You're Just Blind To It Because Of your White Male Priviledge

I'm starting to get really tired of being accused of just being blind to the inequalities in the world just because I don't agree with the regressive left's opinions on everything. What a condescending thing to say. According to them I'm just not perceptive or objective enough to understand it. All I can think of in response to that is "go fuck yourself".

That just because I don't personally give a shit if someone 3000km away in another country is killed by police or don't believe in a wage gap because no one can provide one concrete example of it happening or feel little sympathy that some millionaire on Twitter is being harassed because I think they brought on themselves for acting like such a minstrel show to make those millions. Does not mean that I am willfully ignorant.

Those smug sanctimonious phonies don't give a shit either, they're not doing anything about these perceived problems but hey I'm the bad guy because I refuse to virtue signal along with them. What counter-points does Sup Forums have for when someone pulls the blinded by your privilege card?

Other urls found in this thread:

you are surrounded by your white privilege.

I use facts and figures.
They say the facts are skewed by racism/sexism.
I point out they haven't provided any evidence to counter my evidence.
They get nasty and start name-calling.

They never admit it but deep down they know I won.

Millionaire because of twitter.

Why I'm flattered, but I'm not even making minimum wage.

Intel is cheap if you know where to get it...

... and look at how liberal we all are with our ideas and opinions, the very elements that are pulling the strings world wide.


i'm a white guy and I have a thing for black girls


The Freudian slip makes it all the more hilarious but everyone gets it wrong.

Yeah nothing wrong with that

I like the darker ones

oh okay, here you go...

White privilege is earned privilege.

Race traitor.

Except being a race traitor that deserves nothing less than a bullet to the head.

And here I thought you couldn't look at a person's face to determine their IQ...that ape just proved me wrong. I'm guessing she's in the 60's.

I have a pet unicorn. You just can't see it because you're blind to it.

Yes well.. back to the original point, what is a clever response to this BS accusation.

kek, I like that answer but I'm not sure it would have the desired effect.

>Yes well.. back to the original point, what is a clever response to this BS accusation.
You accept and normalize it.

You know why Whites have privilege? Because we earned it through generations of blood, sweat and tears.

Now the anti-Whites want us to give away our privilege to those subhuman races that didn't earn it? Fuck that!

You don't see them bitching about Asian Privilege in Asian countries or Arab Privilege in Arab countries do you?

That's because in reality, they're not anti-privilege, they're anti-White.

Also, have some pride in your race. Stop chasing after subhuman apes and yelling MUH DIK

It really does make it better

Welcome to the group. But if you label someone a degenerate for your own arbitrary reason you're guilty of a similar thing.

Meh I only have 1 eye so I just call em ableist and say I have no privilege and it actually works fucking tards

>i'm a white guy and I have a thing for black girls

It's OK. Some people like to have sex with animals. It's 2016.

>It's 2016
Yes it is.