Women do indeed ruin countries as you always said and what I always ignored... Until now (video link on this thread)
You were right as always Sup Forums
Other urls found in this thread:
Only because muh AfD
On the bright side the liberals are just going to end up getting killed by Islam
>the only reasonable party is considered "Right-wing"
Those are similar to the policies used by the nazis.
A woman asked an Arab if it wasn't time he went back to his own country today.
Well, how would the leftists go about fixing the birthrate then?
>(video link on this thread)
what the fuck is this? Are you retarded? Did it not occur to you to just stick the link in the fucking OP so it's visible from the catalog? You some kind of shill paid for every person that opens the thread?
Please explain.
African and arab rapefugees.
birthrate increase by force (rape), then? I hope these leftist cunts are the first in line
>Interest-free loans BTFO usury
KEK, I have never prayed to you before.
I have no tongue for it.
No one, not even you, will remember if we were good men or bad.
Why we fought or why we died.
All that matter is that few stood against many.
That's what's important!
Happenings pleases you, KEK. So grant me one request. grant me interest-free loans!
And if you do not listen, then to HELL WITH YOU!!
why am I not surprised to see the leftist cunt has care bear hair
That's how it works, yes. No sane white woman would approach the fucking things and get horny, despite all the propaganda trying to convince them of doing otherwise.
Its the same thing news outlets do on sites to get you invested and click the thread. You skimming through doesn't help OP get a conversation going.
Yes, but those news sites don't care why you open the page as long as you do it and give them the click, because that means money for them.
There is no true gain for an user to be doing this. You've explained nothing. I already asked if he was being paid per thread view.
I'm just surprised he didn't get arrested on the spot.
are these people speaking fast or is that just the speed you speak german? holy shit
>that looney at 2:00
Only because you allow them.
>Have a pro rapefugee cousin
>Entire family cuts her out and no one drives her to school and helps her with other stuff
>Tell my Uncle, he forbids her from going to pro rapefugee places/rallies
Now just wait so the dumb bitch grows out of it.
Would you say that about your own mother? Disgusting.
Kek I could have put that instead
I won't repeat this mistake
I couldn't make it to the end of the video. Women are all about "my feewings" regardless of the topic. "ooo gay people luff is sooo cute ^^", "oh no wittle refugee children must be helpeded :CCCC", "that poor wittle doggi is being aboosed by his owner bcs his owner only pet him three times!!!!!!!! report!!!!!!! anger!!!!!!! feelings!!!!!!"
I could have specified... I meant if you mix women with politics
>throwing money at women will make them have babies
>this is what politicians actually believe
The women we'd want to have kids can earn more money and live more luxuriously working than would be fiscally responsible for the state to pay them to have children.
Most men don't earn enough to support a middle class family on their own.
And yeah, most women would rather have immigrants than kids or think they or someone else can have a bunch of kids whenever they want.
Actually people tend to fall for emotinal fallavies all the time, it depends and as I see, women tend to push an emotional agenda rather than men, naturally the number of men pushing it, surged because of feminism and Social Justice
>Not repeating digits
>KEK won't grant my request
Then to hell with you!
The funny thing is that they aren't even actually right-wing.
The only "right wing" thing about them is that they don't want immigration.
Don't say such things here user.
To be fair they do have their fare share of idiots and lunies, just not left-wing idiots and lunies which makes them unacceptable in polite society. It's a shame that the more economically minded people left the party a while ago.