I have compiled (well still working on it) a ranking of US states based on as of right now 37 different categories...

I have compiled (well still working on it) a ranking of US states based on as of right now 37 different categories. This started as 'proof' for my wife that the state we live in utterly sucks, and kind of developed from there.

So far 20 of those categories have been finished.

Ask about a state and I will let you know where it ranks and why. Help with further ranking categories if you like. The wife is possibly more Sup Forums then I am. Im sure she will enjoy how this evolves over time.

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To kick it off, I will list the ranking categories.

Median income, State Debt, Personal Freedom Index, property rights, education, cost of living index, Poverty rate, Unemployment, Access to Health, violent crime rate, tornados, earthquakes, volcanoes, tsunami, military presence, nuclear weapons, proximity to nuclear power, population density, population of blacks, population of mexicans.

And those are just the completed categories

massachusetts vs california or new york pls

spoiler massachusetts wins


Idaho? Just moved here and am curious of your ranking.

MA Score = 20th
CA score = 50th
NY score = 41st

CA scores across the board near the bottom. Its only saving graces are, well, nothing.

MA scores well in proximity to nuclear weapons, volcanos, earthquakes, access to health, education, and median income.

NY scores well in nuclear weapons and volcanos. The rest ranges from 0 rankings to bottom tier

Just how great is FL?

Idaho ranks 26th. It actually ranks well but is killed by natural disaster risks, nuclear power, and Mexicans


FL ranks 43rd. The only categories it scores well in are Earthquakes and nuclear weapons. It is destroyed by Blacks and Mexicans. losing 39 points in those 2 catagories alone

Tell me about New Hampshire

Ranked 2nd. Its scores are actually pretty middle of the road, but has next to zero natural disaster risk, and only loses a few points in Blacks and Mexicans

What are the top 5 states and why.

What are the bottom 5 states and why.


NH ranks 5th. It scores decently, but is hurt by being coastal, property rights, and proximity to nuclear power

It's official, Sup Forums can no longer shitpost about Minnesota.

That would be a very big explanation. I can explain the rankings on a category, but to explain the rankings on all categories at once would hit the character limit 5 times over.

As the thread progresses I might do a top 5 bottom 5 for comparison

Nigga just give the people what they fuckin want and stop the autism.

Top 5 with a brief summary of each, no more than 2 sentences.

Bottom 5 with a brief summary of each, no more than 2 sentences.

Can you do that?

hows Washington

Utah ranks 18th. It scores mostly middle of the road but is killed by its volcano, earthquake, and Mexican scores. Basically, it does ok, but is 'low hanging fruit" in some categories

Where do you see Colorado, user?

Washington ranks 36th. it is ranked low across the board and is saved from humiliation only by proximity to nuclear power and risk of tornadoes

CO is ranked 28th. it actually does well until you get to volcanos, mexicans, blacks, and nuclear weapons

lynch niggers bro


I think the volcano should cancel out the negatives from the Mexicans. If Yellowstone destroys the state then all the Mexicans will be dead!

>ca 50th

Yep. Tell me about it. I'm originally from West Virginia and I've been living in CA for 5 years and I have been depressed since I got here. I want to move out of this Godless hell hole back east.

Tell me about WV, also tell me about NC. Thinking about Asheville

Fair enough. Mexicans are everywhere unfortunately. Definitely aware of the nuke plants up around here and Montana. Natural disasters I guess due to fires and the yellowstone caldera blowing possibility. Thanks dude, take it easy.

Wyoming pls

what's the best state to live in


Top 5

south dakota
north dakota
new hampshire

bottom 5

new mexico

Explanations based on request, as they each fail and win for wildly different reasons


How's North Carolina?

I love my old Kentucky home. :)

Okay we'll do it the hard way.

Tell me about:
South Dakota
New Hampshire

Then also tell me about:
New Mexico

And so will you. This entire idea was basically to identify the safest state, bar none, while recognizing a safe state, yet a state that allows me to live and work. Living on the edge of a world ending Super Caldera is balanced against Great education and jobs, but a metric fuckload of Mexicans/niggers who will just chimpout and kill me for being white during the next BLM protest

>libtard tier Vermont is the best but based states like Texas, Georgia and Nevada are given the bottom place

Shit list

Iowa better be very fucking high up.

vermont has got to have a low personal freedom score. it may be a white paradise but it is a white guilt paradise. only reason it isnt infested with rapefugees is because it is so far north

Please tell me Delaware is the absolute worst.

WV is ranked 10th. It ranks really well except for median income, education, and unemployment. It basically ranks perfectly aside from all the stupid and poor people walking around

NC ranks 40th. It ranks middle of the road, or low in everything, and loses a point or 3 in each category

>20th because we're rich and immune to volcanoes

"the first X in america"

why isnt pennsylvania in the top five? it's the most based state

Gib Montana pls

Thinking about moving to Vermont but feel like I'll be bored once I get there.

Why is it listed as the best state IYO?

Wyoming ranks 11th. It does ok, but is hurt by natural disasters and the mexicans. Near the top 4-6 points can mean the difference between being #1 and #11

Holy shit, I got trips. Praise Kek!
Also, OP that meant tell me what Iowa is.

Yes, please do

Alabama? Is it shitty?

pennsylvania is the cradle of the federal republic

people there unironically speak dutch

that's pretty based

How about Alabama? Roll tide roll

There are enough faggots in Asheville no need for you Sup Forumsro

which state has the lowest cost of living + highest median income + lowest crime rate + no earthquakes no tsunamis no tornados + lowest amount of blacks

Replace Bear with Lord Saban.

Is there one of those for Tennessee?

South Dakota is weird. Half of the state is on the east side of the Missouri River and half is on the west. East river people try to copy Minnesota and be progressive but they don't realize Minnesota is a socialist shithole. West river people just hate prairie niggers and give no fucks. East river chicks are stuck up disease ridden whores living in $1000 a month apartments on daddy's dime. West river chicks think they're hippies and all want to move to Colorado and are basically drug-addled whores.

But taxes are low and there are like no gun laws whatsoever. Plus the brutal winter keeps out the worst of the liberal faggots.

can you explain NM and MN?

IA is ranked 6th. its the perfect example of doing nothing great, but doing nothing horribly either.


hmm let me run the numbers

syntax error

What is NC, CO, and OR?

Also, you're not gonna get no earthquakes, no tsunamis, and no tornadoes in one state. I would go with tornadoes, I live in a state with them, they never do shit. All they do is occasionally take out part of a corn field. They very rarely take out houses.

Tell me about Pennsylvania

Iowa versus Connecticut please.
Median Income
State Debt
Person Freedom
Property Rights
Cost of living
Violent Crime
Military presence
pop blacks and mexicans

Being destroyed by Alabama for the 12 th year in a row puts you at 43.
Why the Fuck can't your universities play football?

Vt has a 0 personal freedom score. It is mostly high scores, across the board except for personal freedom, state debt, property rights, and cost of living

woot woot
nigs are swarming us in mass though

Not too many niggers. Pretty /comfy/.

Mr. Katakura?

>Plus the brutal winter keeps out the worst of the liberal faggots.

2nd, NC boyo

Why is Texas number one on your list, in your opinion?

If Texas is not number one, what changes to your method could help increase accuracy?

Your ranking system is trash. Washington is easily top ten. Who the fuck needs nuclear power when you have hydroelectric?

I wouldn't say mass, but they are starting to come in more and more.

Delaware is ranked 31st. Its only high points are earthquakes, volcanoes, nuclear weapons and nuclear power. Outside that, its mostly low to middle of the road scores

It's a progressive shithole

fair enough


>just kek my shit up

Your system while admirable is very flawed. Just because on the average a state may suck. The "categories" are not always the same everywhere in the state. People suck everywhere you go and you can never escape political ignorance.


PA ranks 19th. Its natural disaster rank is god tier, but it is decimated by nuclear power, blacks, and mexicans

what did he mean by this

>Mr. Katakura


¿por que no los dos?

Don't know, you should make one.


>brutal winter keeps out the worst of the liberal faggots

why is canada riddled with them then?

Where does Indiana rank? I'm guessing like 15th based on your criteria

And what about OHIO?

We use dams here fuggot. Learn how to rank states. Plus the earthquake risk ain't shit unless you build your house on a steep hill.

Please respond ;_;

>CA would be the 6th largest economy in the world alone
>biggest agricultural producer in the usa
>tech capital of the world

Fucking retard lmao

Montana is ranked 12th. Its ranked really highly but is hurt badly by nuclear weapons and earthquakes.

like i said, near the top and bottom it gets really tight. The top 5 are separated by 15 points. The bottom by 35 points, but that is only because CA is 19 points below New Mexico

not to mention states like MA, CA, and NY look great on paper but they're loaded with uppity shitheads and the crowded mass public treats each other like shit

there are two bostons and both of them are kind of shitty:

>sunday brunch at the somerset
>park street station at rush hour

What's wrong with GA? Our Nigs stay in line and won't come too far north. Other than blacks what is wrong with it?

As a Britbong, Interested for Green card purposes, Texas, Florida, Oklahoma?

kek pretty much

Yeah but you also forgot that it's GAY. stupid frenchy don't act like you understand is better than we do.

Don't forget Muslim population my yankee friend.

What is indiana?

Basically Vermont scores high scores in everything, and the catagorries it doesnt rank well in (Median income, State Debt, personal freedom, and property rights) are middle of the road and dont hurt its score badly.

Vermont is basically the picture of "does everything ok, not great, but not horrible"