Ladies and gentlemen, I give you the Obama-Clinton foreign policy

Should Trump jump on this as an example of how fucked up the Obama-Clinton foreign policy apparatus is?

Video of kid being decapitated:

Other urls found in this thread:

>something bad happened literally on the other side of the world
>this means that Clinton endorses if not actively participated in it

I don't like them either, but come on dude

We, the US, are supporting, funding and arming the Syrian rebels. They literally said that kid was mistaken for someone of Assad's regime as the justification for the beheading.

Get real. If this was under the Bush administration, you would condemn it.

Obama and Clinton funding of Syrian rebel groups?? Cmon you fucking leaf.

We're just nuking the Hijaz soon, right?


This is Sup Forums and all but

Absolutely appalling.

That made me want to drink a beer and smoke a cigarette after seeing that.


She was Secretary of State

This is her foreign policy in action

I always got the feel that Obama didn't want to do shit in Syria and that he did it to appease neocons in congress tbqhf

LOL you're fucking brainwashed kid

Obama is Bush 2.0

The destabilization of the middle east has been a long campaign that our military has been doing that is above both Bush and Obama and especially Congress

Congress stepped in to keep him from going full-retard after his "red-line" got cross you apologist piece of shit.

> If this was under the Bush administration, you would condemn it.
no I would question the sanity of someone who thinks that Bush is PERSONALLY RESPONSIBLE for the beheading

people that violent are gonna do what they do either way, and beheading someone is an inexpensive dream to make true.

giving someone money also doesn't necessarily mean you ordered them to behead people

this is some ridiculous grasping at straws

Is the Obama administration's response that this boy's beheading "might give us pause" when considering to continuing arming and financially supporting this specific group of savages acceptable to you, you pathetic fucking leaf?

>11 years old
>providing support for Assad

Just... how?

No. Trump should keep doing what he's doing and use signals that defeat media response but make the connections he needs to make. Trump harping on a specific example would actually be counter-productive for bluepilled normies still using mainstream cultic reasoning ("Trump said it, therefore it isn't true").

Functionally Salafist Obama wanted Syria and screwed up so massively that our military broke with him and shared intel with Ivan afterwards.
Uniformed servicemen with obscured faces used selfies to threaten mutiny. I was in a ghetto clinic waiting room (getting a driver certification) and got to see all races and classes reacting in real time to John Kerry attempting to re-use Colin Powell's thoroughly debunked test tube of talcum powder shtick. They all pretty much said, isn't that the same damn thing they used to get us into Iraq?! They couldn't come up with a new lie?!

Boipussy keeps the morale high

But really, couldve been a child soldiers

Please spread this far and wide.

I didn't even watch the video and I was literally sick for 3 hours at work today imagining it.

This twitter stream has a bunch more videos:

The "rebels" finding him in a makeshift hospital and the footage from before they cut his head off.

The media is trying to bury this because they know it could be a campaign issue.


bumpity bump

this has to become a talking point for Trump. Bring it up and never shut up about it.

Shill detected

>be possibly the most responsible single person on Earth

I don't know who the fuck I am supposed to blame you dumb fucking goy, but the president (who went through an unprecedented number of military appointees because he was so stubborn about getting his retarded strategy of stoking islamists when it was convenient to hurt saudi's and jews enemies) and his crazy corrupt war hawk secretary of state who was taking money from sunni petro states
If it was discovered that Iran and Kuwait were donating millions to the "Cheney foundation" in the opening phase of the Iraq war you would shit your fucking liberal pants and be screaming about it non stop

Is the Commander in Chief of the military not responsible for the allocation of military assets?

Where does the buck stop?

meant for Habeeb over here

pretty sure that fuckers head was actually chopped off

If it had been up to Hillary we would have done MORE to back these subhuman scum

Trump needs to jump on this as soon as the convention is over

I know you're trolling but Hillary/Obama openly called for this, knew for years they and their allies were supporting Islamist groups. This is what Islamist groups do. They are pure evil because they Salafist ideology is basically "do crazy shit and Allah will forgive you because muh jihad".

>people acting like they are outraged by this meanwhile they cheer whilst Assad commits far worse atrocities on a daily basis



Forgive him, he's fucking stupid. He doesn't even know what "aiding and abetting" is.

t. filthy anglo rat

Assad is keeping those dune coons in check just like Saddam and Qadaffi did.


spread the news

Why are muslims such cold blooded murderers? It's one thing to take a life in a wartime scenario but it's another thing to sadistically enjoy it, not even getting into the fact that the person being executed is barely old enough to be responsible for their own moral choices

Probably combination of years of hardcore, brutal war and a general nihilism that most Salafist groups have taken on going way back to the Chechens against Russia.

I heard they're killers because nationalist groups called them mean names on the internet


Because everything in their culture to include all relevant authority figures tell them that this is good and necessary.

Poor kid...

Trump has been right about this since way before he was running

Massive amounts of inbreeding have rendered them stupid and aggressive. Sweeping cultural changes won't do anything and it's pointless to try.

Your parents get traumatized by war, they pass that trauma on to you. It's good for creating warriors, civilization... Well that's another story.

Really is this any surprise? As humans why do we constantly look for complicated answers to simple questions? Why are these people violent? Could it be they've had violent lives?

Why are we all sloth like and out of shape losers who jerk off all day? Because we lead cushy lives with no real worries.

You may lead a cushy life in your mom's basement, but alot of us live on our own and know that most of what you wrote is flaming bullshit.

fucking retard


Thanks for keeping this thread alive bros.

Kek assad is responsible for al qa'da and shia militans killing american soldiers when they where in iraq. Everything that happenes to him is well deserved.

I've been saying that shit for years.

Wow... why are we even intervening in Syria? Just let them kill eachother off and don't let them come here...

A plus about this is we can use it against Obama

Not like leaders are in control for decades, they're always changing.

How responsible is he really? I just looked into it and from what I can tell he didn't actively prevent Syrian based jihadists from going into Iraq. Allegations that he materially supported them seem pretty sketchy.

>A plus about this is we can use it against Obama

It's even better ammo against Hillary. Backing the Syrian "rebels" was her idea in the first place, and she continues to support it. Trump has been against this policy since it was first announced.

When we get rid of Saudi Arabia we will get rid of the problem. Us on west need to choose. Do we continue to live in the state as we are used to , or be a bit poorer for a while and destroy Saudis. Islam is not the problem. Wahabism is and we must do everything to destroy it.