't caught up with Western Germany, despite tons of investment to prop it up.

Socialism completely fucks with incentives, and usually requires an iron fist to implement, which further depresses investment and entrepreneurship. Light socialism has survived in Western Europe, because of economic momentum, and because most markets are left intact. Still, countries like UK, France, Sweden, and Denmark could be performing better without state intervention.

On what basis?

So now IQ test work? Prety much every teat says black people have lower one, though it is brushed aside no idea why.


>eastern Europe
>history of Socialism

wew lad


Eastern Europe has fuck all to do with socialism before Russians forced it on us. Here's a quick lesson: the history of Eastern Europe can be summed as the history of struggle against three common enemies of all Eastern Europeans: Germans, Islam and Russians.

>Why are people who were "educated" by liberals so liberal?
Hmm really encourages your neurons to fire

>Eastern Europe has fuck all to do with socialism except for that time we had it
Don't be so autistic.

I know plenty of people on both sides who are fucking idiots, even the ones who have degrees.

The growing number of Progressives in the Ph.D post-doctoral space has to do primarily with the shunning of American Conservatives from the Academy and the growth of PC culture. Those with dissenting opinions are crushed financially through the denial of tenure and preemptively excluded through the controlled publishing of academic articles. Even being a Christian believer can prevent someone from getting professorships.

So, while there is plenty of drive and desire for Conservative minded people to go further into Acedemia, the hostility of the Progressive-Left tends to make people pursue other interests. Thankfully, given that the US has a plethora of private schools, some even with religious focus, there are options for people. But for the most part, it is very difficult for Conservative-minded people to get into certain fields, and even graduate schools, not because they are unqualified, but because there are actively being excluded.

Also, I remember seeing somewhere that among those with BS/BAs a larger percentage of them tend to vote or are registered Republican?

ITT: dipshit Sup Forums children rationalize their failures

you are the type of kids that unironically list the "school of hard knocks" on your facebook profiles as a euphemism for "i dropped out of high school"

>Still, countries like UK, France, Sweden, and Denmark could be performing better without state intervention.
This, although Denmark has one of the least regulated economies in the world it's still not enough.
We are getting less for our taxes each year while we have to take care of more and more elderly.

because the only way to get high education in the west is to think what you are told and because you are being told capitalism is shit and communism rocks.... well then you have this.
I know... It's not like I discovered America but I had to say it

>Eastern Europe has fuck all to do with socialism except that one time it was forced on to us

You just want to argue.

>sincerely, someone with no evidence to back up my hilariously speculative meme-influenced assertions

The irony.

I have VERY simple questions for you that I want you to answer honestly (and this is for those not ironic shitposters):

Do you read any books? Have you studied in DEPTH any of the topics relevant to Sup Forums? Do you post sources and fact check all claims, even if they support your beliefs?

Or do you simply get all your knowledge from Sup Forums posts, youtube videos, and infographics?

Be honest here Sup Forums - I dont want to make fun of you, I want to help you, because otherwise you're nothing more than another braindead mouthpiece for Sup Forums opinions (read: the opinions of edgy teenagers and autistic weeb shitposters).

High education is high indoctrination. Education does not correlate with intelligence.

>It ain't me starts playing

Academia is a pretty strong filter. A Ph.D generally won't get you any real extra earning power in most cases and these days you'll end up slaving away as a postdoc for most of your life. So the type of people that go into graduate and post-graduate programs to begin with are generally more idealistic and liberal. I know I was considering it for a while, but then I realized I would rather build a career than slave away hoping for a professorship.


ayy lmao

I've never really quite understood this argument. No one ever elaborates on which fields these new educated liberals find themselves, or the institutions they're educated in.

If degrees are common place, and many of them are not worth the paper they're printed on, then what is the point of the "educated" elite?

If academia is in itself not efficiency based, and thus really does not need to ever show results, and is also dominated by modern liberalism, wouldn't it make sense that many of the students from the institution adopt a liberal mindset?

>Why does this matter?
I'd argue that most business owners are conservative. I'd argue that most people educated in conservative efficiency based fields are also conservative. I'd also argue that people that attend conservative universities are much more likely to be conservative themselves upon graduation.

But no one really wants to argue this.

>t. someone nytimes considers educated

My dad is a professor and I grew up around professors. I've had many conversations with professors. I am simply relaying what they have told me.

If you want to disagree on this Malaysian Cutting Board, fine. But at least post a decent meme or bullshit link and make the trolling worthwhile.


they're so educated and intelligent that a large portion of them have gotten degrees in things that don't make money, so they vote for progressive politicians to lessen their massive school debt.

kind of hilarious when you think about it

>parents were highschool dropouts/GED
>grew up in trailer in bumfuck nowhere rural Texas
>lived just outside ghetto where half the population spoke only spanish and another third spoke ebonics
>went to one of the worst public schools in the state, full blown riots occasionally blew up between nigs and spics
>I've seen 3rd graders led out in handcuffs and police drug sniffing dogs come in several times to search 6th grade classrooms for cocaine

>despite this have at least 116 IQ based on a SAT test I never studied for and did not bring a calculator too
>despite this, I'm going to graduate with a 4 year degree in 3 years, unfortunately beat by brother who did it in 2
>despite this, whole family voting Trump

wtf I guess I'm a white trash low information cousin fuckin' voter now

>doesn't read thread
>summarizes it anyway
As dumb as you are you must be really conservative

>be me
>engineering student getting second degree
>big trump supporter

I don't think anyone of the staff of the jewyork times could even pass calculus 1

Taking out massive loans to become "highly educated" in something like 'sociology' or 'journalism' or other babby hobby subjects marks you as a braindead retard who is probably impossible to talk to because of falsely founded arrogance

Regardless of what meme degrees you have the point is that anyone can get them if they just write the papers , have you ever read those papers? That most of these retards produce? It will make you not want to ever get up in the morning

Highly "educated" these days doesn't translate into high iq