If you have curly hair, you're not white.
Sorry, muds.
If you have curly hair, you're not white.
Sorry, muds.
Other urls found in this thread:
What about Persians?
does this look white to you?
having some white admixture is not the same.
And your talking out of your arse m8.
That's not a Persian
Iranian is a nationality, Persian is an ethnicity within Iran.
Yes, David, King of Israel. Whiter than wonderbread.
Fuck you people are retarded.
What about blond curly haired people ?
Sorry bro.
You should be pissed at one of your ancestors for race mixing.
I'm so white that the sun glares off of me,but my pubes are curly. Am I white?
Green eyes too btw.
My mother is half Nigerian and I have straight blonde hair.
usa telling me who's white
nice kek
Well i guess you just lost the genius of Rembrandt.
Just because someone makes you lose control of your libido doesn't mean they're white, you degenerate.
Any studies on where the genes for curly hair originate? Or are you just being an autist?
I have normal hair. -__-'
Oh no!
We'll just have to be content with virtually every other successful piece of art, idea and invention of the past 500 years I guess.
Looks like you win this time, Miguel.
If your hand is bigger than your face you're not white
Nathan a cute :P
From Western Norway, I have natural curly hair but I always straighten so few knows.
Ayy lmao
As long as it isn't nappy and/or pure black, then you can be white. Colored features are the trademark of whitey.
I have curly hair and I don´t fucking care.
I´m not white, and I pround of that
Also the basis for you republic and all the philosophy since it was pretty much based on those muddy classical Greeks.
Once in a while a really dumb fucking hick burger comes out of the woodwork, i guess it was your time, Billy-Bob.
With all due respect,but losing a single genius should be considered as a great loss,you as the arguably most successful modern-day civilization should know how to cherish high-tier human resources.
i want one
The based his image on themselves just like how Jesus is white
It depends on the type of curlyness really
His image was based on themselves just like Jesus is white in their paintings
>t. Adam Rosenblatt
What about this fella Billy-Bob? Easily worth 100.000 wiggers like yourself.
If you have brown eyes, you're not white.
Sorry, muds.
Brown eyes are fine. Black eyes are not.
Look who's a brown eyed shit skin.
>green eye master race.
It's always Americans with these threads.
Seriously speaking now, do you actually think anyone gives a shit about being part of a ""race"" that is so exclusive and purely based on a cosmetic fetish that I'd expect from women?
Like seriously do you think you are making anyone feel excluded when you say that only blonde blue eyed straight haired pink nippled cadaveric people with a cuck fetish are white? I'm actually curious.
>green eyes
>not blue
Get fucked shitskin.
You're retarded. Curly hair has nothing to do with being White or semitic or black. Curly hair is a recessive trait, therefore it is simply not common.
I have curly hair. But blue eyes and my skin is whiter than most Europeans. I'm English, German, and Latvian.
Who is that boy? He's super cute!
I have green eyes.
build it
Are you me? These are my stats what the fuck except German/Irish/English
fuck this bullshit if you dont prefer temperature below 18C you aint white
What about people with blond hair, bright blue eyes, really pale skin and curly hair? I've seen many people like that in Ireland
American flag. Kek. Curly hair is a dominant trait. And it isn't rare either. It's actually the most common hair type.
You're right, my bad. But this further proves my point that having curly hair has nothing to do with being white or not.
Therefore, if you have straight hair, you're more likely to have Asian or Native American blood.
Persians haen't been Aryan for a few thousands years.
Have you seen the hair of the guy who invented calculus?
brown straight hair
goddamn i love being white
>wavey =/= curly
That's not curly. More like wavy.
What is a wig?
I had curly hair when I was 3 years old, but now my hair is straight. I guess I'm a racial transformer.
I've met him, he's white I hate to inform you
answer me you fucker
Ok, how about Lucius Quinctius Cincinnatus?
>only yellow
Charge your phone, gaylord.
>posting race memes
Stormfags left ages ago...
No one is white for /pol, don't ask.
I want to shoot a baby into her, but that doesn't mean she is white.
yeah... -_--
What about the Irish?
Sure, they're disgusting sub-Brits, but they're white.
Try again, potato-nigger.
The white man pictured by OP is Irish
it doesnt matter if you have blonde hair or blue eyes. if its blonde and curly you are a nigger.
lol My ancestry is literally 50% English and 50% swiss. But I guess those English were niggers or the swiss were niggers. I have curly hair.
Fate is a cruel bastard. I guess I better join BLM.
Calm down, I'm pure Anglo.
And while I don't like those green faggots, at least they're better than the French or Germans.
When will you trash learn?
Why are you such a cuck?
My red hair used to be curly, then it became straight. Am I white?
>mfw i look identical to the picture in op
is it over lads
Sorry, not white.
One drop rule applies.
I have curly hair, both my parents and my brother have straight hair
inb4 adopted
I think you are on the wrong site buddy
You should have known better, you Moorish cuck.
dem girls? /s/
can post
>is it over lads
For you.
kek bro. I was joking. Curly hair is normal as fuck. My child is blonde and has curly hair. We are white. She has an IQ of 115, there is no way she is a nigger.
But Celts are some of the whitest and have curly hair.
>My child
Ja, bitte.
>barry didn't save him
Kek, I know Sup Forums is obsessed with cuckold porn and what not. If you saw her you would know she is mine. Same lips, same color eyes, same hair, same cheek bones. Our baby pictures look the same.
Anyways she has curly hair, so she is a nigger. So am I.
Zu Befehl.
>hairy bush
Well youre quintessentially british, thats for sure
wait.. what?
You're not white, Reza. Get over it.
>Baltic people not white
>coming from a balkan flag
Nice try, slavshit. Only people not white in Latvia are USSR immigrants after the war. Even then, most of those ethnic Russians are white.