white people in France
White people in France
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Can you give some insight about these pictures?
>defiling the spot with rubbish spit and urine
I'm guessing it's the spot where the terrorist in Nice was gunned down.
Spot where Islamic State soldier in Nice was gunned down
It's where the truck driver died in Nice after PD shot him.
It is the place where the terrorist (in Nice) was killed
That's the spot where the terrorist in Nice was shot dead.
Can atheist explain this by science?
This is where the Nice truck driver died
Please tell me that "Assassin" is just a pol meme.
White people in America.
Nice, I want to be able to piss right out in public without any one giving a fuck.
This is retarded, nobody is getting offended with that. throw a Quran in there.
Its the spot where the atheist Tunisian got shot
The nice truck driver was murdered here
Mexicans > Muslims
Go be catholic somewhere else, Pyotr.
So this is how French people thank their postman doing everything in their might to deliver their Amazon packages the next day.
It means murderer in French, you fucking morons.
Looks like the French are just looking for a new excuse to be lazy.
Then why didn't elect a Mexican president instead of a Muslim?
This is where the mean Frenchmen killed the nice terrorist.
What the fucking fuck?
thats the spot where that nigger terrorist died
> Big Papa in the sky meme
Guess who fell for it
this amuses me
and this my friends, is how France defeats terrorism
if Napoleon was alive he would conquer the entire middle east, burn all the mosques, behead all the muslims, rape all their women and make their children French
It's the specific area where the truck driving dunecoon terrorist in Nice died, and they are defiling it.
isn't that like some kind of Indian thing
like that's not a Muslim thing?
Ted Cruz is running in 2020
Give it time
Someoe from nice, go there and throw pig lard and dog poo on the spot. Also a quran covered in pig blod.
>american whites2.jpg
I have seen you post this image before british flag poster
Do you have american whites1.jpg, american whites3.jpg, ...
they're both different hordes of barbarians, how about neither.
>white "people"
I miss Napoleon
Pretty based desu.
Means "murderer" in french, written on the floor on pic 1&3, there's also "Lâche" (coward) on pic 2 (a matter your country has an admirable knowledge of), why would it be a fucking meme Sven ?
hahaha thank you MsPaint
could it be that they just follow their feelings?
in a rational neoliberal society rational human beings minimalise use of scarce resources and maximize their income
pls don't bully
wow. that must just be someone checking the wrong box as they fill stuff out.
autism and normalfaggotry
What did he mean by that ?
the nice mudslime trucker came there to "spill the beans"
Monument to a muslim, beautiful.
Napoleon was the beginning of the end for France. shouldn't have killed all the nobles m8
its just cement with junk on it.
> Anonymous (ID: GVuCt0T7) 07/20/16(Wed)17:26:46 No.81955614▶
>Nice, I want to be able to piss right out in public without any one giving a fuck.
> Anonymous (ID: PYRM6ud+) 07/20/16(Wed)17:26:51 No.81955629▶
> (OP)
>This is retarded, nobody is getting offended with that. throw a Quran in there.
> Anonymous (ID: Fo8Q1VL4) 07/20/16(Wed)17:27:17 No.81955685▶
>Its the spot where the atheist Tunisian got shot
> Anonymous (ID: JfP5qqXL) 07/20/16(Wed)17:27:27 No.81955701▶
>The nice truck driver was murdered here
> Anonymous (ID: zphdNf9r) 07/20/16(Wed)17:27:29 No.81955706▶
>Mexicans > Muslims
> Anonymous (ID: r/3cCXQi) 07/20/16(Wed)17:27:36 No.81955719▶
>Go be catholic somewhere else, Pyotr.
> Anonymous (ID: 8DaJDNEG) 07/20/16(Wed)17:27:37 No.81955724▶
> (OP)
>So this is how French people thank their postman doing everything in their might to deliver their Amazon packages the next day.
> Anonymous (ID: cNo+OMYD) 07/20/16(Wed)17:27:40 No.81955733▶
Next time I spit I'll pretend it's on that fucker's grave frogbro.
We're approaching levels of autism that shouldn't even be possible. This This is off the known spectrum.
finally satisfactory secular explanation!
It's to inflate white crime rates.
go to spit it doesn't leave your mouth properly
hits chest
failed suicide spittal
Good to see white Europeans learning to hate again.
One step at a time...
These are simple people that are willing to explode themselves for religion when they get angry. They probably would take a symbolic insult of their martyr seriously.
for all the memeing and irl shit talking of the french, it's pictures like this that bring me back to the revolutionary war.
keep on rocking the free world France
Die in a ditch pls
What the fuck lad. What the fuck.
The word assassin originates from the Arabic word Hashish. They were pot smoking Shia Jihadists called حشاشين Hashashins who ran around and killed people in the middle east. Stop adopting Arabic words, frogs.
It sounds like he's singing about allah in this French classic. youtube.com
>one guy pisses on this
>the other touches it with his hands
stupid french, maybe its good thye'll be gone soon. they are retarded as fuck
This. It's a nice first step.
The Jews are here
>Take Quran
>wet top of pile
>light corner of quran on fire
>Place the book down in the middle of pile to not let the rest burn
>Place bacon on book
>Let it cook
>Piss in it all to top it off and put fire out
>Or let it all burn, your choice
>Receive medal.
Wtf Texas?
this, Napoleon was the first thing the Rothschilds funded, he destroyed the one biggest threat to International banks: Monarchies
This starts happening after every attack then it's progress in our recovery. Once it turns to effigies then we're in slippery slope territory.
>mfw terror attacks are responded to by burning mudshit effigies/qurans.
Thats the spot where the Nice Trucker died
Its the first step
>monument to a murderer
ffs France
this is why you lose wars
le cringe
>White people
>in France
Nice one, OP!
>nice first step
Don't tell my you PREFER this?
>shit in the streets instead of banning Muslims
Rip France.
Fucking Joos. Then again it's France. Algeria could send one ship to the port at Marsaille, and the French would open every port and establish a French-managed road over the Straight of Gibraltar to bring in more Africans.
was that when the b-tard used his fireworks?
>trying this hard
stop it Obongo
Oh wow how awesome I'm sure terrorists everywhere are devastated
yep lol
I spoke to a Tunisian. They think they are fully French and belong in France. Algerians too. You're a fucking waste. Kill yourself. France will never be French again.
And now the thread will be a sweden yes thread but if images from every white country
You faggot ruin Sup Forums
>being this fucking mad
Enjoy your 40 millions of nigger and being 60% white :^))))))))
I didn't even read what it says.
Wtf man.
>that one guy who stands still
>A pile of rocks and trash
Terrorism BTFO
>get terrorist attacks, 8 times in one year with hundreds of people dead and tortured
>thank the Muslims for enriching your country and beg for more letting your teenage girls massage Muslim balls with their throats
Lol, bye bye France.
Reading this was actually terrifying. It was like that scene from the incredibles where he keeps reading "terminated"
He was probably the only one who could tell the difference between firecrackers and gunfire. Fucking frogs.
This. Seriously those niggers piss me off we wont win anything with this kind of dumbasses.
look i hate america for being a nigger-infested sjw hellscape full of alt-right bootlickers too but you need to fuck off with that giant unnecessary resolution
>fighting over a 100% french name whom origines are 1000+ years old
it's not even pronounced the same fucking KUK