>be British
>go to water fight to cool off
>get stabbed
London's hottest day of the year descended into chaos after two water fights ended with five people being stabbed
>be British
>go to water fight to cool off
>get stabbed
London's hottest day of the year descended into chaos after two water fights ended with five people being stabbed
>Metropolitan Police Commander BJ Harrington said in a statement. "If people are going to go along to unlicensed or spontaneous events then please think very carefully, they are simply not safe."
Ahh, the marvels of a multicultural society.
I thought all weapons were banned? How could this have happened?
Holy fuck it's like Detroit!
is that the UK or new orleans?
Aah, our equals, there they are.
Jesus fucking christ even toronto isn't this bad. What the fuck brits. Those are some NIGGERS.
>dat one white dork in the middle of it
and the clothes, they're really creative
just like our portuguese, all with their Nike-pockets (that make them look gay as fuck) + skinny jeans
And you Brits shitpost about how America isn't white.
London is no longer a part of England, we ought to ship it off to the EU, they can keep it.
At least they didn't use guns
London is an embarassment, hopefully they'll go through with succeeding from England
This is in England?
Jesus Christ I live in LA and I've never seen that many niggers in one spot
Ban assault water balloons.
I don't know, but they need to find out where they got a hold of those guns and make them accountable for this tragedy
Seriously. I fucking begin to love Europe. Lmao
You mean seceding right?
Oh wait, English isn't your first language is it since you're a shitskin.
ban assault water bodies NOW!
>not putting icecubes in your pants
Atleast our BLM are killing eachother and not out killing whites hey America
It's primarily niggers because all the white people were at work.
>not knowing about an iced tea bag
Fill a bowl with ice water.
Dunk your balls in it a few times
Feel your core temp drop by 10 degrees
Protect your aryan sperm.
Heres the sauce: dailymail.co.uk
I couldn't believe it when I saw it either, made a thread about it earlier, but it got buried.
Menudo negrizal.
To be honest, I don't care. Britfags voted to ban poles and spaniards from their islands, but they never said anything about the muslims who rape their daughters or the niggers who destroy their streets. Fuck them.
if this were in america there would be several deaths
>muh gunz
they just ran to the nearest bin
oh fuck me, you guys did nothing but make convenient knife repositories!
>be brit
>colonise half of the world
>steal resources, kill, enslave random people
>Get beaten, stabbed
>blame immigration
fucking hilarious
About as British as Mogadishu mate
You like milk, too?
Britain is 87% white.
Something like a quarter of all non-whites are in London.
if you bin all the knives then no one will get stabbed!!
This makes literally no sense.
Yes we civilised half the world, yes migrants cause more shit than they're worth.
Dumping some pics from the habbening
Is this Africa?
Were the Met Police too busy protecting pollies and prosecuting racists to break it up?
And that isn't bad? Your largest city, which is one of the most famous tourist destinations, has the largest number of non-whites?
I don't want to defend the fucking brits, but... Steal? Steal what?
Niggers have never had anything, colonization provided them with hospitals, schools, roads and factories.
We went there and made things good. They come here and make things shit.
No more fun, bin that water gun.
literally true for any country
Bin those knives!