Can you refute?
Other urls found in this thread:
The US was targeting ISIS and by some mistake/bad intel hit civilians unintentionally.
Terrorists don't give a fuck who they kill, they'll gladly target innocents intentionally.
there is no such thing as an innocent civilian when we are at war with their religion
85 down 1,599,999,915 more to go
intentionally running a truck through 80 people
trying to kill mudslimes that disguise themselves as civilians and you mess up
When the Middle East is no more I'll consider feeling sorry for civilian casualties, until then slaughter them before they can get to Europe
It's almost like ''terrorism'' requires a certain motivation behind the action. Or is all war terrorism now?
Sup Forums btfo as usual
Yes. Is that person even thinking? We bombed them with the intention of killing ISIS members, they drive a truck through us or hold us hostage in a movie theatre with the intention of murdering civilians. It is a mistake, how can that not be clear?
Is there something genetic in whites that they feel guilt for everything that happens?
This. It's the motivation behind it, how are people actually this retarded?
Neocon in action.
Nothing to see here, keep moving along.
first post best post
ISIS doesn't claim it's a mistake
But that's exactly what it is fàm.
Learn the difference between accidental and voluntary.
we can move on now
This is kinda why we want the current global elite out of power. They're fucking the stability of the whole world up
That because Isis hides among civilians and uses them as human shields like the mudslime faggots they are.
ISIS lets their toddlers execute their enemies.
Oh and those civilians are used as hostages, meat shields. Their blood is on their militant neighbours' hands.
hey user
how about someone comes over to your fucking house and blows it to shit
because, you know, you deserve it for war happening in a war zone and you owe them one
Syrias at war. France isn't
I agree, Obama is a terrorist.
>when a cop kills a criminal it's "self-defense", but when a criminal does it it's a "murder"
One man acting alone vs a government
One government acting with the support of it's people vs people
Yeah fuck Obama in his faggot nigger ass
>Rips off Polish workers
About time
white apologist with a faggy user name BTFO how can he ever recover its ogre
statistically speaking I say horse shit.
preposterous. the US doesn't bomb it's civilians
that's the kind of thing islam does
Talk to the Supreme islamic leader Obongo Osama Barak, that ordered those strikes.
Syrian airforce bombs kill civilians all the time.
Happens when the fucking terrorists hide between civvies.
I'll just leave this here...
>Help us, Americans, we need assistance wiping out ISIS in our area!
>Whoops, that wasn't ISIS, our mistake, but we appreciate your help
Dune coons can go suck it, and liberals who believe their nonsense can do the same.
Piss on the floor around the toilet - mistake
Piss on the dinner table where people are enjoying a meal - terrorism
The US didn't intentionally kill muslim "people"
"MISTAKE" is the operative word.
What is intent?
God its like you people never developed critical thinking and judgement skills beyond that of a toddler
>3 wives
good man, and they're all hotter than any women you've ever talked to.
>4 bankruptcies
none of which filed by him but rather smaller companies not actually run by him
>5 time draft dodger
[citation needed]
>creates a fake university
you mean brilliantly shows how young Americans are too fucking retarded to know what the letters "LLC" stands for... lesson 1 of Trump University, LLC, should have been defining "Limited Liability Company"
>outsources jobs to Mexico and China
as does about every American corporation.. Where's your protesting for Starbucks?
>hires 200 undocumented polish workers and rips them off
desu I blame unions and shit making construction costs fucking retarded. This is what you get with unionized economy.
>wants to use courts to silence media
you mean end libel to ensure that the media is actually honest for once in their entire fucking lives.
>is the republican frontrunner
you mean the American Emperor.
Kids aren't people and are easily replaceable. Fuck, and 9 months later you have a new one.
>when a muslim trucks or axes a bunch of innocent europeans, its an "isolated event"
>but when we bomb these sand niggers its "social injustice"
posting in a bait thread
praise kek
>when we are at war with their religion
>1 post by this ID
Your IQ is showing XD
Intent. What an idiot.
And some here think they are good christians. Shame
>you responded to my bait!
>kek you're such a retard!
If I wasn't retarded, why would I be on Sup Forums? Fucking retard.
There's a difference in intent, as far as we know, but it is still fucking terrible.
We need safe zones.
Can't believe I'm taking the bait
>Syria: Warzone (sometimes in wars civies die)
>Europe: Safe not a warzone (well not anymore because Syrians brought it with them)
When a Jew does it its SELFDEFENSE and the victims are the TERRORISTS BACKED BY IRAN just because until proven innocent
Of course its a mistake, it should have been 850 deaths
There is no such thing as innocence, only degrees of guilt.
>implying the U.S. is a single unstable religious zealot
1) Straw man
The muslim still is a terrorist
2) Russia is on the correct side of the war in Syria.
The difference is intent. How can a Dr. be so dim?
The man who elbowed me in the face last week didn't attack me. He just turned around while holding groceries, and my face happened to be in the way. He hurt me, but it wasn't an attack.
also got a date out of it :^)
probably my favorite line in any movie.
what bombing was this?