HAARP static activity increased on short wave radio

There gonna put pressure on some tectonic plates on the west coast and midwest in order to do a super earthquake.

Be wary if you are in the west coast/midwest, the Earthquake is gonna be massive . If theres any big sports game or events coming place on the west coast/midwest then there gonna try to aim for that day.

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This is going to be a good happening.
I can just feel it.



FUCK YES HAARP THREAD FUKASHIMA 2! I love seeing stuff like this on Sup Forums since I backed out of GLP about 5 years ago and haven't found a good place to discuss this shit (/x/ is pretty lame). Anyways, I thought they shut harp down? What sites are there that monitor haarp?


heres a video if you have shortwave radio you can hear all the static its messing everything up.

My guess is that they are gonna activate it on Comic Con.

You can monitor it on short wave radio. Talk to any radio guy and they can tell you when they turn on HAARP since it fucks with all the signals.

>My guess is that they are gonna activate it on Comic Con.
kek why

100,000 people are gonna gather.

i'm currently at haarp right now. we call it orion.
the jets are taking off
it's very loud
the jets are landing again
the crew said the jets are too loud

Comic con destruction would be pretty legit but back when I frequented GLP they had websites for monitoring haarp, I'm a no-radios

They've had national guard running drills about a month ago. Good thing I have a gun.

I was pretty sure HAARP shut down around 2011, does anyone remember or know anything more about it? Also still wondering what websites let you monitor haarp activity if anyone has some links

mfw a california earthquake causes yellowstone to erupt

Please tell me someone has the screenshot of the guy who got unholy trips of kek saying there was gonna be a thermonuclear implosion off the coast of California

Do you idiots actually believe the powers that be are going to allow Trump to become president? Do you really think anyone outside the political establishment can actually become the leader of the free world? Ha!

Earthquake will happen in September/October and will cause hundreds of thousands of deaths. Emergency legislature indefinitely delaying the election will be put in place.

George Bush tried to warn us.

I hope Oklahoma City has a shoreline by the end of this.

>causes yellowstone to erupt

Go back to /x/ you fucking faggot.

What do radio waves have to do with tectonics exactly?

what about russian basalt flats (sp?)
the great dying was what, 95% of ALL life, to include the ocean even to beyond kilometer depths

the real happenings take more than a day. they're ongoing, and climate takes decades to normalize

yellowstone is non-issue on the scales of the bottlenecks

>George Bush tried to warn us.
basically they create waves that bounce off the ionosphere and pinpoint plate locations sending vibrations to them. I'm a conspiracy theorist, not a scientist so if that sounds retarded it might just be

>"shut down"

mind telling us what frequencies, how to monitor it, etc?

Nice pseudoscience.

the implication is that you bounce low freq radio waves off of the ionosphere (like HF radio functionality) and induce a resonant signal to transfer that energy into the (unstable) system, causing it to react. in this case, causing it to cascade and fracture. the other conspiracy theory talks of inducing high volumes of low freq radio energy to induce weather patterns or add energy to large systems. hope that helps. conspiracy theories are pseudo-science with a large amount of dramatic storytelling, keep in mind

30 hz and 10hz

>I'm a conspiracy theorist, not a scientist so if that sounds retarded it might just be
Er yeah. You don't even have to be a scientist to know what radio waves are and how they work...theyre the same thing as gamma radiation and visible light, they're all part of the electromagnetic spectrum. I mean they can send and receive signals sure, but they're going to have nothing to do with vibrations...

Ok, I'm flat out shit at science but yeah they argue that extra low frequency wavelengths can be reflected off the ionosphere and will cause the vibrations. It sounds reasonable I guess but once again, terrible at science

Yeah, okay, then no that makes no sense whatsoever. Radiowaves carry very, very little energy. No matter how many of them you're sending. For the most part EM waves are just absorbed or reflected anyway, how do people expect this to transfer energy? It's high frequency shit that would do that, and even then, if we were hit by a gamma ray burst from a supernova or neutron star, the grounds would be fine, it's the atmosphere that'd be scorched away


My dog was freaking out a few mins ago.

sounds waves and harmonics can induce a large amount of energy into semi-solid systems. that much is proven and replicable. the question is, can you focus these low energy/low frequency radio waves at large distances and induce enough energy to cause what the conspiracy theorists are suggesting. so far, i haven't seen anyone try to debunk this outright. only small experiments with sound waves, which is very much not expandable to the scale of haarp and what people are trying to suggest it is capable of

>HAARP conspiracy theorists

o i m laffin

radio waves =/= sound waves
Radio waves are EM radiation, sound waves are the physical atoms moving and hitting each other

You seem to know a lot about this stuff, do you remember haarp being shut down years ago? Did they make a new installation, did they never shutter the old one or is op trollilng us?

>haarp earthquakes
are y'all niggas serious?

all these back to /x/ faggots don't understand, /x/ never touches interesting shit like CERN, HAARP, bluebeam and whatnot and even if they decided to the board is completely dead. I wish we could have a decent chan conspiracy board

yeah man i understand this. i'm just outlining the theory and what's being implied
no clue

Wew it got shilly in here

America please no, we've had enough.

Who am I kidding I love earthquakes, that ultimate-happening feeling.


>Has the ability to produce enough energy to literally shake the earth.
>Has the ability to transmit this energy through a relay the size of a local tv tower.
>Is being exposed by basement dwellers on Sup Forums

Ok, mate.

For conspiraboos like myself Fukashima was the ultimate happening the likes of which we may never see again. I still believe the radiation from it will slowly kill off humanity.


something to keep in mind is that large scale antenna arrays are not new to militaries anywhere. the soviets had a bh system that would fuck with the uk's tv reception and it was fucking massive. it's probably still there in fact, google "massive ass soviet antenna"

chain home as well in the uk, etc. clearly haarp has a purpose, and it's probably, in my opinion, an experiment that serves two purposes- fuck with radio waves and test results, and listen.

ohhh, yeah I doubt he meant anything along those lines user. I think he was noting the changing demographics of the country and the death of his political party's base and chances at future elections.

>Sup Forums is the first to ever bring up HAARP
How do you manage to breathe being that retarded?


HAARP had not been relevant since 2014 you fucking burger whore.

But you said
>so far, i haven't seen anyone try to debunk this outright
Consider it debunked. It's literally not how radiation works. Sound waves, sure. I mean almost all of the destruction cause by earthquakes is literally caused by a sound wave, the Earth's crust moves in a literal wave as the energy travels through it, like audible sound moves through the air. But radiation doesn't even remotely work that way. Especially not low frequency. Low frequency means low energy, you could have as many low frequency radio wave transmitters as you like it won't impart energy into something, especially not kinetic energy, it'll mostly be thermal energy (which yes, in a way is kinetic, but if you get down to the quantum level all energy is essentially kinetic). YOu could not cause an earthquake with radiation. At best, if you used very high frequency waves, like gamma radiation, in huge quantities, you could make the ground very hot. That's about it. Even then we're talking about the sort of energy a star would produce, being focussed in one place

Sup Forums invented chemtrails didn't you know

if aliens only read Sup Forums i think they would hate minorities. the ultimate meme magic

Portland fag here. There's like a 10% chance in the next 50 years.

>Ignoring that the first two green quotes violate basic physics

Why dont you faggots just run in there, plant some c4 on the antennas and destroy them? Whats the big deal?

He can't exactly come out and say "The US government is planning a gigantic catastrophe ala 9/11 in the interest of preserving the political establishment" now can he?

No, there's a 0% chance in ever, this literally makes no scientific sense whatsoever.

>What do radio waves have to do with tectonics exactly?
The same thing they have to do with hurricanes.
Katrina was created by HAARP.
>George Bush did this!

Resonance. A vibration with the wavelength of the globe ( about 8000 miles pek to trough) will start things a rumblin. Add enough power, and things start to get interesting real quick.


sold, not shut down

you'd have better luck sparking an earthwake by stuffing twinkies down a gopher hole than you would with any 'atmospheric manipulation' device op

try, try again

but, by all means, put that tinfoil back over your ears and continue hiding in the basement


no i agree, i don't agree with the theory's assertions. BUT, and here's where the conspiracy is not yet disproven- imagine attenuating a high volume of hf signal to focus on (relatively) narrow geography. take a large antenna, broadcast huge energies, attenuate that signal to induce as much energy as you can manage with minimal loss, and you might just observe a kinetic effect. again, where are the experiments? i don't know. that's what the assertion is though.

No, of course he can't but there are numerous other ways to take that as well. That would be way too broad for me to interpret it as a warning in the way you are taking it.

Who bought it?

You know what, this iliterally makes more sense scientifically. Hurricanes only occure under very specific temperatures, temperatures could be controlled with radiation, but you'd still need fuck tons of energy and radio waves are very low energy, you'd be wasting your time to try to do it with radio waves.
But shaking the ground with radiation is still completely impossible

Thank you user! Any idea who bought it?

There is no fucking resonance from radio waves, they're radiation, not sound waves. Jesus Christ.

Like a giant micro wave. Not theory, working product, in which China and Russia also have them.

anyone familiar with /sci/? If they have a QTDDToT threads I would like to pop in and ask them but will need help wording it

Local tv tower? Haarp covers acres, and probably operates in a quarterwave pwm configuration.

Then enjoy your fiery hellscape of an ashy grave you corpse. I'll be sippin champagne from the skulls of fools like you with Dubya and anyone else intelligent enough to see the warning signs.

That's pretty much the official story as well...
something about manipulating ionosphere conditions to simulate signal propagation in different solar weather etc...
I don't see why anyone with a modicum of physical understanding would be suspicious in THIS project in particular...

yipes, em signals certainly DO have resonance. what is a waveguide

Why dont you faggots just run in there, plant some c4 on the antennas and destroy them? Whats the big deal?

>Tectonic plates sure to burst at any moment.
Your choices are

>Let it happen randomly and in an uncontrolled fashion all at once
>Activate it in advance so that it can be prepared for


woah user, don't be so hostile. I'm only engaging you and questioning it because I am interested. Do you have any other warning signs to point to that these people are aware of big happenings short of the popular ones like the Georgia guidestones and the deagel(?) report?

>causing pressure
>on a continental plate
Do you even know how science works? Let alone the crust of the earth and electromagnetic waves. Or even radio waves in general?

Why dont you faggots just run in there, plant some c4 on the antennas and destroy them? Whats the big deal?

Why dont you faggots just run in there, plant some c4 on the antennas and destroy them? Whats the big deal?

Why dont you faggots just run in there, plant some c4 on the antennas and destroy them? Whats the big deal?

The only thing I'm suspicious about is that "it's not being used for monitoring"

>and you might just observe a kinetic effect
You could drop a nuke if you want radiation to give you a kinetic effect. Even then, the earthquakes caused by nukes are so tiny they're literally indistinguishable from ordinary tremors, thats why apparatus to detect secret nuke detonations requires multiple seismographs detecting the vibrations in different locations to see if they're coming from a place that isn't on a fault line.

Can any of you fuckers explain how research related to the ionosphere has anything to do with tectonics?

Do you even xtal oscillator?

The ionosphere just acts as a mirror for them to bounce the waves off of user, they say that these waves get stopped there and reflected.

Trust me, I've been trying all thread, they know literally nothing.

i facebooked merkel
hatespeech, terroristic threats. i'm sorry user

And this would affect tectonic plates deep below the earth crust how exactly?

holy shit

It doesn't. They're just retarted.

Yeah right poser. And for the record, plastics sportsgear isnt real armor.

Take it easy, fake Aquafresh

Using the ionosphere as a reflector is one of the oldest tricks in radio to get signal beyond the horizon

govt shill spotted

Weather is mostly controlled by the troposphere and stratosphere. HAARP influences the ionosphere.


so long as a seismic wave isn't propagating through the low mantle, it's detectable at any point on the surface until it dissipates. it's how we've established the composition of the lower cores.

lets imagine a cloud with a high water composition. i think it's entirely plausible that a properly attenuated radio emission could induce a (relatively) large amount of kinetic energy into that system. hf radiation is dampened by clouds, irrefutable. that energy is being lost in the water molecules. this is where the katrina/typhoon whatever theories originate

lol, fucking HAARP tinfoilers never let go do they?

And how are clouds causing earthquakes?