College debt

How do we solve college debt?

Many people on Sup Forums claim to have no debt and I want to know how (then again everyone on Sup Forums is a 6 foot 8 Wendy's chef who makes 120,000 a year)

I'm attending quinipac university, tuition is about 50k a year. I have 3 years till I graduate, then after that medical school.

I'm thinking of working 2 part time jobs and being a volunteer EMT

What is the safest way to maneuver debt? Is it even possible for Bernie or Hilldog to completely get rid of debt?

Other urls found in this thread:

Enlisted in the Army.

College debt forgiven.

Now making six figures with a clearance job.

I don't think I would have time for military

I could join after graduation, but how many years would i serve? After that I would need 4 years medical than 5 years residency, starting my career at what, mid 30's?

>work hard in high school
>get academic scholarships/financial aid
>pick good major
>work hard in college
>graduate with good resume and minimal debt
>use connections made to get comfy job
>use comfy salary to pay any leftover debt

>dick off in high school
>spend 2 years in trade school
>make $60k at 20 with minimal debt

As opposed to:
>dick off in high school
>take out loans
>major in gender studies
>expect to have a job offer randomly emailed to you
>complain on the internet when it isn't
>cry when you become a gay stripper at 50 to pay denbts

I have £18K student debt.


I am recently diagnosed autist.

It gets written off after 25 years regardless.

I wouldn't even start paying it off until I earnt £20K or something.

I didn't even finish my degree.

We make people suffer for their own stupidity.

don't pay it you pussies. what are they going do about it?

Become a doctor in the army so you technically are already doing your career

Debt collector here.


>solve college debt

Easy, don't go.

literally what happens when you lets Jews run the show.

Debt ends when the indebted take on so much debt that they die before they pay back more than they took.

$400,000 just for dental school now. that's 10-30 years to pay back even for the high paying profession of dentists. When it hits 50+ years then the debt world collapses.

Get scholarship money. I've got all my tuition paid for to our state school. Just get good grades in high school and a good ACT/SAT score and you'll get money.

How does US college debt work? What's the interest rate, and do you have to pay it if you don't earn much?

In the UK I'm paying back £11k at 9% of anything I earn over £21k. The interest rate is so low that there's no point at all in paying off extra. Better to have the money in savings. I know people who graduated post-2012 have it a lot worse than me though.

9% interest is low?
Fucking bongers, lol.


Easy. Don't study in the US.

I went to college, bought a car and graduated $15k in the black.

4 years in the military and you get a free ride to college. Just don't join the infantry and you come out alive, intact with job experience and one of the best scholarships in the country.

Interest rates for Stafford loans are determined by Congress based on when the loan was taken out. Changes yearly, new rates are from July 1st to June 30th of next year.

Graduate loans have higher interest rates than undergrad, but also have a much higher borrowing limit

Stop pushing the notion that college is necessary.

Don't go to a school you can't afford.

It's really that easy.

>went into debt as much as I could
>studied something useful

Fun times man, eventually it all boils down if you are retarded or not. I mean, in this whole world you can't think of one (1) thing to be successful in? Man, I did it without having a single Euro.

>What is the safest way to maneuver debt?
get a job
pay it off

>How do we solve college debt?
By people taking the courses they can afford.

It's really not hard.
>Work a theater job making fuckall
>Used saved up money to pay for first year of welding courses
>Get welding job
>Make four times the money per hour I did at the theater
>A few years later I'm even better off and I still have $0 of debt

>get low As in high school
>go to private college
>study engineering
>get decent financial aide package
>fill out scholarship and grant applications
>take out federal loans
>graduate with $28k in debt
>move in with parents
>pay them $300/mo for a room
>pay off loans in 2 years

People are retarded. I had to pay for my education and so should everyone else. Saturating the job market with college educated faggots isn't going to improve the economy. I've been out of work for a year now and I'm competing with engineers that have more than twice my experience who are willing to work temp jobs (4 month contract) for $25/hr with no benefits.

>mfw manufacturing is dead in this country

What kind of engineer?

You know you can just go across the border, right?
If you have a bachelors from anywhere in north america or europe it's transferrable worldwide. People debt-dodge student loans all the time doing that.

Mechanical. My experience (4.5 years) is in manufacturing.

Jesus christ nigger you better be getting some fucking lost Atlantean knowledge and the personal phone number of industry leaders for 50k a year. It's pre med, not Christ like miraculous healing school.

Allow bankruptcy to cover it.

As is, it's no risk for lenders so they try to get as many people hooked on loans as possible which leads to shit like diploma mills and the like.

Get a job? Or 2?
Stop buying shit?

>manufacturing is dead in this country

Tell me about it. I was set to open up a factory wing for my own business to locally manufacture my products. Then my business associate and accountant showed me how much I'd have to put forward to even get the building and the permits.

Long story short I still do small scale manufacturing with my brother in my garage.

>What is the safest way to maneuver debt?

the only thing worth borrowing money for is a piece of land

Everytime someone posts one of these questions on pol, I feel like it misses the point. Everyone has PLENTY of ideas to solve problems. But the idea is just 10%. The remaining 90% is the action, and right now, we aren't too invested in solving problems.

But to answer your question.

>Stop making student loans guaranteed. (IE: It is now possible to default on Student Debt.)
>The amount of student debt issued rapidly declines.
>The cost of education also falls, but many colleges downsize or go under.
>Student Debt no longer eats into private consumption, but many less Americans attend college. Still. It's a net-win.

But again. That's a tremendous political cost. The status quo exists for a reason, even if it's less preferable to change.

Why not go into construction? Where I live 90% of them go into plumbing and petroleum construction/design work

mfw my dad makes enough that I don't have to worry about debt

>How do we solve college debt?

Kids and families need to stop making dumb-as-fuck decisions. Literally the only thing that will work. Subsidizing bad decisions would not be a real solution.

It's a vicious cycle.

If they don't want debt, don't go to college or go over a longer period of time using only Pell Grants.

If you choose to go, don't bitch and moan about your debt, because by going you have condoned the establishment and have become part of the problem.

You have no right to bitch if you are part of the problem.

Fucking pay it, you leech.

>Paying 50K/yr for pre-med

Now imagine what will happen as minimum wage increases. People like you will be forced to do MORE work yourself and reduce staff. 3 part time employees will become one full time employee (if they're lucky).

I'm trying. Finding entry level jobs is hard because people are working for peanuts. I have a lot of project management experience and grew up in the residential construction industry. I would be a pretty good fit.

Learn to play the system homie. Go to the government at various levels and sell them on the idea of bringing jobs to the area, tell them you can't with the various fees involved, and see what they can offer you in terms of dismissing fees and shit.

I think its really hard when demand for college is so high and the opportunity for it is available to literally everyone.

While the cost of college is subsidized by FAFSA and stuff this largely doesn't help especially in schools that have costs beyond what FAFSA could even imagine

Don't attend universities with such ridiculous tuition fees.

You can go to community college for then basics and then a state college. Then you can spurge on med school. You don't need to go to some fancy university for your premed.

I have ZERO debt. I just graduated from PSU with a degree in nursing. My parents helped me pay most of it since they've been saving since I was born. They have two other kids and have managed to help all of us.

It's thanks largely them I don't owe anyone, but it's also mostly because I didn't go to a fancy overrated university.

Lol poor fags. Got a third ride for my undergrad and worked every weekend to graduate with no debt.

Did so fucking well in school got a full ride my masters.

Applying for PhDs this fall for next year so I can rub it in your faces again.

I have no sympathy for someone who takes out debt in unlimited amounts and complains about it later.

There is no "college debt" problem. It's a young people are fucking retarded and don't understand basic finances problem

Shop smart. You can take 100 level classes at a community college, or at a small state school. You never have to go to a high-dollar private school if you can't afford it. And for fuck's sake understand the impact of any loan you take out, and understand how fucking interest works.

"A new study by my company and called “The Multi-Generational Job Search,”
found that only 2% of employers are actively recruiting liberal arts degree holders.
Compare that to the 27% that are recruiting engineering and computer information systems majors and 18%
that are recruiting business majors"

college restructuring plan

If he doesn't even know he can afford the building, then he's guaranteed to fail in the first place. This is like class A felony-level ignorance.

Hearing Pol talk about about business hurts my ears.

This already happens, m8. When I interview I expect to pay enough for them to live off, but I'm basically a start up. I'm open to questinons if ya'll have any.

Already doing this. My accountant and lawyer are working with me to get tax breaks and start up money. BUTTT The banks don't see profit so I'm getting nothing. And the government doesn't give a shit about buisness growth. So I'm fighting them

I'm french, studies are public and free, next debate.

>How do we solve college debt?
Stop sending people to college.
Start bashing into the heads of businesses that they should fucking self-train their employees instead of getting some joke/scam organization to do it for them.

Need money to make money bro. And I have some money but not enough for literally all the bullshit I need to open up a factory. It's ambitious and banks hate uncertainty

No debt because instate and scholarship. When you pay for out of state/private colleges, you are almost paying for two college tuitions (taxes for the instate plus tuition for private).
No, Democratic policies cannot get rid of debt, mainly because the surge in the price of college recently is because too many people are going to college. Forgiving debt, free college, etc will only serve to fuel the bubble more, raising the price more and more.
Salaries are the biggest expense of a college, and more people going to college means colleges have to spend more and more on professors and administration.

Fuck. You seriously can't find a job?

That shit sucks. You should try for your masters maybe?
That's what my brother may do. My brother graduated in electrical engineering and is having trouble finding a stable job. The jobs either want years of experience, or are not in the area.

He may need to leave the area to get an actual engineering job. He's been working on obtaining his FE certification. In your oppinion does that help with finding an engineering job?

I didn't go to school and just did retail and odd jobs for 7 years. Now I'm a bartender who is trying to make enough money to get out of state to get another job bartending.

>Already doing this. My accountant and lawyer are working with me to get tax breaks and start up money. BUTTT The banks don't see profit so I'm getting nothing. And the government doesn't give a shit about buisness growth. So I'm fighting them
Then you're not doing it right.

My guess would be that your business plan is shit. You need to fix that. Next up, you gotta get "active" in the political scene. Donate to the local parties. Talk to them, get to know them and have a damn good economic impact presentation for what the business will do that extrapolates growth...something that they can buy into and use on the campaign trail.

>they should fucking self-train their employees

Amen brother.

I can't even count how many college-educated people I've had to work with that still needed training even though they were hired on the basis that their degree was relevant.

FNGs are going to need training, no matter what degree they may have.

I went to a community college, very affordable. Was able to get a help desk job with that plus a few certifications (A+, network+,security+). No debt. Buying a small house this year.

There are many viable fields that don't require a degree at all, just skills and the ability to prove you have them.

> I have 3 years till I graduate, then after that medical school.

If you're only plan is med school, it's time to come up with a back up. What's your major?

>Need money to make money bro.
No one ever said that money had to be your money though.

I ended college with 8k in debt. I worked as a technician making 22$ an hour 38 hours a week. This was enough for me to afford housing, tuition, drinking, vidya games, and my car. I could have actually ended up with 0 debt if I wanted, but decided to spend cash to go on vacation to Europe and Miami and I dropped my hours from 38 to 15 last year.

In an ideal world, this would be the case. Non-compete contracts for job training would be an excellent bargain that the private sector should consider. Unfortunately, people don't invest in people like they used to.

You you retarded or just blind? Banks don't see a profit becuase of the projected costs to manufacture and because a few companies are already in control in my area. I've already had a dozen "Stalling" lawsuits against me from them and they hardly see court. They drop the charges and just go on to sue me for something else.

>>mfw manufacturing is dead in this country

It's not just due to the (in some cases "percieved")low-cost of outsourcing.

I've seen many decisions to outsource not because of cost, but because the current managers have no real experience.

So it's easier to outsource it to someone else.

If you have manufacturing in-house, you have to know something about the process so you can fix issues, make improvements etc.

But if you outsource it, their job becomes just answering e-mails and having meetings to discuss having a meeting. When there is a problem, they can just let the outsourced company handle it.

Many universities revoke diplomas for this btw.

>Back when College education was actually valuable, your tuition went towards the teachers, lab materials, campus, and academic organizations
>Today, your tuition goes to paying off the exponentially bloating college administration, social justice initiatives, and inviting celebrities on campus to give vapid speeches
>Professors are actually getting paid LESS and academic research is scrambling for funding now, leading to lower quality classes and student outcomes
>student debt is through the roof because universities went to shit and can't support the degenerate trash they have become

How would they even know? Also that's illegal, you cannot revoke a degree.

A masters is expensive. Not that useful in manufacturing or construction.

Relocating is out of the cards. My girlfriend is also an engineer and she has a decent job in the area. I'm staying with her.

The FE is very useful, depending on your field.
Manufacturing: useless
Electrical: useless unless you work on building systems
Mechanical: useful for structural and building systems. Most others, useless
Civil: required

The FE is useless on your resume in general. Companies that require an FE need you to be on track for a PE in the next

OP could do an accelerated BSN program for Nursing if he fucks up. He should have most of the credits needed.

If he scores high in math then I suggest going to school to be a perfusionist. They start around 100k. I've seen 2 year programs that require a 4 year degree largely based in science and math (premed).

They basically run a perfusion machine during open heart surgeries. They literally chill in the OR with the surgeon and nurses and then once the surgeon stops the heart the perfusionist goes into action and maintains this machine that operates the functions for the heart while the heart is stopped for the surgeon to do his thing. It's a really rad job. If I had to do everything all over again I might consider going to school for that.

This economy has never been more terrible to be an entrepreneur. If there are companies who already possess dominant marketshare, then why would you even bother entering? Earnings are FLAT in the United States and it isn't like there is any room for more supply. Consider waiting until the next crash before running into this mess. Unless you have discovered a new innovative production process. But even then. It's a zero-sum world right now.

This is all caused by guaranteed student loans driving up the price of college.

In eastern Europe, thanks to a humane and just system, that was here for half a century,


and best students even receive some sort of grants (stipendium). Also state pays social payment for all children and for university students until 26 years. It's not that much, but also helps.

Because it is in the state interest to have an educated population, and also because when they tried to introduce the scholar payment here, the nation-wide opposition was strong...

On the opposite side, the Britain system of making university only 2-year, so that students can afford very expensive fees, is a path to hell, making destruction of the Inteligence class by lowering the standards.

>student loans

Fucking excuse you? I'm a Culver's chef, i'll have you know.

>But you've obviously never worked with a vendor before

Oh yes I have, plenty of them. But I have manufacturing experience, the other managers I worked with didn't.

Their answer was to just let the outsourced company deal with it and for them to "Do what they think is best".

>many people on Sup Forums claim to have no debt and I want to know how

>live at home
>work part time during school year (25h week)
>work full time during (40h week)
>work any extra shifts you can
>don't piss away money on latest apple product
>live without a car

>find out your major is useless
>work a a couple years to save money
>get tired of living at home
>move out to the getto
>go back to school
>work part time during school year
>work full time during
>graduate again
>work shit job in the field for experience
>get good job

You just live within your means.

By having a job, you fucking hippy. I work 80 hours a week and I'd love more.

Only socialists and papist scum settle for less. Work yourself to death for the greater glory of god.

Community college + state college. During community college I actually got so much scholarships I was basically PAID to go to school. I bought video games with the extra money, kek.

This. Manufacturing in China is massively expensive without huge centralized efforts at the level of national policy. Now Chinese workers are demanding too much money for that to work and we are seeing some return to Mexico and the US. Meanwhile China can still win by being its own market.

The army doesn't just accept anyone, they're incredible picky. This shit tier normiecore advice user.

Iirc the army will just about suck your cock if you're a doctor.

Or nevermind, I guess certain universities in the US can do it. Never heard of it in Canada though. Your degree can be revoked before graduation, which happens all the time though.
When you apply for graduation they can review your status and if you've plagiarized or done anything wrong they can revoke it.

When I was awarded my degree it said right in the letter they sent that my status as an alumni and my degree are irrevocable from that point on.

>What is the safest way to maneuver debt? Is it even possible for Bernie or Hilldog to completely get rid of debt?

No, but they can get rid of your Jobs by automating them with robots.

I wouldn't worry about your debt to much, in 15 years 50% of jobs will be automated. We all fucked pretty much.

Thanks user.
I hope things work out for you. Maybe once you find a stable job they'll pay for you to take classes towards a masters.

It is upsetting to know the FE won't really do much to help him. He's married and his wife (RN) just signed a 2 year contact with a hospital. So they can't really move right now either.

there isnt university or debt here

just never fucking pay it

fuck em

Golden America, what is your wisdom?

The economy is pretty bad. But whats killing me most is two fold.

1. Manufacturing. I'm selling almost at a loss right now because I have to outsource my manufacturing to a third party. They make the bare bones and I assemble everything and such.

2. Competition. I am currently getting sued off my balls by a pretty large company who's in the same business as me. Two large coperations currently hold the entire market share and I I'm getting priced out.

This. I went he community college ten state uni route. I work for Johnson & Johnson now, so something tells me everything worked out in the end...

Dont ask for money you cant pay.

Yes goy, fight in the army

I worked in a warehouse for a year and a half out of high school and moved out almost immediately. Saved up money through that period, did a lot of free classes in coding and network administration while working. Then on my savings and a part-time job I burned through a degree from WGU online which is a flat rate at your own pace university. Finished a bachelors in about a year, got a job in IT at the corporate office of the warehouse I'd been working at.

If you're still with your parents you could do it in even less time/money because rent and utilities and car payments do make building up the couple grand needed a bit of a chore and exercise in self restraint.

>unsure about what i wanted to study at first so i did my gen ed requirements at a community college, at a net profit because pell grant and cheap community college
>transfer to a 4 year university when i found what i wanted to study and finished my gen eds
>take out the lowest amount in loans i possibly can. times were tough but my family helped however they could
>graduate this past may with ~15k in student loans
>starting a PhD program in august with a 29k/year stipend, health insurance, and waived tuition, and loan repayment gets deferred until i graduate

I didn't have a clue what I was doing at first but things turned out much better than I expected.

i fish

You're on an island in the middle of the ocean, do you even have a university there?

Or do you go to another country's university and your country pays the bill?

i dont go to school

In terms of point 1, that sucks, but it's a normal thing of business. Always cut out the middleman when you can.

Are these lawsuits actually frivolous? Are they suing you over one thing, or are they suing you for one new thing every other day?

We can start to solve it by making college cheaper. We can start that by completely separating sports and academics. NO SPORTS PROGRAM OUTSIDE OF FIVE, LITERALLY FIVE, GETS ANYWHERE CLOSE TO MAKING A PROFIT.

It's fucking ridiculous when a new library can't get built but a new sports stadium can and that actually puts the college in the financial hole, they pass the cost onto student obviously.

If they know your paying with loans and scholarships they can just keep jacking the price up so they'll get whatever price they name from the loan companies, it's a racket. So they don't care blowing all the money on non-educational stuff.

So that's a start. Stop giving them excuses to jack the tuition up. Beginning to privatize colleges would work too, make them compete like a business since they want to accept money like a business but treat their customers like their a non-profit or some bullshit.

>I'll just assume everyone got a gender studies degree because that's a meme and I don't have to put actual thought into spouting a fucking meme.

No Sup Forums. No. You're doing that thing you always do when you pretend your a success story and everyone else is a failure when we can all see right through your shit.

Getting scholarships doesn't work if you're a white, male and have a brain. Even if you get scholarships, it's like $2000 for a school that costs $10,000 a year.

This coupled with sports.

People can pay off house loans, but they can't pay off student loans? Why not get an education that's worth something to the job market and get a well paying job? Isn't that why you study? To avoid flipping burgers or working in a grocery store all your life.

>How do we solve college debt?
Easy, don't go to college. It's not my responsibility to "solve" someone else's poor decision making skills.

Probably the best advice in thread. If you are going to go to a 50k a year school, why? What are you majoring in? Is there a market for graduates with your major? What do they make? Is having a degree from your particular school a major determining factor in the compensation for the position you want? If the answer is no, then either change majors, or go to community college for 2 years then transfer to a state school for your last 2 years. Working 40-60+ hour weeks during the summer and 8-12 hours on weekends during semesters will be enough to graduate debt free in this way in most states. I recommend it, unless you are an ivy league MBA or pursuing a very specialized degree at a specific university for a specific reason because your own personal network has a conditional high paying job waiting for you if you do. Those are the only times it is worth it. If you choose to spend money you don't have for a future you can't reasonably guarantee under other circumstances, other people shouldn't have to subsidize your poor decision.

what makes you think people can pay off home loans

What flag is that?