Can a modern tv shows still make a fat joke or is that too edgy now?

Can a modern tv shows still make a fat joke or is that too edgy now?

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>muh fat privilege
yes they can but only to men as if you make fun of a woman for being fat or weak or ugly YOU ARE A SEXIST PIG NEONAZI

>it's an alt right circlejerks about something that didn't even happen episode

The Big Bang Theory used to make fat jokes every episode before the actress who played Howard's mother died.

No, there are literally no fat jokes on television now.

Fat people make up more than half the population now, so you can't make fat jokes without alienating half your audience.

>tfw this can't be on tv now

I miss this show so much

You'd be allowed to do that same joke, but only if the fat person was a man.

its on Netflix

Fat people need alienated. Well, they need shot, but you need to start somewhere.

I purchased the box set.

the only group that is over 50% fat is the blacks at 53% fat fuck

>More than 2 in 3 adults are considered to be overweight or obese.

I don't want to live in a world where it's taboo to trash fat people

-signed fat fuck

Also you're all pathetic losers who need something to hate because you're too weak to realize it's yourself you hate.

t. fat fuck


no, I blame the millenials

that's adults

>where it's taboo to trash fat people
they say you are what you eat

She's not even that fat.

No it ain't you fucking cock sucker

Overweight is not fat

where do you live?

>too edgy now

Mike and Molly isn't a show about a fat couple?

Not him but I checked for it maybe a month or two ago on U.S Netflix and didn't see it.
