Fuck you America, fuck you

Fuck you America, fuck you.
You''re the reason for this. The guy is a greater threat than Putin yet your political leaders don't give a fuck.
Erdogan isn't going to be punished for what he did, JUST because you support them.
You support him just because you want control in the region.
Why do you want control in the region?
So Putin doesn't go in there and start a 2nd SU.
Yet having Erdogan is a far bigger threat now.

Your country is good in two things, destabilizing the world and acting like you're helping us.

I look forward to your downfall.

Other urls found in this thread:


You're the cancer of this world.

Trump 2016

>he will make things right

Your country is irrelevant and we own you. Pipe down and ready your wives and daughters for when when liberate your pathetic joke of a nation.

Just 50 more years and we'll be owned by china.

The only thing you got is your military, there's literally nothing more to your country.

The times of physical warfare are over soon anyway.

> The only thing you got is your military
Yeah nah China isn't gonna own shit. You are our slave.
Your very existence is because we grant it.

>p-please pay attention to me!

your thread went twenty minutes without response for a reason, vodkanigger

Putin and Erdo-it-again are in cahoots, turkey is already yours

It's not our fault that the Turkish people elected a power-hungry fundamentalist midget to rule their country. And frankly, it's none of our goddamn business. If you want him out of power, learn to organize a coup PROPERLY.

go back to school

The world is being bought by China as we speak, soon they own Africa.
Your time is over.

very true, yet if putin pulled the shit he did western media and politicians would act far different.

What did he pull? I don't know, and truth be told, I don't even care. I don't even think about you at all.

Kek considering his election nickname was the tall guy /man

5'5" / 167cm is considered tall in Turkey

Your opinion is moot.

He is 6'2 or something.

>it's a "Dutch faggot hates America" thread
K. Have a (((you))). No bump tho. Enjoy.

Roaches gonna be roaches

>soon they own Africa

Owning half of a steaming pile of shit makes you nothing more than an owner of a steaming pile of shit.

Then he is a towering giant among roaches.

OP, allow me to explain. It's called triangular diplomacy. The greatest threat facing the world is radical islamic militancy. Yes, Putin seems to be abandoning democracy and devolving into a dictator. Same goes for Erdogan. However, neither leader has actually abandoned democracy and announced a dictatorship. Weighing all of that, the greater threat to the world (and to the U.S. as the world police that the world depends on for its safety and liberty) is the threat of radical islamic militancy. the nations and govts of both Putin and Erdogan are threatened by radical islamic militancy. The enemy of my enemy is my friend. Global diplomacy often times makes for strange bed fellows. Obama has isolated Putin and has allowed Erdogan to make a mess of things. Trump already recognizes that we must defeat radical islamic militancy first, and he will use Putin and Erdogan to help in that fight.

Meantime, perhaps you can make your Netherregion more productive so that you can actually be of some use to us in this fight. There are five U.S. states with a GDP higher than Netherregion. Are you even trying, or are you already resigned to defeat and waiting for the Americans to liberate you?

Nice dubs , I hope trump nukes the entire middle east


Yes, that's why he is known as the "Tall Man".

I kind of like this. The west being complete pushovers and letting him get away with it is bringing us very close to some real happenings.
It's like ebola, only this time everyone is supporting it.

I hope they do the firing squad on all 50,000 detainees so we can watch all the NATO countries freak out and have an existential crisis because of "m-m-muh muslim democracy how could it fail!?"
It's not like they'll do anything anyway. Until Turkey starts attacking Israel they can basically do whatever the fuck they want without repercussion.

To be a liberal in the 21st century is to demand Muslim expansion into the west.

>comment on repeating digits
>get lots of repeating digits