Was allowing women to vote a mistake?

Was allowing women to vote a mistake?

Top 5 mistakes this country has ever made

Do you even need to fucking ask

what are the other four?

more like the West

I am no shit serious that my wife thinks it was a mistake. I love that woman.
Try to get even close to my level, betas.


ITT: fat virgin faggots from feminist memes

fuck feminism, but you guys are retarded too

I wish I cound eat that ass

Sargon pls.

Allowing most men to vote was a mistake.

Hello oppressed womyn.

not sending the niggers back after they were freed
giving woman the right the vote
not gassing all the kikes

this was the biggest three mistakes our ancestors made

the first thing they did was banned alcohol and imposed the federal income tax so yeah

Only the ones raised to be feminists and raised without dads.

>Women post on Sup Forums
Yeah no. Most people are idiots. Democracy in general is a terrible idea.

I'd also add FDR's entire presidency and destroying black communities turning them into feral animals by creating the welfare state

Short answer: Yes

Long answer: Yeees

It was a communist plan, don't believe me?

US has been trying to be subverted for a hundred years.

back in the kitchen, honey

Democracy was a mistake.

Absolutely women are low information voters who vote muh feels.

democracy was a mistake

Sexual reproduction was a mistake. Allah, please.

Are jews flammable?

This guy gets it

Y E S AND A HUNDRED TIMES YES, I thought that was a known fact around here.
Why is there a couple of these threads at the same time?

eww, das edgy jude