Emily blunt in EoT. I would love to look her at another scifi movie kicking ass in a mature way, i like how she looks like a trully badass an not like a femminism-pulled character.
Now, feel free to talk trash about her and post a better one.
Emily blunt in EoT. I would love to look her at another scifi movie kicking ass in a mature way...
Chase Gomez
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Jeremiah James
Yes, she was good. The movie was a good adaption of JP source material. She#s far superior to Scarlett Johansson.
Jack Harris
>swn sit on your face
Blake Russell
I don't get why reddit worships her in this
Kevin Evans
Thanks, Pajeet.
Xavier Jackson
In my humble opinion she should have played Motoko in the GitS film.
Ethan Torres
I hate how it looks that she could hit you with a brick in the balls and it wouldnt hurt at all. So bad acting, besides the fact that she looks like if some day she fell down the stairs she would broke all her bones, so thin fgs.
Xavier Sanchez
>she could hit you with a brick in the balls
now i need to fap again fucks sake
James Baker
Blake Mitchell