Idris Elba is a fantastic actor

Stop whining.

>yo get Denzel on the phone, I got a perfect role for him

>he's too busy and expensive

>Naw senpai, I got just the guy..

he really is

Sup Forumsacks are just mad about black people being cast in fucking fantasy movies

He seems like a gentleman and a scholar who cures AIDS by raping babies

lol no, he does a decent job in average films

Sincerely would rather see Chandler Riggs play Roland than some overweight peanut-head nigger like Idris Elbow.

Riggs is too young to play Roland.

Why do Redditors love Idris Elba so fucking much?

because he's a nigger

Yeah that's how bad Idris Elba is in this role. Even a child would be preferable.