No ID Required to Vote in the US

Well it's fucking over, Trump can't win now. You could be 8 years old, European, or dead, and still vote. If you were Citigroup, you could hire 3,000,000 people to drive across the country to vote Democrat. There's no way to win an election now without mass media control and paid voters.

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But its always been like this.

Yeahhh, good luck. There will be backlash from this

Wait... Registering to vote is discriminatory how?
Isn't the whole point of it to prevent election fraud?
Or has your country reached a new retard level?

Good. I will be visiting the states and voting Trump.

>Country reached a new retard level?
Make the madness stop!

>Or has your country reached a new retard level?
It has always been like that: no need to show proof of identity to vote. But then Texas made a law requiring ID. Now the courts shut it down.

If this is real European Trump supporters could go to America and vote.

YEP, anyone can vote now.

Shattered the illusion though.

So they can just disregard unregistered votes?

Because people who are too lazy and stupid to fill out a piece of paperwork have valuable contributions to make to the political process.

No, according to the federal government, you just have to "Exist" the exact moment you write on the paper in the polling booth, you could drive in from Brazil or arrive from Pluto, you can still vote if you have functional hands.

Opposite, EVERY VOTE COUNTS. Yes, even the 20 votes of the hobo going from one polling station to another gets counted 20 times. Did you think the 144% vote results in the last election were a coincidence?

Okay, there's a difference between having an ID, and registering to vote. You still only get one vote, yes?

>Registering to vote is discriminatory how?
Because a judge said so. Therefore, it is inarguably discriminatory. Because he said so. So there. Follow that logic, shitlord?

this is determined at a state level. texas is 1 state

I love reading stuff like your post because it reminds me how easy it is for retards to get on the internet. I kind of wish we would go back to the days of a high barrier to entry but then I would not get bucket of crazy you just dumped in front of my door.

so what are the chances this stands and texas turns blue this november? literally 0 right?

What if you register in 50 states? Now they can't prove anything. You could easily register to vote from Scotland and say "My visa is in my other other car, don't worry about it ;)"

You still have to register to vote. And you can only vote in your gerrymandered district. You can't just go to Idaho and vote there if your residence isn't there.


FEDERAL court decided, it's a country precedent now.

>no voter ID
>hillary clinton pushing for open borders for illegal immigrants who will obviously go democratic

it all makes sense now...

should i just kill myself now Sup Forums?

What if you say you exist in an apartment in Idaho? They can't prove you "Don't" live there.

wait what?

Yes but this means anybody can vote. You could come to America and vote. A rich person could give 3,000 illegal aliens and trip to america and pay them to vote for them.

How the hell isn't required an ID to fucking vote? Was it always like this? It seems crazy to me. Call eurocucks what you want but we ain't none of that shit. You could say that we tend to give easy ID tho, but nevertheless.

America is under subversion. The Roman Empire today will collapse because of cloak and dagger shit.

If I were I'd plan ahead for a Clinton outcome.

Welcome to Neo-US, we've surpassed Sweden.

The last person I would explain voting to is you Ivan. Every time they seem to count votes in your country 110% of the population showed up to vote for a midget.


Not sure about Texas but In Arkansas you have to at least match the Signature that is on file with your name. Not as good as a picture ID but a start. Also a 5-foot. dark brown, mustachioed David Winter III is going to raise a few eyebrows of suspicion. Especially if the real blonde haired, blue-eyed, 6 foot tall David shows up to vote.

You can start by stop calling us eurocucks user.
This is a Jewish meme meant to cause tension.
You impressionable idiot.

You still need to register to vote either with a license bill or insurance form

We've finally reached retard level thanks to you FUCKING KIKES

What world do these judges live in? You literally cannot live in this country without some form of government issued ID. You can't drive a car, get a job, collect any form of welfare, open a bank account, sign a lease, buy alcohol or cigarettes, cash checks, or do a million other things you need to survive. The only people that can conceivably not have an ID are the long term homeless and the elderly that are in assisted living and have given up their power of attorney.

Yeah and what if you use someone else's in other states? Or what if you do it yourself? Now you can vote wherever and whenever and you can several more people to do it with you.

>Have friend vote as you
>Show up after him to vote
>Station worker tells you you already voted

There was no point to one in the first place, I registered here in California and they required me to type in my ID number and put it in the database. If you already registered then you had to have an ID. I always thought it was useless because of that plus, states like Texas actually make you go to the DMV to register to vote here in California you do it online. Don't sweat you're blowing this out of proportion.

>Or has your country reached a new retard level?
fucking kek everything negative that happens in America is thanks to you fucking kikes

Nobody is going to "check" to see if anyone exists when the polls are counted. This just made it completely possible to "buy" any future election.

>Wait... Registering to vote is discriminatory how?

If something could damage democrat vote counts, it is discriminatory, how? dunno we'll figure that out later with some newspeak

So anybody can go to the US and vote for Trump?

And you think all the votes will be checked by the time the polls are counted? We're talking about several million illegal votes that nobody will care to "check".

Do you still need to be registered?

Seems like we reach a new low of rewarded pretty frequently nowadays. Probably just a coincidence right Shlomo?

Not counting someone's vote is somehow strictly more of a violation of voting rights than cancelling it out with a fraudulent vote? Obviously there has to be a balance.

Yep, you might as well drive across the border and vote now.

This could be interesting, go to the polls, say you are Chaim Rosenstein or Tyrone Jamalicious, if you get it right you can cast their cotes

You guys are fucking bamboons if you don't think Trump'll use this to his advantage.

Just watch - You'll see. Trump won't let this slide by.

You can just not register at all now, just show up to the polling booth and remember to speak a little bit of english to convince the polling booth representatives.

>Illegals will vote for Hillary

>collect any form of welfare
well actually

How many illegal mexicans do you think exist? We don't know and nobody can know for sure, so 30+ million votes can be spread across the US now.

There isn't now and only paid voters can possibly win now.

I want to believe that, but all that I've gleaned from here indicates the globalists have never had more power and control than they do today, and that the election will be bought.

All they need to do is set the stage to make the win seem plausible. And the shills/media is doing a good job of it so far.

doesn't cuckifornia hand out driver's licenses to illegal occupiers?

>don't call me names senpai, no bullyinngg plzz. Div&Conq Div&Conq

Get a fucking grip you nonexistant country. I'll stop when I can see your balls drop.

Have we gotten to the point where someone just throws stacks of money at the unwashed masses?

Even the UK had a more "fair" election than we do, it's already over, people don't realize it yet.

this is the problem

dems' gibs make hobos and nog mamas to go around voting an infinite number of time

Voter ID laws are stupid. You have to pay and put in effort to vote. That deters people from both sides. It sounds cool but it's the opposite of freedom. Texas will stay red, OP.

>Isn't the whole point of it to prevent election fraud?

This is what I thought. How do you stop people voting multiple times?

Good luck Mexico, Trump has India on his side

Yep, the US is now owned by foreign interests.

If you don't go vote 50 times for trump across your county you're missing the point

You can't, which is why states like Illinois can never be "red".

Underrated post

No. Get ready to kill her.

I guess we'll all have to commit voter fraud to win the election now. Can't imprison the whole country, right?

That's a really good point. We need to convince other Canadians to do this, fuck, I would

In Arizona we tried making a law to make you prove citizenship to vote. It was painted everywhere as racist and unconstitutional, and the main politicians rallying that crap were of course the children of illegals now in local government.

Trump was gonna POO IN THE JOBS, so it's not like it matters.

>“He indicated … that the 21st should be an Indo-American century.

then i'll travel south and vote trump

This. They check your ID here in California. Sup Forums sure is retarded sometimes.

Just booked my flight to Houston for November. I'll be there stuffing boxes for Trump

Come by.
I'll throw some burgers on.

a scammer supporting another scammer

top kek

Holy shit, this is fucking retarded beyond belief. No wonder shillary is so sure of her victory.

It is now illegal to check your ID to vote, even in California. Local law doesn't mean shit now.

It shouldn't have been struck down in Texas, where obtaining identification is easy and relatively cheap. On the other hand, it certainly shouldn't have been made a law federally, as there are still places where poor people have pretty much no ability to get registration. For instance, there are places where the DMV is only open a couple of weeks out of the year. Couple that with the cost of getting an ID and you've made a powerful barrier to poor voters who are just as much a citizen as you or I.

I agree that there should be identification laws, however before we enforce them we need to make it cheap and easy to get that identification.

>Local law doesn't mean shit now.
That is fucked. What is the point of being a United States if the states aren't sovereign? Even our corrupt government never messes up with state laws.



In my Country you need a Passport of some kind of other Official Paper where you can be clearly identified, AND you need your Votecard...


There is stiil electoral fraud.

please do. If they want to play games we can play games.

Well I guess the US was inspired by the Mexican government. Just let the "elite" take care of everything!

>It was painted everywhere as racist and unconstitutional
How? I am consistently baffled by what the liberals push that the public digests. How do they expect to prevent voting fraud?

>No ID ruling 4.5 months out from election
>Spics and ISIS in position for election day
>Hillary wins every southern state including Texas
4D VR Paintball

You're doing gods work son. If I had the cash laying around I'd do the same.

It has literally always been like this.

What's so different?

Voting fraud is now legal!

I feel you, burger.
Stock up on food and water. It's gonna be a long 8 year ride with Hildog.

At least you've got functioning courts.

You can now go to any polling booth without fear of being asked for any sort of ID. Voting Fraud 100% Guaranteed now.

that's not how the federal appeals court works
for november it'll be kept in place because even if it could make it up to the supreme court in time, they have a very clear precedent of not changing the expectations of the state.

Nothings getting overturned. That's not what the ruling said. The ruling said that it had the EFFECT of racism. Which means the law would most likely need to be amended to make it easier for legal citizens to obtain ID.

What prevents anyone from voting many times in different districts?

This means I can vote for Trump now.

And I will, I live just across the border. Will do a road trip with friends on voting day to help you guys out. Wonder what they'd say at the border if I said "Driving down to vote for Trump." when they ask what the nature of my visit is.

And I'll repeat the question

>what's so different?

>You have to pay and put in effort to vote.

Have an impartial commission at polling booths to check your drivers license/recognised US ID, check your name off in a book, then vote.

That's what we do in Aus. It's not exactly rocket science, but it's better letting faggots vote more than once.

Do it my man. Make sure to take pictures to show the rest of the world what a joke this whole process has become. They may control most of the media, but not ours.

if there is no ID needed then i will vote multiple times for Trump