Other urls found in this thread:


>Boy beheaded by mistake


>When islam goes too far

>Boy beheaded by mistake

Damage control for "moderate rebels"

Bilateral relationships and trade between them would continue after Britain's departure from the European Union, she said.

>Boy beheaded by mistake

Made me kek.

>tfw you think he is kafir

Well leaving Europe would be... kinda hard no? Moving that whole Island god knows where.

Yeah we aren't leaving Europe we are leaving the EU
>Brexit means Brexit

>boy beheaded by mistake

Fucking what?

What did you think they will make huge jet engines and fly to the moon?

Europe is not the European Union


>that picture next to top stories is some guy burning the american flag

is this an american thing or what. thought people were supposed to like their flags

a german man of enriched melanin applies excess pressure to a wedged object into a person under 18's neck area

so does Sup Forums have to go back to making fun of britain again? my heart says no but my sides say yes.

>Merkel's Face

"They actually thought they could escape"

>boy beheaded by mistake
This is some catch a predator tier bullshit.
>I-I thought he was over 18 I swear.

>Damage control for "moderate rebels"

yep, it was done by a group we are backing :(

>Clinton News Network
>Not posting Source


>Speaking at a press conference alongside May ahead of the working dinner between two of the world's most powerful women, Merkel said that Britain and Germany had friendly relations and shared values.

>Bilateral relationships and trade between them would continue after Britain's departure from the European Union, she said.

Step up your shit posting game limp wristed faggot

As in the community of nations you moron.
It's a standard brexit talking point.
'We're leaving the EU not Europe.'

>I was sure he was a homsexual because I fucked him last night

t. Muslim

This.. I'm not even sure if OP caught that.

out of context rubbish. watch the whole speech

she only said she wants a good trade deal with no immigration

>retarded brit thinks EU and europe is the same thing

its pretty hard to move an island

They thought it was a senseless murder, but it just turned out to be cultural enrichment

>Just a prank bro!

>1. Brexit means Brexit
>2. ????
>3. Profit

This pic gave me ass cancer. Thanks.

The vote was to leave the EU, not Europe, retard.

But is the UK part of europe or just an island off the coast of europe.

>mfw the uk puts windmills everywhere and floats north

By mistake

>its pretty hard to move an island
Exactly. This is what we tell UN. We no put islands there. Islands always there.

Europe =/= The Jewropean Jewnion

What these two transvestite freaks say has no bearing on the fact that the EU is DONE!

Game fucking over.

The butt-hurt continues to bring a smile to my face.

shit nigga and i thought they was going to drag the uk from the continent with a load of tugs

You fucking idiot, it'll tie a shit ton of balloons to the coast line until the island starts floating. Your idea is just asinine.

The context of this is in the same way nigel uses it.

He says we are ending the EU but we are not floating off from the European continent. We are just taking a different trade deal and freedom instead.

this shit is inexcusable. Obama should be held personally responsible.

Thats a smuggling narco boat.

i like the balloons but we could also use sails. the windmills power the propellers btw, that was implied (it's called an engineering implication).
> " "

>top 10 pranks gone way too far

>Boy beheaded by mistake
Really makes you think

It's always been in Europe and will continue to be, but we entered the European Union in the early 70s and now we're leaving it. It's a change in politics, not geography.

or a couple of off-board motors.

>boy beheaded by mistake
WTF I hate beheadings now.

Doubling down on balloons, we make it hundreds of hot air balloons so we can pilot them.

we're going to fly away and the eu is going to pay for it


Being proud of your nation is fascist and racists as it triggers muh faggot minorities and it's just a trendy thing for these college liberals to do.

Those faggot "I'm moving (to a white majority high gdp etc) country because of this.