This girl who's really into me likes films like Primer, There Will Be Blood and The Godfather

This girl who's really into me likes films like Primer, There Will Be Blood and The Godfather

is she the one Sup Forums? i think she's one of a kind

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if your sole criteria for women is whether they have good, albeit entry level, taste in film, they yeah sure she's the one

wtf, why did she purposely JUST her own hair

Dude, I've been looking for that image for fucking WEEKS!!!

Thankyou user.

Hope it works out for ya.

she's a pleb, but you are apparently a pleb too. good job!

yes, she's th eone

who is the trap?

Is she CUTE?

do people watch this guys videos like unironically because they think they're funny? thats sad.

yeah she is the fucking pleb one


No, they watch them because they agree with what he's saying.

>tfw you have to wipe chocolate off your gf's nose

That ain't chocolate, user.

Is she still with them? She was with antifa before the whole "bashing people's heads in", but she didn't seem aggressive or anything.

>she likes critically acclaimed films

It's brown, but that's not chocolate, user...

where do i find my own film enthusiast antifa gf
