Behold the tolerant left, responses incoming. This is some crazy shit.
Behold the tolerant left, responses incoming. This is some crazy shit
Part 2
Part 3
>as a white person
>I stand with BLM
>but its not about me
oh the irony
The OP of the post is Mexican by the way
stacey got sour in her vag
There was a Post by one girl that called the OP a "White hoe" even those she is Mexican.
where is yersinia pestis when you need it?
>actually telling the normies you're going to post this on Sup Forums
>"white girl"
>chops off all of her hair
I was gonna send it to Infowars, changed my mind.
Really....those SWJs need to come to South America, where about 80% of people have mixed families. And see that racism is not a "White thing".
u wat cunt?
The OP is kind of a fucking cunt. She deserves to be crucified.
>teehee I just drive like I have a death wish, not even a big deal silly BLM thugs
God damn lift early hundreds of people are pulled over daily both black and white and they have the same exsperiance that she had so why are all cops bad when 95% of the time nothing happens?
literally in Texas, funnily enough
victim blaming
i know that bitch and she is a lying fucking hoe
If you guys want fresh stuff I can get it.
yeah, i remember that infectiology class where our prof told us that the pest is still present in parts of the world, even in the united states.
everybody in the auditorium was like "wooooaaahh dude... no way"
>not a European name
Keep it coming.
Bitch is white.
>in texas
Yeah I'm sure her family comes from Yurop nigger.
Alvin has some big ass parties.
No, bitch is Mexican.
shut UP I hate people that commit crimes and pretend it's not a big deal
the self-aware ones should be executed immediately, they are shameless
Oh and her boyfreind is about as Mexican as Taco Bell, he has green eyes and is as white as snow. Kind of irrelivent but thought i would throw that it.
Considering that natives don't have names such a Castillo, Garcia, or Alvarado, her heritage can be traced back to Spain.
You're lucky I spent a semester in microbiology and know what that is, just say black death next time bro
Actually, she's American.
>muh hornet's nest
She kicked the shit out of it.
Sounds like she's redpilled except that she's been conditioned from an early age
So I guess her boyfriend speaks for all "light-skinned Hispanics."
literal cancer killing Sup Forums
delete Sup Forums
gas the normies
dont go to school tomorrow
Anyways guys I just wanted to show that radical leftists are not just a meme but real.
He's fucking whiter than she is.
No her heritage can be traced back to a teepee and her name to the priest who Christened her ancestors you stupid ass nigger.
Stop pretending other shitskins are whites in order to over inflate your victimhood.
Sure, but not before her ancestors were guac'd in Mexico on their way to America.
t. Hispanic
Literally "your feelings and opinions only matter if you aren't white"
i dont alter my way of speaking because cunts are uneducated... fuck them
Fucking hell. How do people enjoy every conversation being a fucking 4 paragraph sanctimonious apology for doing absolutely nothing wrong to begin with?
Are you literally retarded? You just confirmed yourself for filthy white liberal living in gated community with 99% white people, I like in a 70% Hispanic city and every brown fuck under the sun is named garcia and castillo, even the ones dark as a nigger
Who gives a fuck, she's equating the opinion of one person, based on something superficial, to be the opinion of everyone that shares that superficial trait.
It's fucking retarded.
Also, that bitch is talking about, "50 white people shot, 50 black people shot... black is 5 times more likely to be shot."
Someone please pull of the crime stats. on the over representation of blacks in violent crimes. Then say, "black people are x-times more violent than white people..."
I'm seriously about to quit Sup Forums, every time I get up here, I just end up pissed the fuck off.
Fuck canadia
Natives don't look like her at her age at all. Bitch is fucking white.
>t.White Boi
My ancestry can be traced to spain as well so that means i'm white now?
Yeah no. Dumb bitch saying we have "white privilege" literally what.
someone has to do it
on a more serious note
guess litlle trayvon was white to
Just tell this white bitch that she's really uppity for thinking she gets to speak for black people, white people and Hispanics.
Why the fuck would anyone feel bad about having priviliges? That's nonsensical to me.
Why the fuck do we care what a bunch of complete retards think or say. What makes you think a jewbook interaction is worthy of a thread, or that anyone who uses jewbook isn't a narcissistic faggot?
>You don't know the name of the bacteria that caused the Black Death?
>Fucking uneducated cunt
This is some next level autism, famarino
Forgot about this one. Memes in real life.
Like Zimmerman was white?
You niggers are all the same. Just because someone has a job and can speak proper English it doesn't mean they're white. That chick is a spic regardless of what fairy tales you've concocted in your tiny nigger brain to convince yourself otherwise.
They'd be right about black getting killed at a higher rate, so long as they disregard the statistics showing blacks commit 50% of the crime, so the 50/50 split of white to black deaths at the hands of police actually follows the statistics.
Because it's showing how liberals attack based on the color of their skin. You retarded nigger.
Yes, your skin gets darker if you move closer to the equator. It also makes you seem to age a lot faster.
Because when black people start calling out these people for their European heritage, hispanics lose their PoC status.
Notice how in the graph you can't identify where Arabic people fit in. We don't call people from Saudi Arabia Asian like the UK does, we call them white. Take away all non european whites and you have a much smaller european population than you thought.
how is this not considered racist to these people?
>your skin color means you are different, but don't get offended, that just means you aren't the nationality you claim to be
Africa begins at the Pyrenees
well i have some weird and high standards for the people than can be around me...
probably is the reason why i'm single.
but if i cant talk to my friends about bacterial epidemics in a scientific language: fuck them! they should read a book instead of watching the kardashians
I wouldn't doubt that his slave great great grandma got diddled by a white boi.
Considering that my ancestry can be traced back to europe, and im white, then yes, you are white, too.
It's in the Anglo-Saxon culture:
Yeah, the same thing that gave us Magna Carta and The Declaration will eventually lead us to ruin.
ZimZam is white. Have you seen his parents?
behold white privilege
And we don't count peole from Morocco, Egypt, or Sudan, as black... Why is that?
If it's like 98% Spanish then yeah.
>ZimZam is white.
No spearchucker, he is not.
>>t.White Boi
Thanks for the compliment, amigo.
lol are you serious stormfront?
Hispanics have spanish names what a huge shocker
I know people with indio names that look white as fuck , get out more you'd find the world is not as black and white as you think it is
Evan sounds like a Sup Forumsack
His father is WHITE. It's like saying Obama's mom was black because Obama identifies as black.
Yes, because Spain COLONIZED north america. Just like THE UK did. Weird, how Spain isn't white, but Europeans are white, yet Spain is European, but not a white nation, and americans are white, but mexicans didn't come from the very same continent.
I think I need to start a Rare Phelps folder.
That's because he's OP.
>white people are privileged
>black people are discriminated
Disgusting hypocritical lying leftist trashwhore.
In what alternate Kasich dimension is this not a Hispanic
One-Drop Rule
Mexicans are mudblood Mestizos.
You have to go back.
oh so you're just pretending to be retarded
dubs save us all
This fucking nog.
Zimmerman is a spic, get that through your underdeveloped head.
You're talking about high standards of intelligence while your whole post lacks any capitalization.
I really want to punch this pretentious cunt in the throat
"I know you're Hispanic but your skin is light so you're, like, not REALLY Hispanic."
I fucking hate the "white privilege" shit, but how does a white girl get off telling a Hispanic person they aren't discriminated against?
Do they not sperg out about white people telling minorities how they aren't really oppressed?
>no dubs
oh lawdy lawd
She looks like a textbook liberal, why is Sup Forums always right?
>one dip rool
There are many pure european mexicans.
>uk colonizes america
>those people are "white"
>spain colonizes america
>those people are "people of color"
So then you agree that Spain is a nation of color?
Isn't it 80%black where you come from?
>White woman whitesplaining to a Hispanic about how they don't understand the discrimination black people face
Pottery of the highest order.
His father is white.
I'd stick it in her ass
>this isn't a white girl
>she's actually dirt brown HAHA jokes on you white boi
>dirt brown
Are you faceblind?
Is his mother white?
my hypocrisy is not the issue here, pleb
Obama's mama is white, guess that means he wasn't the first black president after all. Just another old white dude baka senpai desu
>There are many pure european mexicans.
Please warn before dropping funny bombs like that user.
sanctimonious cunt Jesus fucking Christ I weep for the world
>brown eyes
sorry there pal...
Obama's mother is white, Obama's still a nog.
Nogs really are hopeless, you guys just can't into logic.