Refugee invasion is nigh in the Great State of Texas

Jesus fucking Christ

>be me, driving home to Galveston on I-45
>see a fresh sign with smiling children on it, less than a week old
>pro-refugee website in massive letters on the bottom

Who can I write to to get this trash taken down? This is absurd. They continue to use children to push their agenda

We could crowd-fund a billboard next to it, with a montage of criminal refugees and their crimes in bold letters, with a link to an anti-refugee website. Then we could call up news agencies and get national coverage pretty easily.

I love James Woods. Is it true that he has over 180 IQ?

I'd be down. Thing is, it's sandwiched between a few other billboards. This is what tourists are seeing as they come into my beautiful city jesus FUCK

Texas is a boiling frog. It seemed like N. Mexico when I was there 15 years ago. Can't imagine what it's like now.
My IRL senpai will be leaving after retirement.


San Antonio reporting, your city is full of jellyfish filled shitwater, trashy streets, and shitty roads.

and the nignogs all over the place...

but it's my city and I don't want to see this sort of thing here. I would expect as much from Houston but not here...who the fuck is funding this

agreed. blame the out of staters

>who is funding this

Who do you think?

Though, at least you don't live in a neighborhood with a fucking large Imam complex with heavy security. Who the fuck knows how many Clock-Boys they are training in there.


they start to pull shit like this in smaller towns with less media coverage.can't wait until I get out, getting my ass as far way from this shit as possible

Seriously go sabotage it at night with some spray paint. You'll be fine, SJW's/niggers do that with Trump stuff all the time. Also take pics, we'll Knight you.

>mfw I live in an already non-white majority county so only

>Who can I write to to get this trash taken down?
Whenever I see a question like this, I have to ask, what ARe you doing about it SON?

Not trying to get arrested.

writing a fucking letter and telling like-minded friends, I'm sure as fuck not the only person who thinks like this here

As though it makes a difference at this point. The Houston area is literally under 30% white. The median "Texan" from that area looks like pic related these days. It's a containment zone at best - abandon it.

this isn't about whiteness or lack thereof. this is a gross affront to american culture, telling us to "embrace" """""refugees""""""""""""""""""""""""""""

You're a fucking cuck coward.

Why would it get taken down? Obviously they paid for that advertising space.

Why don't you just offer to pay more for the space?

Or do you not believe in the free market?


Dallas & Houston are the two biggest nigger towns in texas, if i had to live in texas i would move way out west in to some small redneck town off the beaten path where nobody wants to go,

>tfw lubbock
pretty sure we aint gettin no refugees