What the fuck was his problem?

What the fuck was his problem?

Other urls found in this thread:


He didn't have a problem. He was winning the war. It was the army that had a problem.

>Kurtz is suppose to be suffering from malaria
>weighs over 300 pounds

What wasn't his fucking problem.

He's like barnes in the sense that he's convinced he understands war, he IS reality and that you must do whatever is in your power to win.

>Be Francis Ford Coppolla
>Working your magnum opus
>Pay out the ass for Marlon Brando at the end of an incredibly difficult shoot
>this motherfucker turns up fat as shit and doesn't know any of his lines
>what do?

Film his swollen bulk from the shadows, all the while trying to stop yourself and the crew from slowly going absolutely insane from the stress.

Watch the documenary of the filming of Apocalypse Now. I'm seriously surprised there wasn't any onset murder/suicides.

I'm on a documentary-about-a-troubled-film-production binge right now
>Lost Soul
>Burden of Dreams
Hearts of Darkness is next
Can you recommend more?

>The Death of "Superman Lives": What Happened?
A documentary about the proposed 1998 Superman Lives feature film that would have starred Nicolas Cage and directed by Tim Burton
>Jodorowsky's Dune
The story of cult film director Alejandro Jodorowsky's ambitious but ultimately doomed film adaptation of the seminal science fiction novel.


>American Movie.
Utterly incredible look at low budget indie movie development. An autist's dream movie.

>Dangerous Days
How can you claim to be a Blade Runner fan without having seen this?

>Full Tilt Boogie.
It's about Quentin Tarantino and Robert Rodriguez. What more do you need to know?