Red Panels Comics

I just found these today and I can't stop laughing. Some of them are libertarian meme tier, though they manage to not be annoying like lots of strawmen comics are, but most of the comics are pure gold.

Like this one.

Other urls found in this thread:

He needs to make more of these.


>you will never shake hands with Matthew Heimbach

stop shilling your fucking comics, you schmorky wannabe cunt

>its a leaf
I just found them today though.

That fat jew agent provocateur?

Yeah, i'd love to get ringworm by shaking HIS hand

Keep posting friend, don't listen to the afl.

What are you talking about? Heimbach is what happens when someone from Sup Forums gets off their computer and starts marching.

Is leaf shitposting just compulsory or is there another reason?


ayyy lmao

>it's 100% recycled Sup Forums memes in schmorky's style

I will pay you one hundred dollars to fuck off.

You forgot the part where you liaise with your local FBI office/fusion center so you can collab with greek/ukranian CIA shills, (((OP))).

I'm honestly not surprised you're aware of a furry porn artist's name and style to the point where you can immediately make a comparison to someone else's art.
I'll never understand why fags think anyone unafraid to admit they're a white nationalist in public MUST BE A PLANT.

Just because you have no balls doesn't mean everyone else doesn't.

Is Jared Taylor a plant too? What about David Duke? Or James Edwards?

>not realising jews are also lizardman
That poor greyskin is getting jewed


I heavily enjoy these.

I actively accept both of these premises, come at me.


[spoiler]so do I[/spoiler]

>bern victims

i keep sniffing out of my nose quite frequently when reading these comics. keep posting m8.


>fucketh no

Get ready for some ORIGINAL THINKING


>shilling your own comic




i miss jebposting so much. i wish he was still in the race so we could continue shitposting jeb.


I miss him every day.


Holy shit this motherfucker just wont stop shoving us his shitty ass comics.

I've been seeing this faggot posting these pieces of turds everywhere acting like its the best shit ever and pretending we never heard of them.

fuck off dumfuck. get a fucking job for fuck's sake.


t. Muhammad

Coming from the christ chan artist thats pretty hyprocrytical

you dont get to decide what is good. Sup Forums decides for itself what is great.
Ben garrison's stuff is funny and we post them all the time. These pieces of shits are forced and literally nobody likes them.

consider buying an ad space on this website and go kill yourself right after

>Fucketh No

Could you please delete this. My RAM can't process all this smug

just because nobody liked your shitty christ chan comic doesn't mean you need to be a dick about comics that are actually worthwhile.

Shmorky is a shit tier tranny degenerate, furfag, diaperfag and pedo, don't ever talk to me and your wife's son ever again.

I'm not even the guy.

this is the extent of my artist ability. : ^ )

>find comics today
>decide to post them on Sup Forums
Lets be honest, it doesn't really matter what comics I posted because as long as there was one person here who didn't like them I'd be accused of being the author shilling them.

Eat a dick, malaynigger.

>not liking both

Dude you got a sub from me

Acceptance of both aren't mutually exclusive.

>you mean the guy that makes these?
>at least his stuff is funny and it came from this site

calm down Ain, your insecurity is showing

I was kind of hoping for an on air suicide.

this guy is an unfunny alt right autist with le reddit tier humour

>The christ chan comics is what Sup Forums is all about.

so says you. just because you repeat memes doesn't mean you have captured any part of what Sup Forums is all about. anyway ive never seen any wit in them, just half finished drawings and recycled memes



This is one of my problems with conservatives. It's like fuck dude. Just leave them alone

*You can't understand their culture*


Nice half thumbnail

Also George Washington Carver did not invent peanut butter

Good one

Religitards need to understand this.

there's not even a joke here

>Guy literally offs himself on camera
>Closest thing to panic is one guy yelling "Aw shit"
>"Show a little decorum please"
I forget sometimes that our country was not always made up entirely of pussies.

this one's my favorite. Abortion will always be necessary





nice meme

really showed me


He has some pretty decent ones

Oh wow, you're back

Stop spamming your fucking shitty comic EVERYWHERE you go

You're literally the only malaysian who posts this shit

pretty funny actually

Oy vey

Adolf, I...

>mfw watching the convention and everytime they say "pro-life" i just think of all the poor nigger babies that will grow up to be poor nigger criminals

Match me.

Cuckservatives are suicidal.

For Texans

this one made me cringe

Never interrupt your enemy while he's making a mistake.

Don't worry man, we voted for policies that will help you find housing and a job giving you $15 an hour! Welcome to the middle class, friend!

Texan here
>implying there's a difference

Been to Austin lately? All the Calis moving in are making it too expensive for minorities, which is funny, but then they vote for liberal changes statewide, like California.


Whether they're plants or not, all three of those people are acting like controlled opposition. Are you suggesting that they're useful idiots instead?

>what are principles and wanting whats genuinely best for the country

Lots of people found the patrie archie comics. They didnt save all of them and spam post the comics here.
They're even much better than these pieces of shit

Fuck off dumb nigger. Nobody likes your shitstain of a (((comic series))).

is this a troll?

15/ hour isn't enough, we need 30/ hour!

>at the funeral
>please cry


californian here

we are so superior that we move to your state in order to help you be better! it has nothing to do with our economic policies wrecking us

This is fucking gold

>one you can waterboard legally the other you cant


>more niggers is what is best for ANY country

These are fucking based

I thought that these were Garrison edits at first, but they're legit

Also I like that he attacks cucked up libertarianism, and I say that as a libertarian

is this a troll?

8/hr is too much, we need to lower it to 2/hr!

That would sure fix it all!

Some of his comics are alright but the ancap ones are retarded as fuck.

The joke here is that those with low income pay more taxes than the rich.

Supporters: *claps with fried oreos in mouth*

on earth?