'I have no doubt in my mind that somebody's going to make an attempt on my life in the next couple months'
'I have no doubt in my mind that somebody's going to make an attempt on my life in the next couple months'
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hanrahan is such a better name than cockolopolos hanny han han
we can only hope
good. we should make his assassin a national teasure with a full pardon
Kill with Anally Injected Death Serum.
suffocation by deep throat prbly
He predicted himself getting banned from twitter, so he actually has a bit of credit.
I would happily try to kill that faggot. Just because hes a faggot and deserves to die.
why would you wish the death of another human being you filthy cuck?
god this is why i hate lolberals, you 2 faced lying hypocritical shits, you all literally hate everything that isn't you with your terrible low self esteem and your lack of conscience, your all sociopathic manchildren and it disgusts me.
He doesn't deserve to live.
Fuck off hillary shill, milo is just insuring the gay vote. Unlike hillary Trump hasn't spent most of his career campaigning against gay marriage.
is Milo still going to do that parade in Sweden?
Chill bro I'm a conservative and I can't wait for his demise
this faggot crying for attention again
this is my surprised face
t. lying shillbot.
hold your horses achmet
>According to the survey, 84 percent of likely LGBT voters back Clinton, compared to the 16 percent who support Trump, a significant margin showing more than 4 in 5 LGBT voters would vote for the former secretary of state.
>Purposely troll in order to fester your opportunistic alt right persona and proclaim you're going to get banned.
>Troll high profile celebrity and encourage your followers to join in.
>Profit from basement dwelling man-children who are convinced I'm a rebel instead of a person playing up a character in order to gain cash and fame.
I also predict I will die after I put this gun to my head and pull the trigger. Check out my prediction skills.
He thinks he's bomb-able?
Good. Maybe he'll stop spamming Sup Forums every day if he gets murdered
the circumcison loving jew would deserve it.
my guess is that the police will not allow it.
Who are these faggots? Where is Sup Forums. Milo is ok at least.
that's a big improvement.
I'm donating all my meme magic to help the assassin.
>t. milo
fuckoff fagget
They're the ones going to be escorting him aren't they? The only thing they down want him to do is ride a horse because then they can't protect him as well.
>Sup Forums isn't full of free speech fundamentalists
you'd think a place like this would actually care about free speech
He's right about that, they'll succeed as well. Can't wait for his autist squad to literally light candles and cry on Facebook.
and nothing of value will be lost
faggot probably already has AIDS anyway
It's not. 25% of them supported Romney in 2012. Hillary's success among minorities is unprecedented.
I bet he's seen some things
We wouldn't believe
Police can always claim that they are not able to guarantee safety and shut it down.
I'm guessing they will do that.
If he proceeds with the protest anyway there will probably be a shitshow.
will probably be entertaining but I don't wanna see anyone get hurt.
If he will be killed, I can't say that he didn't bring it upon himself. Still, it'd be pretty bad if he were to be killed.
>expressing your views is bringing it upon yourself
I can tell you're not american
Milo is a faggot, but a cool faggot like Freddy Mercury.
Maybe he'll catch the AIDS like Freddy, too.
He wants to go down as a martyr.
>likely LGBT voters
so 3 people
this is a serious question: what is Sup Forums's problem with milo? just cause he is gay doesn't mean he is a bad person.
>you're responsible for your own murder if you say mean things
Go suck some Komani cock, you fucking Ausi trash
>kike faggot
only one
What can we do to shorten that time?
i predict the sun will rise in the east tomorrow
If hes killed it'll show how violent mudslimes really are, unless some cucked native swede kills him for them then were fucked
>deliberately piss people off and make them hate you for laughs
>expect no one to take an active dislike to you
As much as milo is a troll and a drama queen his ban was BS.
People can post about assasination of trump or blm threatning others and twitter doesnt care.
But god forbid milo trolls someone and its such a crime.
Twitter is cancer and has always been
reminder most people here that hate Milo started hating him after he said that he prefers cut dicks
Why are uncut fags so insecure and sensitive? It's like a cult or something
>kiling someone because you couldn't handle the bantz
Go away ahmed
>if you deliberately incite people to hate you, it is not your fault if they hate you
>if you choose to sit in a lion's den and throw rocks at it, it is its fault that it is angry
As I said in a previous post, he is an opportunist.I somewhat doubt he is a true believer. Whenever I watch him speak it just feels like he realizes there is an audience to appeal to and also some thrill in trolling.
In a way, even though the joke is often on SJWs, I can't help feel he also feels he is getting over reactionary Alt-right folks online as a way to promote himself.
A random no body on twitter isn't going to get banned unless they garner enough attention to get twitter's attention.
Milo and friends went after a celebrity who definitely has more social clout than the average twitter user. That is where he fucked up.
Milo is a jew and everything he does is to make more money
this is exactly the point of free speech
offensive speech = free speech, your feelings don't get to dictate who lives and dies you shitskin muslim trash
we should turn on Milo, allowing gays in the movement is fine, but this one was trying to lead it to dark places
I am not saying that he should be killed, it would an awful thing if he were murdered, I'm just saying that he has sought to make enemies for teh lulz, and that sort of thing could catch up with him.
Only stormfags really hate milo. They value their Christian tradition so much that even a force of good coming from a place they perceive as bad is never a good thing.
Milo does good work yes he's a little bit degenerate but he openly admits it's a side he doesn't really like and he'd be straight if he could I don't see a problem with him. The collective butt hurt he causes the left wing exonerates him in my eyes. Even if he's a coal burner....he's my coal burner and I wouldn't like him any other way
I'm not talking against free speech.
>it is my fault you decided that murder is an appropriate reaction to hurt fee-fees
>I may be dead but at least I wasn't called racist!
Meant for
Milo is OK as a contrarian and reactionary. We desperately need people like that right now to counterbalance the growing regressive Left in this country (and the world).
I dislike his cultish behavior, though. He's singlehandedly turned the alt-right into a gigantic cringefest.
They are SJW shills D&Cing against Milo
The lion in this case being unreasoning niggers and mudslimes so yes you do have a point
And i hope they succeed
He's definitely using Trump, Sup Forums stuff and memes to promote himself. It's working. Punch his name into Google Trends.
The dude's been a self-hating gay from the beginning to get press. It probably has nothing to do with his personal beliefs.
I'm not saying that is his fault that he would be murdered, I'm saying that he has deliberately invoked people to hate him. Again, it would be an awful thing if he were murdered.
yes you are, you're making excuses for people who would kill someone over words. that is directly against free speech
Exactly, thank you.
Well he's not wrong. It's probably going to be an Arab though.
Martyrdom by Stormfag if dub. Martyrdom by SJW or BLM protesters at an event if trip. Livestreamed beheading by ISIS if quad.
This. Milo is like a monkey-wrench thrown into the gears o the SJW machine. Being a Jewish, nigger-loving faggot, he's immune to most o their attack patterns.
stormfag here. the early nazi party had a lot of gays, it's an inside secret. we don't hate milo for being gay, he's been very useful in that regard as it shields him from a lot of attacks... we just don't trust him (there's something wrong with a right wing movement being lead by a gay guy that only has sex with blacks)
Ironically it's more likely for Milo to get killed in the progressive Sweden than the ever so evil and trigger happy Freedomsland
>comparing speaking, which is putting ideas out and people listening to violent physical action
There's no way you can't tell the difference between voicing an idea and taking physical action against another being; are you retarded or shitposting? I honestly cannot tell.
Sooner the better
>"bringing it upon himself"
>"not his fault"
Hope he gets killed by the niggers he loves so much
True, but he didn't personally say anything that warranted a permanent ban. He made fun of her, yes, but she also tweeted things of equal level too. He wasn't even sicking his alt-right dogs on her either, they simply latched on to the argument and realized that trolling her was extremely effective. Perhaps they deserved account suspensions, but he cannott be held responsible for their actions and he shouldn't have been banned.
I hope whoever tries is black or muslim so we can have another habbening.
Damn, we sure are getting a lot of leftists shill on Sup Forums today
Why are they getting so desperate?
>entire Sup Forums got subverted by a snazzy faggot
fuck it I'm joining the jews, how do I become a jew, I know I wont be treated as a legitimate one but if I score with a jewess my kids will be full on Jews right?
fuck your shit im joining the winning side, progressiveness is clearly winning all over the globe
I'm not making excises for those who would kill him. His murder would be an awful thing to occur. I'm saying that he has used his free speech to deliberately rail against people and a movement in order to have teh lulz. He has the right to say whatever he wants, but he has deliberately, through his trolling, brought people to hate him. That's all I'm saying. I would have no respect for anyone who murders him, and Milo's death would be sad and unwarranted.
If you like Milo you are a liberal you dumbass
Well what's the worst that can happen? He's more of a joker than a leader.. maybe we needed him to be what he is to shield from improper discourse. And if allows proper discussion he's probably a good thing
I dunno Kek, it's been a while since stormfags actually killed anyone. Maybe we're overdue...
Hes already been censored by social media. Social media needs to be... Dare i say... Socialized?
being a nigger lover who constantly talks about niggers dicks to his female audience
You new shills are so bad at this. Kys
That was only to illustrate the point that his trolling has resulted in a negative reaction from people. Nevermind the specifics.
Brought the hatred upon himself.
Not his fault if he were murdered.
Coalburnings only a problem when they can actually breed.
Sup Forums has a lot of legitimate homo haters and racists, not the "I'm going to label you homophobe because I don't want to debate you" kind, the real kind. They'll use the same tactics as leftists use to avoid having to rationalize their views
>He's singlehandedly turned the alt-right into a gigantic cringefest.
Are you trying to say we weren't a gigantic cringefest before Milo? C'mon man. Half of people here are overweight fat fucks with gun obsession and other half some fucking skinny losers who got beaten in primary school for being pussies.
And i say that with all love.
Milo will probably lose it and end like mrhands.
who the fuck is this faggot