it's over, it's over, it's over
Woah... Trump is finished! Shit!
I'm voting for Hillary now. You guys should do the same Sup Forums
it's not new. its been on TV for over a week
>a few soundbites from his debates represents his entire campaign
Because Hillary is a great role model for children.
>Lies cheats and steals
>Stays with an adulterer husband
>Drug taking 'hippy' during 60s
>Gets campaign donations by unknown companies
>>Drug taking 'hippy' during 60s
bruh she was a goldwater girl
oh look who could suspect another reductio ad childum by the leftist fanatics
My mother saw this and her first reaction was "Why are your kids watching political debates at that age?"
I have seen this piece of propaganda on TV, notice it is the whole
>my feelins, feel sorry for kids, make fun of Trump, literally doesn't even touch policy.
This goes to show the degradation of American politics, when you can bash your enemies in multi-million dollar TV ad's, without comparing or contrasting any policy whatso ever....
What id have to say to this is, what kind of a message do you send to kids when politicians are above the law, and when criminals can rum for president aka Shillary.
lol little kids dont watch political debates. What a stupid bitch. She is so disconnected from how people live their lives.
murders political enemies, friends with communist kikes and globalists, You overemphasized her lies, everything that comes out of her mouth is a contradiction at this point, she is a radical psychopath.
hillary's fighting a losing battle. she can only win if she steals the election. also, racist and sexist much!?
damn, she just locked up the 10-year-old vote
Can someone with video editing skills merge the new commercial with the kids with this video of Hillary Clinton lying for 13 minutes straight?
these cucks are cancer
The fuck is this shit, at the age of these kids I was watching Dragon Ball Z and running around playing with friends, I didn't get into politics till I was 20
Yeah, but encouraging to chop-off their dicks, worship BBC and support poopdick marriage is A-OK I guess.
El Rato already tried this line of attack and it failed, and at least he had the muh traditional family values high ground, liberals have literally 0 family values.
wtf I hate Trump now..
>62k subscribers
It must suck when the Fagmazing Fagtheist is several times bigger on the 2nd most popular website ever created than the potential POTUS.
I am a Vermissile now
if those kids are offended, they need to grow the fuck up.
This. Liberals fucking love using children as attack dogs, so they can't pretend for a second that they care for their well-being.
our children are watching
They are seeing America stands up for itself
This video is unlisted. Be considerate and think twice before sharing.
It's like they want to harm children.
>bringing kids to faggot parades etc
She already Alienated men she is done for in November . I know Plenty of Bernie Supporters and most male democrats staying home in November.
That ad actually made me want to vote for him more. it's like they took his most based moments and showed how unucked he is compared to other politicians
Not even gonna watch this brainwashing nonsense.
Liberals are pissing themselves. Ridicule is their only card left
Clinton is generally much less popular on social media than even her political counterparts. I can only assume most of her support comes from old people who literally have never been on youtube
Nobody ever looked up to the President as a child.
The best is when Baby Boomers tell you how much they looked up to JFK, the lying assholes.
>Ridicule is their only card left
And it's stopped working because they've become more ridiculous than any republican could hope to be
Do children vote OP?
The vid makes him look like a fucking badass 2bh
i cant even just
That looks nothing like a hippy you dumb faggot. Looks like standard 60s/70s apparel.
anyone else notice this video has more dislikes than likes
Calm down Bill you'll have a heart attack
Young Republicans for Reagan. One of the most popular 80s characters was one, Alex P Keaton
Liberals prefer kids at that age in skimpy outfits dancing on a pole.
Wanted jpg for the point, but the search terms I dd not want to press enter
Some time ago parents decided what when and what kids were watching on tv.
>Looks like standard 60s/70s apparel.
Which was the era of hippies you boot lip nigger
If you don't live in the U.S., you don't need to; you can guess what it contains. If you do live in the U.S., you've already seen it 20 times on TV. Hillary commercials play all day long on every channel, but not one Trump commercial yet. Trump hasn't started yet and the polls are pic related.
>Many such cases. Sad.
It's youtube though, so that's not a bragging point.
Nice to see Trump red pilling the youth, the Trump Youth if you will
wow nothing
>the video is private
Did Trump ever actually say fuck on live tv?
The absolute madman.
>liberals think children should be allowed to cut their dicks off
>liberals are the true role models for children.
I'd rather have my son be brash and outspoken (while still being fundamentally kind and concerned about others) than become a psychopathic liar who has no principles, is happy to sell his ideals to the highest bidder, and has no qualms about causing the deaths of many people.
>posting link to unlisted video
A-are you working for the Hillary campaign?
This is the best they can do? Hahaha America, what a joke. If Hillary wins you will sink lower than India.
>unlisted video
>1 post by this ID
Okay, report this video next:
does she have a platform other than trump has said mean things?
>announcing your report
Enjoy your ban
>implying kids watch presidential rallies
why? i like trump, autist
>my role model is hillary clinton, because im a filthy beaner who plans on robbing american taxpayers.
God she just has that liberal hollier than though punchable face, doesn't she?
>Did Trump ever actually say fuck on live tv?
I don't think he did, Shillary just edited it to make it sound like he did unless I'm wrong
she was actually pretty cute in her desu.
Comes down to this:
Does the US need a cucked mom or a bigot dad?
wow i'm a #sHillForKids now
children are just about the only group that can't understand the full implications of Hillary's multitude of scandals. try explaining to children why its bad to delete government emails.
They won't understand.
A pure appeal to emotion with no substance that infantilizes her supposed base that doesn't exist except in super rich white neighborhoods where everyone has bought into white guilt.
>Hillary is a role model
I was gonna say. Neither nominee will talk about their own good but instead what each other do wrong.
>literally using the "think of the children" argument
Holy fuck, Hillary paid money for this? This was made by "professionals"? What a waste of time.
Literally just play Trump clips, for 20 seconds, really, the stupidest, most juvenile shit, for 20 seconds, fade out on some audio bullshit. Fade in title
> President ?
End cut.
That's it. Send me the cheque for $10,000 million of your American pesos. Hell, for $5,000 extra I'll fucking splice the ad myself, and I'll still do a better job than your bullshit team.
No wonder Trump is winning.
>death star shirt
>weak stick boy wearing camo shorts and bandana on face to look tough
>cccp shirt
>john lennon wannabe with weird orange glasses
>big shirtless black man to indimidate anyone who disagrees
my fucking sides I love America
straight subliminal son
just submitted my report too
this shits gonna be fire
That rule is for Sup Forums only.
wtf this really makes me hate #thinkmissiles now
is hilary that desperate already? rofl
1 post by this id. Hill shill
Also why does it say
>This video is unlisted. Be considerate and think twice before sharing.
Literally kc-tier
canadian rangeban when
I've seen that ad on TV, its fucking hilarious. I never thought I'd see Trump's shitposting in a campaign ad.
You can do that for trump too
>commits fraud and rips off people who wanted to learn business from him
>is a billionaire that hasn't paid taxes in 40 years
>punched his music teacher when he was in school
>blames immigrants for all of America's problems
Looks pro Trump to me.
>posts this same image in every Hillary thread even though it's not true at all
>complains that Hillary is a liar
someone please do this omg
It's fucking hilarious, I'm seeing attack ads everywhere. Nothing will save her from the debates. I'm assuming they have unlimited funds and will keep this up the entire general.
Love that movie. So true to America and its class system.
yeah seriously I love her logic
>I love children!
>except when they're in the womb, then go ahead and kill them
>or if they've been raped, then I'll get their rapist off in court
>literally 'think of the children'
How much do you think she paid for this shit?
Someone already did that just hours after the original ad wasa released
based Pablo.
it's all over. Trump is an engineered strawman. None of this shit is organic. This shit is orchestrated af. Hillary will be next president and shit will start to get real. We will begin to see the Jew's final plan unfold. Get ready. Hold on to your butts.