Why is modern rap so fucking good?
I'm pretty much as Sup Forums as you can get, yet I still listen to degenerate rap. Can you honestly say that this song doesn't sound good?
Why is modern rap so fucking good?
I'm pretty much as Sup Forums as you can get, yet I still listen to degenerate rap. Can you honestly say that this song doesn't sound good?
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Fucking wigger faggot
You suck, if any rap is real it's old 90's shit like this.
>Modern rap
Kill yourself
>Can you honestly say that this song doesn't sound good?
Nuke Finland
Only good rap
>Why is modern rap so fucking good?
Because you aren't white.
>inb4 they mutate and regain the finnish social skills
The only good rap is white rap...
Riff Raff
I'm in the Fiend Club and everything, but arguing that the Misfits are "good," is hard.
[smacks lips in rhyme]
[robs stores all the time]
[dindu the crime]
Are you fucking kidding? What the fuck is he saying?
>modern rap
-fucking nigga bitch choking on my cock
-got three stacks coming got more in da truck
-talkin shit to me boy I can make you drop
-get me fo-hundred or ima make you pop
Macklemore is a leftist self-hating cuck who made three songs literally called "white privilege"
>modern rap is bad
I listen to DOOM and WuTang. Most of the rest of my shit is country.
I'm pretty much the opposite of a fedoralord
lates 90's when you thought rap was just a fad and would be gone in a few years.
shit is unkillable
Actually everyone, if you like hip hop listen to this fucking song, I guarantee you've never heard it. G funk youtu.be
Eh, I can listen to trap while I'm riding in my friends car or something, but I wouldnt listen to it while I was alone.
>Modern rap
basically only niggers still listen to rap. white people have moved on to EDM. niggers have to come up with something else if they want to stay relevant.
Doom you say?
this shit is terrible, I hope you're false flagging.
"While Future references drugs, fast cars, and clear-cut diamonds, there is a social message throughout the song. He mentions police shootings and features civil rights clips in the music video."
You fool. That's all they're good for, and dancing.
That's why Jews run the world, and you don't.
Still shit compared to Death Grips.
That's not rap, it's poetry set to a beat, faggot.
Great song, thanks man!
ayyy lmao
Nah. I just thought them talking about shooting up the hood with nines for respect was cool. Really clear insight into melanin culture.
Fpbp and checked
Then define rap faggot
This thread needs more Logic.
Here's his most mainstream song:
Lyrics are kind of shallow, but still egotistical (sorry but that's hip hop).
His other songs are way more deep.
Fuck off, nigger.
>Proceeds to take pre-rendered music and "rap" about women sucking dick, money, and drugs, while killing whitey.
No rapper will ever do better than Bach, Beethoven, or even Biber.
good shit man have oyu heard this track?
You trollin?
rap is nigger ooking set to a drum beat.
>I'm pretty much as Sup Forums as you can get,
No you aren't.
>Can you honestly say that this song doesn't sound good?
Yes, watch me: It honestly doesn't sound good.
Thats the worst thing i have heard in a long time OP. Its fucking garbage and you should kill yourself you subhuman faggot.
ITT: nigger loving cucks
Yes. I don't enjoy it at all. And can't understand anything he's saying.
So then by definition you're racist.
You can't argue that the Beatles or Ozzy Osbourne or Slayer is any LESS degenerate.
They fucking inspired the Satanic pandemic during the 80's for gods sakes.
Ask yourself why Rap is listened to so much now
When Rock was listened to just as much in the 80s.
Well, anything morrakiu makes is good so it doesent change anything. The morrakiu'ness of it overrides the shit style.
Choose and perish.
Literal niggers
Rappers are actually kind of refreshing because they're so deeply anti-liberal. All they talk about is using women and guns and violence and god and stuff. Of course the Left sublimates this because le black man but it is hilarious seeing feminist white girls rapping lyrics about being used like objects. and along with rock music and sports it is like the last place where youre allowed to be unambigiously masculine
this is shit
east coast golden era rap is the best
l2music faggot
Man, how can anyone stand to listen to this, let alone like it? There is plenty of music that I don't like, but I can still respect it to some degree and understand how other people can like it. This is just utter trash.
I have actually, I think it's pretty weak. Pig Destroyer is a really derivative edgefag band.
How it sounds like when you're over 26 years old: youtube.com
>that """"raping"""""
vaporwave is the only true music left
>Why is modern rap so fucking good?
Easily the second worst genre of music in history, behind only country. Kill yourself, my man.
Fuck off commie
>So then by definition you're racist.
I love nigger, I believe that they should be euthanized humanely.
dude what
this nigger sounds like he's speaking in cursive
Bix Nood: The song. the fuck is even saying?
If you want decent rap start here.
rap is not music unless its hip hop
I mean I can hear the quality in the production and that the artist cares about his work.
But its still jungle noise.
Lol remember when niggas had heaps of talent, invented rock, jazz and shit? Wtf is this shit?
I don't fully respect anyone who likes rap. It's treasonous faggot music.
some non-degenerate rap that wasn't created with auto-tune, that shit is disgusting and uninspired
This is why you have no friends
I agree with OP.
The reason modern rap is so good is because producers have gotten a LOT better over the past couple years. Couple that with all these new flows rappers have been coming up with on SoundCloud and you got some stellar nigger beats.
>vaporwave is the only true music left
oh dear
every fucking trap song should start it with saying
first of all I'm not a rapper
God I fucking hate trap music. Sure there are some good ones. But the fucking rest IS THE SAME FUCKING SHIT OVER AND OVER SPOKEN IN SOME GIBBERISH
Its like listening people on heroin trying to rap
This piece right here put all my feelings into a song
Tech n9ne is pretty much the only kin of rap I can stand. Harmonizing is for faggots.
I hope you're being ironic otherwise fuck off
It's not serious music, it's just meant for chilling or partying or whatever. It isn't supposed to be deep or very artistic. Besides the entirety of popular music jazz included is nothing compared to what Western art music used to be.
If you're not listening to True Patrician Music you're degenerate scum. Kill yourself soon
There's lots of whites and Jews behind the scenes making this stuff and polishing it. There's money in it. If I was young again I would definitely drop classical piano to produce rap/pop music.
>not posting noongah
Del has the best rap voice imo
I love rap to senpai, I feel hypocritical at times, but I can't stop
>open OP link
sounds like fucking shit
kill yourself
Its all the same shit
But of course degenerate Sup Forums loves it
checked, op is a piece of trash
TDE ww@
i enjoy this song alot and i enjoy nigger music
rap can actually be quite redpilled as niggers have a pass to hate gays, women, and the more redpilled rappers hate kikes
i think their use in society is music and athletics
I was listening to Express Yourself before clicking your link. How far we've come...
Ill 1 up you on that degeneracy
rap fucking sucks dick and the jews exploit the blacks and brainwash everyone else into liking their shit music
Riff Raff is s complete faggot
>have a pass
Literally cannot understand a word of this shit.
tips stahlhelm
> degenerate
I hope gookmoot filters this too with some faggoty anime shit
But then, pol's vocabulary would be cut by 50%
stop associating with this shit """"""music""""""
The Four Tops
Earth Wind and Fire
Al Green
Now those are real black musicians
Listen to white rappers like Diabolic
I get ptsd when i listen to this. Too many memories
You're trolling, right? This is the most bullshit song I've ever heard.
As much as I hate Kanye, this song is dope.