ITT: 11/10 casting decisions

ITT: 11/10 casting decisions



Anjelica Houston is actually not as hot as the original Morticia, but overall still pretty good.

Agreed, but she played the character better.

OP here, sorry wrong pic


They're solid physical matches but they completely misread the original performances. The Addam's were bright, cheery people and didn't spend a minute of their time being distraught goths. The darkest emotion they ever showed was mild concern.

The whole point of the Addams was that they weren't at all aware of how dark and dreary they appeared to everyone else.

>Play character better
>than the original actress

What's so hard to understand?

You think the first person to play a character is necessarily the best?

I love the first Gomez but Julia made the part his.

I dont think you realize the movies were reinventions using as many original elements or tropes as possible.

The modern Adams were much more self aware, recognizing and embracing their uniqueness. Which makes more sense and allows for a feature length story that wont have audiences questioning why they dont seem to notice how different they are. The modern Adams were cordial and positive, they were passionate but brutal.

I love the originals, but you're off base.

>They're solid physical matches but they completely misread the original performances. The Addam's were bright, cheery people and didn't spend a minute of their time being distraught goths. The darkest emotion they ever showed was mild concern.
>unless it's exactly the same as the original it's bad
