Why Poland is so obsessed with nationalism?

1:25 I just can't believe that they use childrens an womens for this. They are the new nazis in Europe. Very sad to be honest..


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nationalism is what kept them resisting german occupation

nationalism is what kept them resisting communist occupation

nationalism is what kept them resisting terrorist occupation

Poland would not exist without it

Man I'm not a Sup Forums type or even all that conservative but I literally cannot see anything wrong with this.

>implying nationalism is bad

Of course you'd ask such a dumb question, you nazi rape baby fuck.

Fuck off Texas.

What is being attacked over and over again.

Once you get cucked so badly as Poland did in WW2 and other conflicts it's hard to get cucked again.

They got the anti-cuck vaccine and never getting fucked with again


Poland is based beyond belief, and will save Europe. They may be the last pure white homeland.

No nationalism results in today's France and Germany. Cucked beyond boundaries.

>literally cucked by germans

um yeah id rather keep my british ancestory

>not training children to defend the motherland

>they're the new nazis of europe


Where do you come from? When did you arrive here? WHY ARE YOU HERE?

Fuck off back to the milo comment section.

When you are nonexistant as a country for 150 years and your people are getting raped by foreign powers during and afterwards thats a more than justified reaction.

>Why Poland is so based?

fixed that for you texas

>be Poland
>suffer invasions constantly
>fight off the commies in the 20s
>get used as bait to start a war with Germany
>get sold by your "allies" to the commies
>decades under commie rule
They have every reason in the world to be nationalists right now.

Good video.

When will the Polish be allowed to bear arms?

One of these moments when you feel proud. Along side our greatest ally ( Hungary ) we might be the able to defend ourselves against the invasion.

I just don't like polish people though, genetically they seem dumber.

My best childhood friend was polish, bit never said I was his best friend. In my opinion all polish people are blockheads.

first national socialists, then moskow orientated socialists and now brussels orientated socialists.
Always them lefties.

>all polish people
really :(?

>they're the new Nazis of Europe

I don't get it. Am I supposed to be disappointed or rejoiced?

I fucking can't
Hold me tight

kill yourself traitor scum. Of course you wouldnt understand nationalism.

It is true that the Slavs are a mongrelized inferior breed. Hitler spoke extensively about them in Mein Kampf. They truly are despicable.

They try to push the "WHITE PRIDE" nonsense because that's the only way they can equate themselves to the German race, which is by far superior in every way.

I'm fucking starving and you post this shit, comon nigga...

They don't want to fucking die out that's why. Trust me I'm an expert.

dumb chilean cuck poster

poland is based as fuck

But they call us nazis. When will the JIDF stop? FUck off jews. We're full.

All I want in life is a cute Catholic nationalist gf

>nationalism is bad

Malignant Miscegenation

Nazis weren't leftiest and their war with Poland was fucking stupid.
Regardless, if the whole NATO vs. Russia thing goes to shit, Poland will be among the first ones to get hit.. again.

We are actually proud of our country.


>All that camo
>All dem AK variations
>cute Polish nationalist girls with guns and pretty braids

My /k/ boner is raging right now

czipsy BBQ

German national socialism was fused with fascism (a part authoritarian) and racism. Is still leftist.

Fuck off leaf

>purging of homosexuals, minorities and disabled people
Do you merely pretend to be retarded?

>not leftist

Im sorry i used the wrong term discrimination of minoritys.
Discrimination is not bound to any specter of political ideology.

Poland has no history of invasion by other cultures. That's why they don't understand the value of multiculturalism.

>a fucking leaf
>unironically appeals to Hitler

can't make this shit up

Economically centrist, socially extreme right and left wing in the authoritarian scale. They're called the third way for a reason bro.

Stalin did the same shit and he was a hardcore leftist.

CIA is using them (Galicians) in pooland and west ukraine to recruit terrorist squads that want to go kill ethnic russians in Lugansk/Donetsk/etc.

for some (((retarded reason))) NATO thinks it's a good idea to crush the Russians rather than seek an alliance with them

Codreanu is the third way. PiƂsudski is the third way. The NSDAP was NOT the third way.

It was hardly leftist. Social programs =/= leftist.

>calls it socialism
>spews populist rhetoric
>still sucks corporate dick

I don't see anything wrong with this desu senpai

>1 post by this ID

Ok, then what are they if many of their policies goes against leftism?

Stalin was an asshole. Not even Marx liked him. Lenin actually decriminalized homosexuality.


>literally all comments are saying how awesome polaks are for this

And Russians
And Australia
At the same time

It's all they have, really.

Because fuck you, that's why.
You don't know what it's like to lose a country and living under Communism.

Its actually the opposite. We have been multicultural for a very long time, and we had first constitution in Europe. Thing is, it has only brought us misery and problems, so we will avoid it in the future. At the time of partitioning we were forbidden to teach our children Polish language, but we manage to survive.

Are Americans accepted there? I am planning a move to either west Poland or Hungary

Now. All you have to do is to prove that you are worthy. Then you pay the money and after all other medical and psychical tests you get the gun license.

Poorfags don't have guns because they can't afford a license fee.


>west poland
It's shithole. Liberals, homo sovieticus and volksdeutshe. They even have gay president in the one of thier towns. Avoid it as well as Warsaw. Try Lesser Poland of Lubelszczyzna.

what do you mean bear arms? it's legal

because they are a real nation

and real nations have national feelings


I never even held an AK or fired one in my entire life

Only once I got to hold dummy PPSH

I dont think your blockheads Polandfriend, you guys seem to be the only normal headed white society left.

God damn those Polish girls are hot.

Getting cucked by their superiors for so long made them vengeful.

>not being obsessed with nationalism
texas, my man

Man they have such a beautiful nation and beautiful people. Long live Poland!

Underrated post.

We must remain vigilant, Germany just proved they cannot be trusted.


Poland has zero muslims zero problems with west... Jews already removed. Poland non-cuck



If it makes you feel any better Polskybro, the non-cucks here in the states dig the Slavs. And if Europe ever fucks you over again you're more than welcome here.

Far, far better than the Spics.

Texas is garbage
You don't even deserve to be called Dixie anymore

I'm in love.

Because Poles don't associate their military with war crimes or anything like that, but rather see it as something that always fought for noble goals. I understand this is not the case with other countries, but we dindu nufin

>0:03 - 0:14 mark
What a (((coincidence))).

You're gonna make me post it OP




Also these teens being trained reminds me of fucking Attack on Titan


To get out of EU obligations

>mfw im getting serious with a girl from Poland who I met through my relatives over there
>absolutely 10/10 for me, beautiful, extremely intelligent, red pilled as fuck, absolutely despises muslims and niggers, loves firearms.

Thank you Poland, for supplying me with my future wife.

That feel when American women don't give a fuck about polish men.

because they are a meme country.

Danzig will be German one day

And Warsaw Russian.

Waves of history can not be stopped, Poland is food for Germans and Russkies.

>10:15 the hand grenade's shell is made of carbon

No fucking shit


This. Poland has suffered a lot in the last century, they still remember.

Eugenics and the Progressive Left were linked back then.

God speed based burger bro.
You're a lucky man.

Bro, you dont want them trust me. I am 25 and in my existence on this earth I can count 5 women who I consider trustworthy and good people worthy of a relationship and eventual marriage. Polish women in my experience, mind you iv been to Poland 3 times only, have been above and beyond the average American woman. Beautiful is just not accurate. The majority of "beautiful" women in the US are so coated in makeup and so filled with plastic and silicon, its quite disgusting.

Im extremely lucky.

She also loves table top rpgs, and other /tg/ related things. Which is great because aside from Sup Forums thats my other board of choice, well it used to be before it got fucked.



>Why Poland is so obsessed with nationalism?
Slavic curse.

>feet sticking out of blankets
wtf all the comfy mood ruined


This looks so fucking delicious, what is this called?