How can liberals use such vulgar hate speech and not get banned on twitter?
Yet they ban milo over saying the gorilla woman looks like a man..
How can liberals use such vulgar hate speech and not get banned on twitter?
Yet they ban milo over saying the gorilla woman looks like a man..
Because they're biased.
I bet that kike has a team of lawyers to manage his estate so not a dime goes to taxes.
Why are you so upset that Twitter banned them? It's not censoring free speech or violating anybody's rights. They can do whatever they want.
Would you complain when Breitbart makes an article with a right wing agenda?
Don't be a hypocrite. Twitter has always been left leaning and they never pretended otherwise.
liberal speech is correct. right wing speech is never correct.
You see that guy, shitting on other people and shaming and bullying because he disagrees with them and their father? He does that because him and those like him have nothing to add to the world. They have to yell at other people until they get what they want because they don't have what it takes to get what they want alone.
You already know the "why", be honest. There's no point reiterating the why, simply find zen in understanding and move on to what YOU can do to improve your self and community.
Who cares, atleast Twitter did something right for once by banning this obnoxious BBC-loving faggot who is attempting to take over the alt-right, hopefully this means that his popularity dies all together.
Bill Maher net worth: ~$23 million.
>Who cares, atleast Twitter did something right for once by banning this obnoxious BBC-loving faggot who is attempting to take over the alt-right, hopefully this means that his popularity dies all together.
Milo is now a martyr, everything he says will be twice as loud.
You'll never be bill burr bitch no matter how hard you try to be funny
>muh Marty Milo is on our side guise :DDDDDD
When will this meme side?
Because milo hurt a lot of peoples fee fees with his opinions
people take the internet too seriously, I want to tape a picture of the "how is cyberbullying real" tweet to the corner of everyone's monitor
Who would want to be that unfunny fucking cunt?
I hate that attention whoring faggot but yeah basically this. You can censor and shadow ban people all you want because they are little people, but doing it to someone semi important and you done fucked up
I'm pretty sure Milo didn't even say that, he just said that she was playing the victim and that everyone receives hate mail. Twitter really fucked up on this one.
Shut up maher you have no power here
Them being able to do it doesn't make people any less upset that they did it.
brietbart doesnt ban anyone who doesnt share their views, so that's a really fucking stupid analogy mohammad
He's breaking rule 7.
they have no problem when a black rapper spoils his kids to hell and nepotises them.
whys that?
muh risin up from institutionalized poverty?
slavery again?
>Why are you so upset that Twitter banned them?
Because it's a one-way street. Twitter unironically allows ISIS accounts.
Lets see who twitter decides to ban yesterday...
A) The armada of pro isis idiots that want death to the west...
B) The other terrorist group BLM with there death to cops rhetoric
C) Bill Mahr attacking trumps sons with libel calling them date rapists and fuck faces and shit bags...
or finally
D) The gay dude that review the bad movie and called it a bad movie
its because twitter is racist towards white people
you can call a white man mayonaise and not get banned but when an innocent white guy said "i fucking hate niggers fucking chimps they all deserve to be in fucking zoos and those kikes too, i wish trump holocaust the kikes a second time" he suddenly got banned for absolutely no reason.
Free speech is dead.
Literally owned by a sheik's son and you find this odd?
now that's bullshit
Milo only called leslie jones a Fat negro that looks like she's raised by gorillas and chimpanzees. He doesnt deserve the ban.
i hope this is overt satire.
>its because twitter is racist towards white people
>you can call a white man mayonaise and not get banned but when an innocent white guy said "i fucking hate niggers fucking chimps they all deserve to be in fucking zoos and those kikes too, i wish trump holocaust the kikes a second time" he suddenly got banned for absolutely no reason.
>Free speech is dead.
A more realistic and balanced reality is...
If a black dude went around calling a white person cracker, or mayonnaise skin, or honkey they wouldn't get any trouble
where as...
A white person calling a black person shit skin, or mud skin, or shaved ape would likely get a ban
Maher is redpilled and is a public Jester who can say such things.
Though he may feel differently at heart.
babbys first day on pol i see
I'm surprised they haven't banned every conservative yet.
Its like they type and nothing but useless shit gets entered. Conservatives offer nothing to this country or the world. There needs to be a mass genocide of that failed species.
>mfw Milofags are trying to do #4 in but are so bad at identity politics that they end up looking like retards.
I hadn't seen Drumpf's offspring before but they do fit the description *shudder
>my dad gave me a smaaaall loan of a gazillion dollars and I made it HUUUGE
>babbys first day on pol i see
Mahr is a tiny bit red pilled... more so than someone like Bernie Sanders who lays down and bends over letting BLM fuck him in the ass...
At least mahr calls blm idiots
Rightwingers BTFO
Most black people who graduated at least high school call blm idiots. They don't care about black lives, they're anti police and anti white. They really are a hate group.
That isn't hate speech retard. Get off your cross and get a job.
Twitter can, we can also point out that they're a flock of pud gobblers when they do. I would also like to point out that you are, too.
>It's not censoring free speech
No, it literally is censoring free speech. It may not be violating anyone's rights, but it is censoring free speech.
The problem is, EVERY major internet outlet does this. When they all do it, it represents a massive problem.
Far right conservatives with their racist discriminatory institutions and ways, and relentless malicious speech and endeavors try to play 'morally outraged'
>people take the internet too seriously
Like the right wings shills and net campaigners? The Internet is taken seriously because it is. Care to make another disingenuous post?
Word must get out, it must become common knowledge, that Twitter and Facebook are online prison camps defined by the ideology of their owners, and not common carrier communication platforms.
There must be 40Gbps of memes shit into Twitter and Facebook mocking their users for being slaves on a digital plantation.
This was Twitter's and Facebook's fatal mistake, to ban a dangerous faggot like Milo. It's going to end the companies, bearish on their stock. The corporate board should replace Jack Dempsey and he should be investigated for his ties to #BLM terrorist #Deray4Treason. #TwitterHatesFags #FireJackDorsey #FreeMilo #MillionMiloMarch
Share your favorite Twitter slavery pics let's get the memes of production going I'll start with pic related.
#2 shit all over Twitter poopaloo. Twitter SJW btfo
>inb4 shill or niggerlover or reddit
Blow me
>EVERY major internet outlet does this.
They're major outlets BECAUSE they do that. There's tons of communities out there with low/no moderation, but the bigger they get, the more likely they are to degenerate into shitholes that nobody wants to go to.
Wow. What a stupid nigger.
Why don't you pussies actually do something about these left-wing nutjobs. The one thing they expect from Right-Wingers is violence, so just give it to them. Just map out Jack Dorsey's schedule and kill him or beat him up badly when you have the chance.
Because conservatives need to be silenced.
It's hard for you idiots to accept, but 'God given rights' don't actually exist, and Twitter doesn't need to stand for your idiocy.
Dont you have a poo to loo in?
Why do left wing people get so upset about the hunting of African animals? They don't seem to care much about non-African animals being killed or about the mass slaughter of animals that enables them to eat meat.
I remember they used to shadow ban people for calling raids back in the days of r/niggers
>The Internet is srs business
not an argument
In the spirit of Milo, huffposts's comment section looks ripe for trolling
>Twitter has always been left leaning and they never pretended otherwise.
Has Twitter ever promoted itself as a left-wing echo-chamber? No, they've always acted like the site is meant for everyone and all ideas.
Of course it turns out they were lying, and the above is bullshit.
Breitbart always has presented itself as a conservative news outfit. Twitter never implied they had an agenda: it's mission statement doesn't say "to spread liberal news."
They masked themselves as unbiased when, in fact, they are terribly biased. No different than MSNBC or Facebook.
What about black people praising the deaths of cops?
They get to keep their accounts.
>Defends Clinton during a debate and says she's the best fit for President
>Time Warner who owns HBO has donated millions to the Clinton Campaign and foundation
I'm 100 percent certain that Maher doesn't really mean this shit and he's only being controlled by the higher ups who pull the strings on everyone
Maher constantly bashed the fuck out of the Clintons during the 90s on Politically Incorrect
Soo, I'm trying to figure this out:
Is Milo going after Jones punching up or punching down?
Gay, pseudo-white, male conservative non-American vs. decently wealthy black hetero woman -- Can't they just give us a point value for each of the various things that give you privilege so we can accurately assess this stuff?
i thought maher was actually breddy based tho
hates sjws 'safe space' bullshit and doesnt afraid of criticising islam
is he based?
>Be Bill Mahr
>get in a relationship with a negress famous for giving "superhead" when she was passed around by rappers
>break up several times
>act smug to everybody because you stumped a priest in post editing voice overs in your fedora movie
>literally have no other insults to throw at Trump so you insult his kids because you are a #shilldawg
>best insult you can think of is "poppy head" tier
Poor Bill, anyone know own what the ratings are for his show? Can't be that good if he has to do this to remain relevant.
>Maher constantly bashed the fuck out of the Clintons during the 90s on Politically Incorrect
wow a slimy jew flip-flops based on what they think the public wants to hear? say it isn't so
He doesn't really flip-flop though. I disagree with much of what he believes and kinda hate him, but I'll admit that he's always been pretty damn consistent in representing a single set of values.
Because he'll just say he is a comedian and therefore not to be held accountable, its a joke idiot!
Maher is a Jew. He's not "redpilled". He's and underling in the establishment and tosses out crumbs to create the appearance of identifying with common ideas of reasonable people. Do not be fooled. He's a shill, and he's a Jew.
>Somehow not "privileged" though