> In the week since my column on Donald Trump was published, I’ve been avalanched by several hundred anti-Semitic tweets. Pictures of me in a gas chamber, pictures of Trump saying “you’re fired” next to a death camp oven and hundreds of hate tweets calling me a kike, a traitor, a rat and far worse.

> One meme, however, grabbed my attention.

Other urls found in this thread:

wtf I hate anime now

Archive the links mate, don't give them clicks.

thanks m8, have a (you)


Gib Shekels please for digital Holocaust, goy!

That article is more cringey than someone sending half-naked anime girls directly to Trump, or someone holding a Make Anime Great Again sign at a Trump rally.

yeah, but it gives me the chance to finally use this pic

>This was worth printing on paper

I've always been confused by the whole "don't give them clicks" thing. How are they getting money if I have an adblocker?


>He doesn't understand why an anime inspired image board is posting anime


are you doubting (((their))) words?

holy fucking kek

>so triggered that he automatically began trying to deconstruct the hat edit that did it

Asuka confirmed for best girl

>A image of Asuka wearing a maga hat got this jew to watch eve
I wonder who his waifu is.

a lot of writers are paid per view, nothing to do with ads
regardless, higher traffic also bumps them up on search engines

probs asuka
>jews love being shit on

that's on you, shitlords


>bomb the shit outta STEELE and take their oil

>reminder that there's an anime from the '80s about Jews trying to turn Japan into a nuclear waste dump

Did they just fucking lose it?

he had his autism triggered badly

Good job m8

He's just mad that Rei is worst girl

The more clicks they record, the more money ad companies will give them. It doesn't matter if you're using a blocker.

>getting this mad over absolutely nothing
Based Anno does it again.

that's the master for you, Mr. Anno

Adblockers are already factored in, big news outlets get paid by reach. The larger the audience, the more companies are willing to pay more to them to display their ads. They get a click, they get a shekel. Which also inspires some sites like Salon to intentionally create "controversial" content that enrages a ton of people who then flood their comment section, not considering that Salon cashes in on that and gets encouraged to post more of the same shit.

Nice pic, clever frogposter!