Sooo where are the actual adult scenes/themes in this new season...

Sooo where are the actual adult scenes/themes in this new season.I've read that it will have more mature elements and its on a channel that apparently shows adult cartoons or whatever.Why didn't they just show Ashi naked when she came out of this lake?Where is the violence,gore,nudity, etc..There's nothing of this, fuckin Naruto Shippuden looks more violent than this.This new season still looks like a show for little kids,it still looks like some show that could air on CN or whatever kids channel they are wathing. Im kinda dissapointed.

>he still hasn't figured out after all these years that "Adult Swim" is actually more like Teen Swim

>being this juvenile

so an adult wanting to watch some adult scenes on movie or show is apparently now ''being juvenile'' thats some fucked up logic you come up,it's exactly the opposite.You don't go in some cinema showing R or NC-17 movie expecting to see only kindergarten kids seeing this shit,adults prefer to watch adult shit,kids prefer to watch shit for kids and this show is definitely for kids,it got nothing adult in it.


You should feel content with that penis joke

you don't deserve to get what you want.

Don't bother dude, the SJ drones on this site don't take kindly to others pointing out they are watching a children's show

>watch an edgy baby cartoon
>it gets canceled
>station resurrects it
>spew bile about how it's gonna be even More edgy now so more retards and manchildren that seek validation through entertainment will tune in
>it's still an edgy baby cartoon
>autistic screeching intensifies

Samurai Jack was never edgy
Megas XLR was, and even that was ironic

>shows have to be violent to be good
How's middle school going?

The name they gave it is literally genius. It is the perfect name to help prevent cognitive dissonance in young adults in order for them to remain manchildren.

So Jack slitting somebody's throat and murdering a bunch of women isn't good enough for you?

>kids show
>where's muh porn and gore
Juvenile, sums it perfectly.

>girl gets her throat slit
>numerous people get impaled
>main character is suicidal and almost goes through with it
>BDSM torture scene
>character with a literal penis for a head that is referred to as a "talking penis"
>show for kids

Fuck, are they trying to make Samurai Jack "serious"? The best thing about it was simple gag humor, sleek artstyle that didn't take a lot of effort to draw but looked nice like a painting, and that most of the time it was completely episodic or had two-episode arcs. It showed you this cool futuristic world, but the whole world including remote and deserted parts, and Jack was just simple, cool. All of the moral lessons and his personal struggles were Aesop's fables type of stuff.

Now it's trying to sell some big moralistic saga out of itself? What happened, para-SJW "artistes" take over or something? Or just bad writing?

Daily reminder that these posters literally spend their free time on a discord that aims to derail all SJ threads

thats nothing really,you still cant see the same type of stuff in the older seasons that were shown more than a decade ago ( for example you still can see little of blood on him after fighting lots of robots and monsters,despite the show being shown on CN).I'm not saying the show is awful i just dont like this retarded gimmick they have went with ''more mature elements,more adult scenes...just kidding,there's none of this stuff''

The new season has plenty of laughs

because americans become suicidal when they see a naked woman on tv

the new episode was total shit and memey as hell, really disappointed. Episodes 1-4 were unironic kino