Now that the Bernie campaign has fallen on its face, what have the Bernouts been up to?

Now that the Bernie campaign has fallen on its face, what have the Bernouts been up to?

Planning a fart in at the convention next week.

Sander's campaign technically isn't over yet until the delegate roll call at the convention. Sanders could potentially cuck Clinton out of delegates.

Shifting to Johnson's camp
Proving conclusively that legal weed is all they ever card about

>Now that the Bernie campaign has fallen on its face, what have the Bernouts been up to?

Not voting for trump because I don't want to be a slave to big business by him cutting deals with the 1% for government contracts.

But we all know that even the blackest of Jew magic won't change anything now.

I personally don't care since I hate that socialist kike but it'd be funny if a few super delegates switched their votes and gave the bernouts hope only for it to die when the rest still vote for Clinton


I also care about ending the surveillance state, protecting abortion, keeping the internet free (as in freedom) and getting rid of Common Core, I'll have you know.

Johnson/Weld 2016, #itstheirturn

It's amazing how they say Trump is anti-establishment while ignoring that Trump is obviously a part of the establishment. He's literally a 1%er.

Americans are fucking retarded.

Last I checked you're an American my friend.

All valid considerations, granted.
Presuming you were a Bernie supporter, do economic issues hold any significance to you? Because the two candidates are polar opposite in that regard

Majority of Americans are retarded *

>le Bernie is a communist meme

how could you be in favor of getting rid of common core? are you ok with southern states teaching religion and creationism in class?

I actually want bernbern to be the nominee.

Because I know Trump would crush him.

>I'm so smart with my hot opinions! just look how different I am

>Most Americans are retarded, except me!

Typical liberal, It's because you know what's good for everyone and everyone is too stupid to realize your intellectual superiority, right?
Kek, Bernie burned out for a reason m8, the only movement he started was the one after he took his laxative lel

he's not the establishment though. he's a private citizen. you bern victims really are incredibly fucking stupid. bernie was actually the biggest establishment shill in the race. he was like what, 25 years in office and didn't accomplish shit. the guy was a total failure in the private sector and yet somehow was qualified for politics. bernie represents everything wrong with the political system and how it's run by incompetent idiots

>look how cool I am supporting a meme

>I am not retarded but you are! Boy was that convenient!

>all those hundreds of millions spent on negative ads attacking trump

>all the old GOP party refusing to back him until recently and some still do even now

totally establishment, huh

he only won because he out memed them all with his reality TV experience and didnt come across as a stiff

A private citizen that will do whatever he can to maintain the wealthy stranglehold on the country. He is literally a 1% and will use whatever resources he can to maintain his power and make it easier for his businesses to overpower the citizens

He won because people love catchphrases. They think the election is a reality tv show.

Where did I say you were retarded? You must get called that often since you seem to jump the gun on it

>muh shifting goalposts

being a 1% doesnt magically make you -the establishment-. It just makes you a rich person. Just because you have money doesnt mean you get entered into a secret rainbow friendship club where all the rich people hug and sing songs together.

>The people love catchphrases
>They think the election is a tv show!

there you go again, thinking you know what's best for everyone.

what have you been up to since the bernout snuffed though

wow its like theres another candidate who supports all of these things and actually has a chance of winning but he's apparently too mainstream for you

and bernie promised free college.....and spent 4x the money trump did....

Stop greentexting
Just fucking stop.

Clinton far and away is the easier candidate. Sanders appeals to more independents and other idiots with his promises of free shit

he has employed thousands of people and created many jobs. that's more than bernie sanders has ever done in his life or ever will do. fact is someone like bernie takes your money in the form of taxes and donations and does literally NOTHING with it while trump uses his own money and gives people opportunities. you people are brainwashed

How could you be in favor of federal bureaucrats indoctrinating your kids?

>make everything free!
>the american people are tired of hearing about those damned emails!

hey bernie's got some great catchphrases too

As opposed to a free wall

There you go again, thinking you know what's best for everyone.

What have you been up to since Trump became a funny meme about the good ole days?

Building a wall obviously costs money. Ideally, Mexico would pay for it, but I don't think Americans would mind paying for it themselves if that meant stopping illegal immigration

Yes. the candidate that paid for his own campaign out of his own pocket, refused all corporate donors and refused 200m from his own party for nominating their selected stooge as VP is for the establishment. Clearly

Meanwhile, the career politicians who has accomplished nothing in office and wants to expand government power is fighting the establishment because he's going to give you free shit while telling you he'll make someone else pay for it. You're clearly enlightened.

>billions of dollars spent on giving out free shit vs a couple million spent to save up the billions of money wasted on illegal immigration

I'm open-minded about economic policy. There's room for abuse in any system. I love free shit, so socialism resonates with me, but the dishwater social services (fucking Obamacare) the Democrats keep pushing are worse than none at all. I'm willing to try and see a smaller-government system that ISN'T shackled to theocracy. Like Gary says, we can always reelect tyranny in four years.

Common Core is an educational tire fire. I don't want Sunday school to replace anyone's education, but teaching students to a test using systems designed to sell textbooks is not an education either.

the thing is everyone makes promises. How else do they attract people? so you're salty trump had a catchier phrase and he won in the free market of catchy phrases?

>2 million miles of roads across america
>building a wall is hard

illegal immigrants are the biggest money maker for mexico. we build a wall, stop the flood of illegals and we start saving billions by preventing these spics from sending all their cash out of the usa and into mexico. they are leeches on the country's economy. they don't contribute at all except making liberals rich. so yes, it will essentially be free

Healthcare obviously also costs money.

And I don't think most Americans would mind paying more taxes if it meant most of us didn't have to worry about going broke from medical bills.

Building and manning a wall is cheaper than paying for college for a country of 300 million. Especially when we live in a country where most people major in worthless subjects and go on to productive careers at Starbucks

why would i want to give money to worthless subhuman niggers who hate me and to illegals breaking the law?

>couple of million for a wall

>stop immigration
>stop people from coming here legally with visas only to decide later not to leave
>stop people from making babies once they are here and being allowed because of anchor babies.

wall isn't going to do jack shit

Trying to say Bernie is playing 4d chess and that he can still be the dem nom. I expect theyll try what the never trumpers did and fail miserably.

No I am salty that we have a choice between a narcissist and a sociopath

Americans are not interested in paying significantly higher income taxes to have ‘government-provided' healthcare

I don't go broke from medical bills because I have insurance and we already have government health care and it's shit that doesn't even cover 30% of costs and isn't even accepted by most hospitals. Clearly we should expand this shitty insurance even more so we can waste even more money

Why would I pay for a wall that won't do anything?

Most people that go broke from medical bills arent niggers you daft rube

Many Americans are so your point is moot

>And I don't think most millennials and poor liberals (niggers) would mind paying more taxes if it meant most of us didn't have to worry about going broke from medical bills.

fixed that for you

Then why did Bernie and his healthcare plan fail?

You obviously don't understand the issues with insurances deciding what should and shouldn't be covered

it didn't. Americans failed

He was never even part of the game. He was schooled from beginning to end and ended up in the most ironic position after all his complaining about Super Delegates to having to beg for them to switch to his side after Hillary kept and ended the primary enough regular delegates to beat him without the Supers

Lmao hope you get aids autist

>Why would I pay for a wall that won't do anything?
i already told you it would save us billions because illegals send money back home and siphon money out of the economy

>Most people that go broke from medical bills arent niggers you daft rube
[citation needed]
and most treatments that actually make you go broke are from people throwing their money at aggressive treatments of terminal diseases that only have a 99.99% chance of survival. insurance doesn't cover that. they do cover quality of life treatment. pro tip: socialized medical care won't give you aggressive treatment either if you're terminal

Bernie failed my friend. Snap back to reality.

You're salty because you're a subhuman parasite and neither of the two current candidates is openly pandering to your lifestyle like Barney Danders was.

Your doctor is also part of the 1%.

building a wall along with getting rid of shit policies attracting illegals would stop or significantly reduce illegals

>lose by 3 million votes to a literal war criminal

Dear god, this is too rich.

You either a noisy dike or a noisy cuck. Fuck off back to your hugbox while you can still feel outraged at stuff.

If you stay here, all you have known to feel will die, to be replaced by indignant loathing to those that have deceived you. You will never be the same.

You have been warned.

Outside of your reddit friends, most americans dont support free healthcare

i obviously meant a 99.99% chance of death

endlessly shilling hillary

Those are cases of people buying shit plans and whining when they didn't get what they didn't pay for.

My plan covers everything I want. Emergency care, surgery, prescription co pay, check ups, preventive care, ect. I have asthma and a family history of prostate cancer and I've had no hiccups with my insurance because I went to a top provider and bought a plan that I knew covered what I wanted.

I don't buy the HURR INSURANCE DOESN'T PAY FOR CARE WHEN THEY DON'T WANT TO because it's bullshit.

Yeah I know he was never part of the game. It was quite obvious when he said he woul endorse Hillary if he lost from the beginning.of his campaing. The most hilarious part was him building him self up as this great anti-esablishment candidate fooling millenials into giving him money for his retirement fund and they get all sad and depressed when he endorses Hillary, they should have seen it coming. Guess they were too blinded by the "its too good to be true" light.

Because it isn't free and primarily benefits people who aren't paying into it.

>I love free shit

It has to come from somewhere else, user. I don't like shit being taken from me, especially when I took risks and spent time of my life getting it.

I agree with you about common core and pretty much everything else though.

I really want to fuck a Bernie qt.

this is the type of person that misses The Daily Show.