is it true that most television/film viewers are gullible?
Is it true that most television/film viewers are gullible?
why would she need that bra if she's okay with being nude?
fucking dropped
>that cut with no face during the ass shot
>b-but she said on twitter it was really her
btw she has a glass eye
that lying teasing cunt
looking forward to this season. mcgregor and thewlis are killing it
recap me on the last season?
bodydouble is naked
mew isn't
would you like a complete rundown?
go ahead
Mcgregor's accent is horrible. I hope it improves.
no she doesn't
because she's ok with showing her ass, not her tits?
>taking a word of a literally who website with no source over the word of the actress
>face and nakedness not at the same frame
Bodydouble confirmed.
Why would she be topless if the scene is only showing her butt?
This isn't a hard rule, there's plenty of instances otherwise.
>btw she has a glass eye
Prove it
Mr. Skin is a reliable source.
Spotting that occasional boy double, is literally their job.
lol so it's literally guesswork? speculation? then they can easily be wrong
literally who the fuck cares about naked celebrities?
mr skin, who normally contact the studios to get correct information, so they're 99% accurate
Season 1 was decent
How'd they convince MEW to go nude?
>check Sup Forums
>top thread is a bunch of autists arguing whether some hollywood roastie slut used a body double
>come back 8 hrs later
>same shit
>oh no she had a bra on
Why would that mean anything?
Who do I believe. The actress herself, or this unsourced image from some user on Sup Forums.
Hmm, hmm.
Tough choice.
we've already seen her naked
Its not really connected to last sealen
>Mr. Skin is a reliable source.
lol no
they are a porn site, not detectives.
Who cares Sup Forums will jack off to it either ways
MEW fags are literally virgins.
Because the tits on her double are way bigger than hers.
The internet geeks on some celebs forums are currently doing some of their usual nerdy body comparisons for this nude scene and comparable pics of MEW.
So far it's not looking good for MEW fans
>mr skin, who normally contact the studios
You gullible fucking idiot.
"Uh, can someone get FX on the phone. I want the super secret details about their actresses' nudity. Don't worry, they love me over there."
we don't see her tits anywhere?
end her FUCKING career over this
Faggots in denial that MEW went nude for some reason.
Looking at these IPs, it's pretty obvious both sides of this argument are the same people.
not really
>no face of ''''''hers'''''' appears during the naked frames
Gee, I wonder why.
Why are people determined to believe it's not her?
It's because it's shot from behind, how do you expect her to show her face? Turn it 180 degrees?
Because directors are concerned with getting the exact shot they want, not meticulously making sure an actress' face is in the shot so autists won't think it's someone else.
denial is the first course in Nude Scenes 101
What if it actually is her but they shot it that way deliberately so that people would second-guess and she could shrug it off as a body double while she is actually a huge slut and not a pure christian girl like she presents herself?
obviously bodydouble's thighs are way too thick for real mew
u wot
exactly, she is thin
She didn't shrug it off, she admitted it.
And once again, directors don't film scenes with the intent of worrying about what celebrity fappers will think.
She was extra thin in that particular movie because she was a dancer
>no one ever lied on twitter
Why go nude in front of the cameras,
when you could get a bodydouble and then take all the credit?
Plus, it benefits the show so the directors are more than fine with that.
At this point you're just tying yourself in knots trying to imagine any possible way this might not be her.
>Plus, it benefits the show
no it doesn't
it means you now have to hire a double and shoot with two people instead of one
directors don't like using body doubles
>no one ever lied on twitter
I value the word of an actress discussing her own work, than an anonymous porn site. Yes.
>Why go nude in front of the cameras,
when you could get a bodydouble and then take all the credit?
That's like asking, "Why act in front of the cameras when you could get another actress to do it?" Because it shows she's serious, and she wants to work. Obviously a nude scene shows future casting directors she's ready for more challenging/adult roles. Using a body double would only cement her place as a no-tier, Jessica Alba/Jennifer Love Hewitt actress.
>Plus, it benefits the show so the directors are more than fine with that.
No, that's retarded. This is FX, a network with a bare ass in every other episode. They wouldn't hire someone whose opposed to nudity, when there's hundreds of actresses who will flash ass for cash.
Case closed, doublecuck.
absolute state of mewfags who rushed to defend her.
return to reddit when?
you're clearly wrong and gullibile
Boy you just kind of gave up on your trolling there didn't you?
Good argument.
Doublecucks are the worst.
we know it isn't her
we want to believe but
it's ain't her
People who argue that it isn't her are either retarded or just stupid
Use your brains for once in your life
It's no fun if you don't try.
>It Ain't Her starts playing
what's this meant to prove?
im a mew fan and im pretty sure that's a bodydouble
her hips and thighs look different from behind than in other movies
prove it
post a pic of her back to unprove it
>i-its h-h-her. t-this p-pic of h-her back i-is proof
Pointy bony shoulders, only MEW has those, the spot on the back of her head, etc. use your brain
>im a mew fan
No you're not
No. You made the claim, you prove it.
It actually is
Bottomline: It isn't her
No, it's her.
/dubs of truth
Do I really have to circle everything in red here and prove that it's her, Jesus Christ
next to an actual pic of hers
MEWfags on suicide watch
God her shoulders are disgusting.
fucking gross desu
How can you call yourself an actor if you aren't willing to go nude.
What a fucking prude
>God her bodydouble's shoulders are disgusting.
Way way past her prime and she didn't even do it. Guess we will never see it.
I heard that at parties she takes it out and drops it in her drink as a gag.
I actually don't care about mew at all. I just think the use of body doubles is pathetic
sad but true
at least we have daddario's genuine nude scene
So much samefagging by OP
yet he/she is correct
>25 unique ips
Nothing to see here, it's all just OP samefagging
how dumb are you?
>taking the word of a female ever
>you will never give MEW an enema and watch her emptying her bowels on your chest afterwards