Refugee in Germany living at a german family

> Refugee in Germany living at a german family.
> Suddenly he wants to axe chinks touriste a few question right into their face
> Police shoots him down
> This fucking bitch (pic related) decides to ask the police WHY IT WAS NOT POSSIBLE TO NOT KILL HIM
> "Trained forces must be able to shoot without killing"
> Other cucks from the left and green party crawl out of their cuck holes and blame the police for killing that poor manipulated boy

Please Poland, just conquer us already. We don´t have an army anyway.


Why post fake shit? Nobody can actually defend the use of force on the kid.

Deutschland, how far you've fallen. How far we've all fallen.

I mean defend not using force on the kid, misspoke.

He was 17 HE said. But he ofcourse lost all his documents so nobody really knows

Its not fake, our leftist parties are really this fucking stupid.

Our police is basically already cucked and never uses violence when not absolutely necessary, yet their whining will never end.

No, we know that its at least an 20 year old Pakistani.

My fucking god. Is it even possible to uncuck our fucking without it taking a few decades and 2 million raped women?

This (wo)man has never said anything useful.
Why take her serious now?

it's real

I refuse to believe there are sheep like that

Maybe they had some money to gain from doing this? Right?

Your pic related seems like a handicap anyway


How about you stop being a bitch. You are the majority and even if you weren't you could win.

German nationalists were outnumbered by communists 3:1 and still won in 1919

It´s a horde of sheeps.

A lot of people would feel a bit uncomfortable selling out this much. A lot of politicians would crack one day but they don't because they are handpicked sociopaths or brainwashed puppets.

A lot of them also never lived in reality which helps them a lot.

Can you believe it?

>1 year ago
>greece pay denbts
>german flag = respectable, not cucked
>made EU look like a legitimate idea
>mudslimes advocated but no one took it seriously

>EU is where sovereignty goes to die
>1 billion rapefugees by 2020
>greece is now almost more respectable than germany

What fucking happened in one year?


HAHAHAHA you guys are so fucked

The only party that could solve this is full of retards and would get about 15-20 percent of all votes. Since 1945 everything that could be done to cuck us down has been done. the post war generation had classes called "guilt". We are not that once proud nation anymore. They people willing to fight are outnumbered by 6:1 - This are our streets now (pic related)

She earned a shitstorm by everyone for that.
The police, politicians (even some of her own party), the public, medias almost everyone.

"Die Grünen" are a left wing party that always, by tradition, fire at the authorities at every chance.
They made a huge step in the 80s as the baby boomer's spoiled kids came into the age to vote. They were hippies with a political agenda.
I don't know how people today could think about voting for them.

Yeah, now you get it :D

>lefty woman
>protects victimisers over the victims
>campaigns for causes trending on twitter
>short hair
>looks like a boy
>talks like a slob

Every fucking time.

The police union chief already said she should shut her stupid trap in a news interview.

Child rapist. junkies, vegans and everyone who needs some brown cock votes for them. So quite a few.

Will be here soon. Prepare vodka and potatoes. We are coming.

Mama Merkel held her hanging tits out to the poor refugees.

funny thing is, a member of my family was an innocent lefty girl.
She studied arts and politics to become a teacher. Voted "Die Grünen" and argued alot against anything that was for the establishment.
Today she is a teacher but she changed in her views and in private, when we sit together her views are more radical than my own sometimes.
My whole family changed alot over the years in their political views and at times when even the upper-middle class isn't defending any leftist bullshit anymore, something will be changed in the future.
Remember, they (the generation of the soon to be retired) outnumber us alot and their views are mostly pretty right-winged (in the sense of not accepting that whole CP at anytime without asking)

FUCK germany

What the fuck do we do

Everything is so fucked

Tell me there is a chance

Our option.
1 - Poland invades us. (won´t happen)
2 - People die until there is no other option then to shut down the borders
3 - People stop voting cucks (which won´t change anything unless the get over 50% . in Germany smaller partys can group together to become a majority and so will all the cuck partys do if the must)

Bonus option. 4 - More chinks die. China won´t let their people into Germany enymore and forces Germany to do something .

Don't worry OP Hofer will preform the reverse anschluss and save Germany.

4 - The british commonwealth sends a thousand Gurkhas riding Emus as steads to overthrow your government

France will close the tunnel and as well all know Gurkhas are very bad swimmers.Ask greece about this.

>he thinks this'll stop jet powered Emus

This germany is why you lost two wars, you allow yourself to be constrained by logic, common sense and reality.

vote AFD next year