Did Sandy Hook really happen?

Did Sandy Hook really happen?

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Here come the shills to tell you their little cousin was killed there.

As real as the Shoah

the pictures of children we saw are just old pictures of their other kids

No. Nothing happened that you didn't want to happen.
The jews are behind everything

You best believe it, goyim.

I was friends with the teachers there. I live in Connecticut. Many of my friends went to Sandy Hook. It most certainly happened. To all of you who say it didn't, fuck you. I knew those kids really well. I babysat a few of them. It is real.

Please post propf to silence your senselessly hateful opposition.
You will be the first person to ever disprove the claim that Sandy Hook was fake.
I eagerly await your undeniable pictures, videos, and links.

Yep, it did.

Conspiracy theorists never have actual evidence to support their idiotic claims, please reference the false theories regarding:

The moon landings, vaccines and autism, the CIA and Kennedy, Hillary and Benghazi, the most well documented genocide in history, that there is no such thing as mental illness (kek), the earth is flat, that Obama is a Muslim, that chemtrails exist, that GMOs give you cancer, that global warming is a hoax, that the Illuminati controls everything, that the Jewish people control everything, that famous people get together on known dates to sexually abuse kids, that aliens exist and control everything, that Hitler escaped to South America, that the government/FEMA is planning to confiscate guns...

The list is endless because every idea is equally valid to a conspiracy theorist. The only criteria for belief is that the idea confirms what ever delusion they already have. The real red pill is that there is no red pill.

I live in Samdy Hook, Conrcticut. It is real. I was just around the block from Ssndy Hook when it happened. I'm good friends eth the teachers. All of those kids were good kids. I used to babysit some of them. Please stop denying the truth. It happened.

Oh yeah, I forgot one: that 9/11 was a controlled demolition because WTC7 collapsed. This one is especially dumb since the 9/11 Commission Report directly explains how Building 7 was cantilevered against the foundation of the Towers. When the Towers fell, Building 7 lost about 70% of its structural support instantly. Not surprising that it fell too

Of course can't you see the pain in this man's eyes?


Was Adam Lanza redpilled?

that's not funny. every child that died at sandy hook is being RAPED right now.



he was autistic, so yes

Is this a meme or something? Sometimes I question whether Sup Forums is satire or not. I don't see any reason to believe Sandy hook didn't happen.

9/11 skeptics can be somewhat creditable for things like building 7 and the the controlled demolition style they fell but Sandy hook?

>Is this a meme or something?
It's not. I met a guy at work once who also believes Sandy Hook never happened.

He's a pretty on-the-ball guy and a great worker, but for some reason he gladly believes in pretty much every major conspiracy theory.

He teachers RIP page was posted two days before she died so he must be autistic and a time traveler.

Domestic policy: disarm the populace

Foreign policy: overthrow all the dictators of the ME/NA installed by the US since the early 1970s.

Obama and his team failed on both counts. The way that the local/state/fed authorities handled the incident in Newtown, CT is highly irregular and leave a lot of doubt in even the most moderate of skeptic. The forensics were never released and the goddamned crime scene is now a dirt lot. A ton of NYC-based liberal types involved in the image and reporting, scripted responses, inconsistencies amongst first responders. This never happened at any other mass murder crime scene except the POTUS outright denying it was a terrorist incident and NBC/CBS news and rags like the NY Daily News attempting to suggest the shooter was a jilted homosexual mad at the slutty PR gay scene in Orlando, FL.

What does your gut tell you about Sandy Hook Elementary?

You tell me.

Why do all americans suffer from untreated schizophrenia and autism?

Really? The guy who wrote the legally mandated procedure for responding to a school shooter in the United States -- which procedure was by the way not followed here, with no explanation -- thinks it's fishy.

I live in Shandy Hoek, Cunnyteakettle. My friends are good boys who go to the school there and they didn't do anything to deserve this abuse. They're on their way to college and they're just trying to get their life on track.

But Obama failing is the surest proof of Obama's involvement!

>But Obama failing is the surest proof of Obama's involvement!

But the government failing is the surest proof of public servants' involvement.

With a bloated bureaucracy and lifetime inefficient racial/gender/nepotistic plants running things, guarantee amongst any planned government involvement a new low even below USPS level of incompetency.