I didn't use my real name. I don't want BLM making a house call.
I didn't use my real name. I don't want BLM making a house call.
>not a piece of fried chicken with a slice of watermelon as garnish between 2 pieces of sliced bread soaked in generic brand hot sauce
Ask yourself if you did good.
>implying you can pick whatever you want
>hello yes i'd like to order two "all jews must die," with a large coke please
>nobody has made a burger with everything on it called "the Kasich" yet
Anyone have a script for voting yet? If not I can try and make one
t. webdev
you can refresh the page and vote again.
The bun was just a video.
why the hell do they tell us to make a burger and let you put chicken in it alone?
racism can sometimes be funny
even racist people can sometimes be funny
but being racist doesn't automatically make you hilarious
I'm sorry OP, but you're just not that funny
a touch racist, perhaps, but definitely not funny
You can bypass the bun requirement if you know how to Inspect Element, posting further instructions
Just remove that and you can continue without a bun
Is this in New Zeeland only? Haven't heard of this around here...
dat pepe
But why did you choose to disparage MLK jr? Black youth in the U.S. don't like MLK jr, in fact they are taught that he was an Uncle Tom sellout to the white powers that be. MLK jr said "I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character". Blacks today don't want you to judge their character, in fact they threaten you with the label of racist if you dare to judge their character. Instead they demand that you afford them special treatment and entitlements based on nothing more than their color.
You should have chosen Louis Farrakhan, Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, Barack Obama, or some of the many other marxist black "leaders".
made it myself
also nice dubs
I made one with 1 of everything
Tried to make one with 2 of each ingredient but it glitched the site lmao
mine crashed too
Fucking Mcdonalds
Do other hex encoded character work???
This was mine
>just a bun
I made The Yeb and The pavement Ape
Why can't we have a create your own burger at McDonald's here in America. tbqh I'm jealous.
You can't be trusted
Wrong pic :/
>tfw 100% white meat
Looks as though Sharpton's HIV infection has progressed to full-blown AIDs
They deleted my burger.
Atleast make a good burger you fucking spergs.
quads confirm Trump is better than MCdonald's
Trump is trademarked, baka
I actually want this to happen
Should list under Latest.
Hey, nice quads you got there
Holy shit!!! I forgot that Touchy Uncle Dan was the manager in GOOD BURGER.
Fuckkkkk. Stop with the BURGERS
I've tried like 20 different names, and they all get filtered for being offensive.
Dan who?
Unoriginal post. And, I actually am gay, so I like that board. Ha Ha Ha.
Dan 'Body Hider' Schneider
The Disney producer PedoWood man.
It's an anatomical term, how can it be offensive?
>underrated post
>go to homepage
>browse latest creations
>see this
some creative motherfuckers in here
I mean..that thing looks delicious
Yeah, but what's his name again?
>in hindsight should have put coqfight
"Hello, police? Yes, I'd like to report an individual who I believe has become radicalised."
I did good pool?
I made African food, it was the top one for a while.
suicid bom aftermath reporting in
Frigg off
Dan "hold her tighter, she's a fighter" Schneider
kys m8
Clearly the meal for a crusade would be a steak. Not some filthy burger.
>Marked for abo instead of abortion
>Auschwitz ration
thanks for the good laughs
We need to turn this ship around - make it appear as though the raid is coming from other domains such as tumblr, ninegag, reddit, pinterest, etc
this way we can truly cuck the sjw goy
Rate my burger
Holy shit that got me