What's your answer, Sup Forums?


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WTF i hate elections now

Why bother voting? The Electoral college chooses for me.

If that were true I'd vote for all of them.

Im not American

>implying bankers give a shit about syria
>implying anyone gives a shit about non-resource middle east countries

Now don't complain Achmed or we'll bomb the countries around you aswell

No one cares, Ahmed. Enjoy your carpet bombing

The one that's going to end it faster

That's fucking awesome.

Also, why do the "bankers" hate you so much?



>Oh yeah, like you know shit about politics in my country, you little retard. Where are your folks, by the way? Shooting more mortars at the kikes so they can cry about the return fire later?
I don't give a fuck about Israel, but I think it's funny how the Jews go from being "subhuman rats" to being a shadowy and world-dominating part of a big conspiracy, after they knock 5 countries of these fucking sand-suckers into the ground.
6 days of fire, one day of rest. June '67 taught them respect.

Don't know but I hope to fuck it was the one with the most bombs

My answer is that a lazy, glib dismissal of politics as grist for generalizations is a direct result of those who don't take their responsibilities as citizens seriously and encourage others to treat as they do.

*shoots the shit skin*
Government is inefficient.

is there a charity I can donate to who will put a cigarette out in this faggots eye?

Trump obviously. Now just stay put for a second, the god emperor doesn't like inefficiency or loose ends in his crusades

"It's a surprise! "

hopefully the one who makes the most damage per strike


Am I still on suicide watch?

I wanted to donate gorillion but he don't like bankers

Which ever one kills you faster.

3rd worlders with 73 iqs dont speak like that

>Want to increase minimum wage
>Lose your job because $15 min for a toilet scrubber is too damn high
>Blame republicans

You are being antisemitic.
Israel is the only democracy in the middle east and we must protect it.
Remember they are victims of an holocaust, never forget the 6 millions.

>Syria in a civil war
>Innocents suffer thanks to their own countrymen
>West does nothing
>Lefties blame the suffering of civilians on the West for not intervening
>West intervenes
>Lefties blame the suffering of civilians on the West for intervening

Literally cannot win.


>11 shocking memes that will make you say "fuck elections and shit"

This guy gets it.

Bernvictims still crying

Whichever one will do it the fastest, Muslims shouldn't exist.

Donald J. Drumpf

The one that will finish the job this time.

>implying I would waste my time talking to some little shitskin

The one that will press the launch button the most amount of times.

FPBP my "white" friend.



Really makes me think