We've gone 71 years without a nuclear attack...

We've gone 71 years without a nuclear attack. The only attacks that ever occured in the history of this world happened twice within the course of 3 consecutive days.

There are thousands of nukes in the world and probably some are unaccounted for.

How the hell is it possible that nobody got nuked in 71 years??

Other urls found in this thread:


>implying anything of this is real and we werent already nuked

This. We've all been nuked at one time or another, we just don't realize it because the government learned not to publish it after 1945.

They don't exist. Nagasaki and Hiroshima are cover ups. They literally firebombed an area and claimed it was nuclear arms. If we ha already actually discovered how to use nuclear energy we would be much more advanced by now.

>Trusting war propaganda as truth

Tip top kekarooni. Stay blue pilled friend

plenty of desert and innocent sea creatures got nuked less than 71 years ago

Things that live in the desert are sinful and never innocent.

Self preservation, they realize once they launch one nuke 100 will be launched at them.
It's kinda like a mexican standoff.

Just read the fucking book OP

herman kahn on thermonuclear war

Ur stoopid canada

same with sharks

Yeah but whales and octopi are innocent so the ocean is a tough call really.

And I for one couldn't give a shit about sea mammals since my dolphin bitch of an ex cheated on me with fuckin' Clive.

Dolphins are the whores of the ocean.

China got nuked last year. We did it to destroy their super computer.

How to convince the world you own the super duper Nukul@r Hollercoaster:

1- take a shitload of TNT,, several hundred tonnes
2 - blow it up
3- take pictures of the fireball and mushroom cloud
4- congratulations! the whole world fears you now. Claim you can load it on top of a rocket and strike anywhere in the world for extra fear points.

Get your shit togheter.

Nukes is more than anything a deterrent. And now a dozen countries have that deterrent, most of which are the larger military powers of the world.
So if anyone sends a nuke, they can be pretty sure to expect one coming back. Nobody (unless you're an edgy wannabe anarchist) want to start that pissing contest.

Things have to turn pretty god damn sour before someone should feel willing to use a nuke.

Deleting cities from existence is, sadly, generally frowned upon.

>also, MAD, do you even history

>How the hell is it possible that nobody got nuked in 71 years??


Where's your evidence ?
> back to X

We all live with the residual effects in our bones from the testing.

I always feel like if an attack did happen nowadays with the cucks in power it would be kept under wraps for weeks,an absolute media blackout and no coverage,if there were immediate coverage,Americans would cry out for blood and vengeance.
Flight plans would change so people don't see
Probably until people start wondering why they haven't heard from their loved ones in a while,or deliveries and shipments not arriving to destination

Then the gov would break the news

[citation needed]

Do you not remember when the shipping container area of China got nuked last year? And how less than a mile away from that was chinas new super computer that far exceeded the top one we had at the time?

>using retarded memes that no one likes

I'm not even sure anymore if you guys are being ironic or just plain retarded.

I think the news would get out within seconds


Was this a nuke? Any expert care to chime in? At 0.30 you can see some weird static glitter on the camera, is this raditaion?

Yeah of course because only NATO has satellites or any intelligence services ever right? Fucking retarded. A nuke blowing towns and killing civilians would be known in a matter of hours if not minutes.

Sure do remember. But a nuke are you serious?
You know the isotopes left over would be like a finger print. Any satellite going over the area would read this. And the worlds super powers would say who did it. Can't believe you have to be really dumb or a troll?

No, just a really big bomb.

>what are nuclear power plants
there's ways to measure power output you know


>Mushroom cloud

I wonder if the speculation of nukes being under the towers was just to disprove the truth, and paint everyone as a nut job.

When I see pics of the bedrock that was molten to an amazing beautiful swirl twist, I wonder if molten steel caused this or a nuke.

Either way there were explosives, nothign present that day in the OS can provide sufficient evidence for molten steel.

Because of the M.A.D.

Every nuclear missile, uranium enrichment site, and missile silo in the world is monitored and tracked with the utmost caution by the CIA, MI:5, UN and other world powers, even those in the shit countries like Best Korea and Pakistan.

If one were to even go rogue for an hour, the entire western military would be put on high alert, and those country's leaders who fucked up big time by losing (or selling) the missile will get JFK'd within 24 hours.

Everyone in government knows this already. Nuclear weapons are the only reason we've been at peace for this long anyway. People are afraid of dying, even the shittest of dictators.

Just a big ass controlled demolition.
15 years on this shit just keeps going on and on.
Fucking retards think China got nuked. Never going to get the world back at this rate.

>I never had a life I don't even know what life is?

several micronukes (suitcase sized) brought down the world trade centers. Those were the explosions underground people heard. The blast force was directed upward as one would expect. I don't have a citation for the hypothesis off the cuff. Given the energy needed and working backwards to what would produce it, this proposal has some merit. But there is more evidence of it measured after to demolitions in radiation. If you look you will find plenty of material on it.

There are hundreds of casual pictures taken by ordinary people in the proximity of nuclear test areas... I mean why do I even bother..

Peace through strength
Like no has one seen Dr Strangelove?

I agree, people speculate on matters they have no fucking clue about through direct firsthand experience doing it like a man.

If half of the retards who think they have a clue actually melted steel for years they'd understand the temperatures and what it takes to melt. No one can talk if they haven't melted steel throughout their life, whether in auto repair, railroading or heavy equipment maintenance. They are niggers that have no clue.

I never would've got involved on the level I did if I didn't grow up in that cancerous state that should be fucking nuked.

This is a real hypothesis and user was not being ironic. There is a body of evidence to show that nukes do not and never did exist. Look it up. I know it seems outlandish but look with an open mind. I think that they do exist but the proposal is serious. It's also good practice thinking outside the box. You shouldn't write it all off too fast. It might be partly true, and certain weapon systems could not possibly work. But regardless of that, it's pretty common knowledge that more than half the nukes in the world do NOT work and cannot work anyway for other reasons than being merely decoys or dummies. And it is a fact that decoys and dummies have been deployed throughout military history no matter how you slice user's issue.

Even the smallest nuke has a flash that will blind you

Believe it or not, with good explosives knowledge, you can create a mini nuke that looks realish. Just look at all the retards on Sup Forums that thinks the Yemen explosion was a nuke

I don't know if you're just trolling or not but you're actually wrong

This is exactly what will not occur. user is mistaken. Let me correct it: One missile incoming would get only one or two missile outgoing in retaliation because of the second strike capacity of each side. It is not so that the first retaliatory strike would be overwhelming with the possible exception of Israel. It may also depend on if incoming is from land or sea, and if from an entity verified to be acting in or outside the COC. All that takes time, maybe days.

Asking for a clarification here. One notes that you failed to tell what was wrong. I said that I believe nukes exist and there exists a substantial hypothesis that they do not exist, but that I am open minded. what is wrong there?


also, there exists a group that gives probability estimate for a nuclear exchange within prescribed time frames. Last time I saw it the estimate was 30% likely to occur within about a decade if memory serves me correctly. Of course that's the real question to OP's thread. . . It hasn't happened between nations yet (so we think) so when will it, or will it never occur? That's a probability question. There exists people with highly refined and studied positions who look at this, not from Sup Forums, but who probably offer the best available forecast. But it's a guess only. No matter how many heads you flipped uninterrupted in a row on prior flips the next flip has a 50% probability to be heads because it is an independent event not linked to past events. Aside from that, Bayes theorem is a great way to look at what will occur as it unfolds in the event of an exchange of any sort once it begins.

>probably some are unaccounted for
>probably some

Hahaha you mother fucking looser fuckyou asshole no cares or ever did. We think your a fucking fag also btw.

>what is nuclear espionage

If you delete the word "probably" and replace it with "there are" then I believe that increases the truth value of the proposition.

0/10 for too obvious.

>How the hell is it possible that nobody got nuked in 71 years??

Because people are stupid but not that stupid.


But that shit wasn't even fucking close to a nuke

My grandfather worked on the uranium enrichment project here back in the 80's. Nukes are very real senpai.