Trump is not going to be President

>There are still people on this board who naively believe that Trump is going to be President

Think about it:

>Major Corporations, Silicon Valley, Big Banks and Wall Street are behind Hillary 100%
>She has committed voter fraud several times and the media has buried and dismissed it
>She told the FBI to fuck off and won
>Trump has burned every bridge that could have helped him out which is why every mistake he makes is on the evening news
>Trump's campaign is out of money and he knows he can't win which is why he's not investing in himself

On the plus side, Hillary is most likely going to be assassinated during her presidency from her organized crime connections, but that is pittance compared to all the ways she's going to fuck up our country.

You can go ahead and deny this all you want, but it's not going to change the fact that we're going to have Hillary, the most corrupt piece of shit in the history of US politics, come November.

Other urls found in this thread:



>$.02 has been deposited I to your account

Because I hate that bitch.

Trump can win if he promises to charge/impeach both George Bush and Hillary Clinton for war crimes.

Obama is still too popular among the normies so wait to the 2020 reelection.

Donny "let kasich take the wheel" trump

LMAO what a fucking joke. These retards will defend him to the death

>Being so blue-pilled that you don't realize that the presidential election has been rigged for decades.

gop is in the same bind as the Labour party in the uk. The party membership insists on voting for a candidate that can't win a presidential/general election. If a viable candidate did come forward they would get torn a new arsehole by the party faithful.

As much as I hate shillary, from this side of the Atlantic it looks like you'll get her for two terms unless gop can nominate a viable president for 2020.

>b..b..b..b..but the emails and benghazi

Nothing's going to happen to Clinton. She's the establishment candidate.

Hillary has the means to rig the election and Trump is losing a lot of steam and popularity, so no. Trump is not going to win the election and I doubt he'll be back for another round.


I agree, it is all or nothing for Trumper now.

>there are people who care about puppets

Kek wills it though

>lol trump will never run for president
>lol trump will never get enough votes in the primaries
>lol trump will never get the nomination
>lol trump will never win the election

t. increasingly nervous man

>There are still people on this board who naively believe that Brexit is going happen

Think about it:

>Major corporations, the media, and every political party except UKIP are behind Bremain 100%
>The Bremain campaign literally had Jo Cox murdered to garner sympathy.
>The Bremain campaign has scared everyone into voting to protect MUH GDP
>Nigel Farage LIED about the 350 million pounds
>The Brexit campaign is out of money and they knows they can't win which is why they're not investing in it

On the plus side, Bremain is most likely going to protect our economy and save the value of the pound, but that is pittance compared to all the ways refugees will rape your children.

You can go ahead and deny this all you want, but it's not going to change the fact that we're going to remain in the EU, the most corrupt piece of shit in the history of European politics, come June.

Brexit will never happen
Trump will never happen
Kek is a lie

>British shitposter thinking they know us politics

Keep thinking that it doesn't end at the nomination, friend.


>Trump is losing a lot of steam and popularity
nice source fagollio

>US fag thinks he knows about US politics

Your tears, I will drink first.

Sadly he knows more than you.

>You're right lad, he really is down by an insurmountable gap isn't he?

It's still "We the people" right?

I don't even read shill posts but I'm starting to enjoy replying to them.
>tfw checking trumps facebook and each time one more of my friends has liked him

How do any of those things translate into votes?

blasphemy. repent while you still can.

Your tears will be delicious.

Remember to sage anti-Trump threads or youre illegal liberal Mexican


>purposefully blinding yourself

Bluepill cuck

Brexit WILL happen. Did you see May's cabinet??

His power level is over 9000 now

Approval rating is skyrocketing and even when the press is bad its good for him. He's like an Absolute Value function.

Even with voter rigging hillary isnt gonna be able to fudge the numbers enough.

Instead of 80% vote he might get 70%

Thats what Obama got in 2012

Can we just check these numbers here and be done with these fucking shills?

>Trump won't win enough delegates
>Trump will get denied at the RNC

>Trump won't be president
>Increasingly nervous

It's cute how you little trumpettes still think he's going to win.

>le increasingly nervous

Hide shill threads for the emperor!

Where is your kek now?

He has a good chance because a lot of people are sick of faggots and want to quit burdening white men with it because the simple fact is we are superior and if you're a gook, nig or a spic you know the best thing to do is to unshakle us because it will improve your life too.

I think trumpfags are the ones getting increasingly nervous.

Nah, Trump will win, but It's all a false flag

>Hillary is the puppet of all major corporations
>Trump literally IS major corporations
This is just the major corporations plan to make people think they're overthrowing the establishment, when in reality this is all a plan by the major corporations to literally crown themselves the rulers of the government.

shit's scary yo

Trump is a million times better than Hillary, the real tragedy is Trump is an absolute joke. People that vote him unironically need killing.

those who live on others tears can never defeat those who live on their own laughter

the inherent flaw of the left is that it's self hatred directed outwards which becomes self destruction

and like adults, WE are always here to clean up the mess, and put you to bed.

Friendly reminder just about every institution, financial, political and multinational came out against Brexit. Everyone said the campaign was negative, full of lies and hatred and it still happened.

Nothing is given, even in this election. The ordinary US citizen is sick of all those institutions, they're not going to support them.

and britain will vote remain in june

i disagree


ok reddit

And you still won't have any source. Back up your claims or back yourself out of this board.


I would have agreed with this 100% nigger until brexit

>Major Corporations, Silicon Valley, Big Banks and Wall Street are behind Hillary 100%

And looked how great that turned out for Brexit when the big names supported remain.

Let's be realistic his going to lose.

>polls, pundits and even a fair section of the republican party
>some /x/ tier faggotry involving repeating digits on a Cambodian shadow puppet enthusiast website

Why are trumpfags so pathetic?

>greentext for a reply
The Trumpet has cracked

$.02 has been deposited into your account.

>Anybody doing anything for 2 cents.
I know some of you are poor, but wow. I mean just wow...

these dubs say trump will win

>Donald Trump Michael Pence

anagrams to

>Red pill meme toad can punch

>Donald Trump make america great again

anagrams to

>A meme magic toad and a partaking ruler
this is impossible its etched into the universe user

>Two American cents is a month's wages for a kiwi

>Think about it

fuck yourself.

>trumps campaign is out of money


Pepe is a frog, you fucking dipshit.