Why does the second season sucks so much fucking dick holy shit i don't even know why i'm watching it

why does the second season sucks so much fucking dick holy shit i don't even know why i'm watching it

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too many protagonists. I guess they wanted to make the series more epic, or they responded to criticism that the first season is only really about two men. However it just doesn't make the show more interesting.

get rid of gay cop, make vince vaughn a more minor character, and give Will Farrel and Mean Girls more time to explore their characters.

I don't mind the over complicated plot. That's an important hallmark of the noir genre. But the messiness of stuff like The Big Sleep was fine to make excuses for snappy dialogue and cool settings and characters, but if you don't have those then you don't have anything.

I understand all the criticisms of this season but I still loved it. I wish it was more focused on Ray and Ani, though. It needed a couple more passes in the script editing, if I were to say how to fix it. I still think it's better than anything else on t.v. but that's me.

Diversity hire extra characters

Because they weren't making their own thing

They were making "What People Though About True Detective 2"

>it was spooky and occult
>Uh... So get some animal masks and have the first murder set up like a ritual
>it had Hollywood actors having a come back
>Uh, get more of them this time.
>people liked Rust's depressing and nihilistic outlook on life
>Uh, ok, so everyone is super depressed and sad and likes to talk about philosophy

It wasn't trying to do its own in thing. It was just trying to respond to what people wanted and it tried to do that without actually understanding why people liked it.

These. It's not particularly bad, it's more likely that the writer got so much praise from the first season that he probably went overboard and didn't get much feedback.

The writing for the characters was horrible. They wanted every character to appear cool and especially deep. And for some reason the writers thought that making every character an alcoholic achieves that.

looks like you got pleb filtered

daily reminder that if you actually unironically think season 2 is anything less than kino, you are a bonafide pleb

Things are gonna be hard for a while, but you'll come out. 'Cause you got him in you. His fight is in you. Sometimes, a thing happens, splits your life. There's a before and after. I got like five of them at this point. And this is your first. But if you use it right, the bad thing, you use it right, and it makes you better. Stronger. It gives you something most people don't have. Bad as this is, wrong as it is... this hurt... it can make you a better man. That's what pain does. It shows you what was on the inside. And inside of you is pure gold. And I know that. Your father knew that, too. Pure, solid gold. That's what you got.

The dialogue was atrocious