>Michael Brown
Why couldn't they get his father to speak?
Also scheduled Tuesday are Mothers of the Movement members Gwen Carr, Mother of Eric Garner; Sybrina Fulton, Mother of Trayvon Martin; Maria Hamilton, Mother of Dontré Hamilton; Lucia McBath, Mother of Jordan Davis; Lezley McSpadden, Mother of Michael Brown; Cleopatra Pendleton-Cowley, Mother of Hadiya Pendleton; Geneva Reed-Veal, Mother of Sandra Bland.
Holy crap, they aren't even trying to mask the race baiting anymore. This is nuts.
FBI Director James Comey
On Board of HSBC
Identified as Communist into the early 80s
Went to University of Chicago and did studies under the same cultural marxists as Obama and Hilldog
Most important political influence: Reinhold Niebuhr
Obamas most important Influence: Reinhold Niebuhr
I'm probably voting dem this year and I loled
what are the odds it goes as bad as it did in the 60s do you think?
>Speakers are parents of members of US Military who died in action
>Speakers are mothers of dindu criminals.
>tfw people will still vote democrat
Hillary's cheek fat/sag looks like wrinkly old man nut suck. She got one on each side of her dome. Disgusting.
Whether Clinton wins or loses depends on whether blacks actually bother to vote. So they're going all in.
There is the info we got from hacked BLM twitter account that says BLM + Obama/Lynch want a violent outbreak at the DNC so that martial law can be declared ad Obama can stay in power.
>Only two of the children share a last name with their mother
What a filthy piece of shit race baiter.
I fucking hope she gets elected so the situation between the police and blacks get 600 times worse.
how does she go from making comments like "super predator" and "bring them to heel" to pandering to BLM.
I don't get it
Good this will be the end of Hillary clinton with most white people. Those who stay can fuck off.
It isn't the 90s anymore. New generation to pander to.
>US military
>Not overpaid CIA contractors
They really got you, didn't they?
nice to see bloods and cri- i mean clintons, finding common ground
Bye shill.
You should check out the speech she gave at the NAACP the other day. It's ~30 minutes, but you don't need to watch the entire thing, just scrub through. She repeatedly tells the audience that white people are the root of the problem and panders the shit out of them.
You guys just don't get it do you? Hillary truly understands the plight of black people and what they go through.
>Cleopatra Pendleton-Cowley
They had a few legitimate families to choose from and they chose the mother of the kid that robbed a store and assaulted the clerk on his way out.
Fucking democrats
Is Hillary a Trump plant?
Well it is the Dindu Nuffin Convention after all.
>this good boy will go down in the history books as a heroic martyr that spawned the 21st century civil rights movement
>we are all on the wrong side of history
Her role model, Merkel, looks like a ventriloquist's dummy.
she's going to ook and eek for a few minutes about her little harambe
I'll bet $500 that she starts trying to sell t shirts with that dindu's face on them right on stage.
This will backfire spectacularly.
>Cleopatra Pendleton-Cowley
Hillary or Brown's mother?
LOL, that expression "why is this negro touching me? "
hang yourself
is that Leslie Jones?
Kek wants this pretentious bitch outed for being the negligent parent she is.
It's not like this shit today is any different from the civil rights movement of 70 years ago
What sorta nigs do you think they were lynching back then?
Spam twitter with the ballistics report.
It's like she is trying to make people hate her more. What is she gonna do next,stomp a kitten to death in the middle of a speech?
A couple years ago my school invited Treyboon's mom to give a speech. I made sure to tear down as many flyers promoting the event as I possibly could.
You guys are really giving niggers more credit than they deserve.
Dude, seriously? Pretty sure martial law wouldnt stop the election unless literally the whole country was in ruins.
>Lezley McSpadden
Does she have an arrest record?
>Reinhold Niebuhr
>implying that gangbangers like Brown aren't the military wing of the Democratic Party
Hillary will take in all migrants from Africa that aren't white, even though whites in South Africa are basically waiting for literal ethnic cleansing
It's really happening, isn't it?
The Democrats are really going full-White shame for the convention.
This is going to be a clusterfuck of biblical proportions.
hands up don't sh...
I highly doubt any blue collar white guy in pennsylvania or ohio wants to see the mothers of a bunch of criminal nigs paraded around like they were the mothers of saints. This is not going to do well with whites. probably not even hispanics will like this
That's just it though, I think it's pretty clear that the Democrats are going for broke - they're banking the future of the party on appealing exclusively to women and minorities.
I'm glad that motherfucker got plugged. One less piece of shit on the streets.
but these are all nig moms aren't they?
Actually you are right, they don't need to bring up any spic mothers of people shot, they just need to bring out illegal immigrant families on stage to give a sob story.
The least racist group towards black people is white people.
Just like Republican men are on average less misogynist that Democratic men.
The Democratic party is basically a clumped together mess of identity politics and there are a lot of conflicts between the identities. I don't know how much longer it can last.
I assume she got off the armed robbery charge when they stole the tshirt vendors money?
>What sorta nigs do you think they were lynching back then?
Good boys who dindu nuffin, obviously.
>they're banking the future of the party on appealing exclusively to women and minorities.
That is how labour got destroyed in the UK. They put all their money on the paki and black vote while white working class people voted conservative or UKIP. If British politics mirrors US politics in even the tiniest way, the Democrats will get fucked.
Nobody expected the UK to leave the EU and we did, nobody expects Trump to win and its up to you Americans to make sure that happens.
A lot of Obama's wives there
Will they let the clerk he assaulted speak too? I'm sure he will have plenty of good things to say about pure, innocent Micheal Brown.
I used to believe the race war was a meme. But fuck it. Fuck niggers, those subhuman animals. I can't wait for the happening.
how the fuck do u persuade people to vote for u by supporting a criminal?
migh as well invite the cop killers families and the cd seller dindu skwad
inb4 she choose her as vp.
Fair enough. But repubs pulled the same shot on day one of their convention. Exploiting a family's anguish and loss to further your political agenda seems to par for the course. Fucking disgusting if you ask me.
I don't care; you play to win.
Didn't the official investigation show that 1) he was in fact a robber 2) he attacked the cop?
That he basically brought it on himself?
Shhhh, let's not bring facts into this.
The difference being one died in a terrorist attack and the other got killed for attacking a cop
But he's still hailed as some kind of martyr.
There's a 70/30 chance the reason a nigger got shot by a cop is his own fault, but the other niggers still gotta riot over it. How else they gonna get a new TV?
Niggers so are ugly.......
Perfect. Repelling more white votes and doing nothing for the black votes, which she will already get 99.99% of.
Darren Wilson is a shit head cop who got pissed because some nigger was talking back to him.
Michael Brown still didn't deserve to die.
first it was at the RNC and DNC
now its the DNC
this is just another doomsday bullshit theory
>Cleopatra Pendleton-Cowley
fucking niggers
Proven by Obama's DoJ that he attacked the cop and that's why he got shot
Eat shit
Thats a fuckfest of shameless names. McBath? Holy shit dem nogs.
Dear police of the US,
Sincerely, Hillary and Obama.
>Lezley McSpadden
>Cleopatra Pendleton-Cowley
>Geneva Reed-Veal
Holy shit what the hell is wrong with nigger names?
got em!
>things that didn't happen
Dems are going to go even harder pandering to dindus. The math has been worked out. Trump can't win unless he gets over 25% of the black vote. That is unless latinos switch over.
>implying whites won't switch
I live in st Louis, and I have to say, I saw the shit that the monkeys did to Ferguson, and I went out and bought a gun the next day. I had a red pill shoved down my throat by those niggers.
If she's coming out in support for systematic racist, Mrs. Clinton, then what the hell.
Clinton literally talks about systemic racism and white privilege now.
they're not even trying anymore
Literally the chimp from ghostbusters
How can any white American vote for this party? Seriously.
Exactly. Fuck Clinton.