Huh, it really makes you think

Huh, it really makes you think.

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I don't understand, the "gender pay gap" has been debunked dozens of times by dozens of credible sources, is this a fake pic?

Did the gap ever exist?
Honest question i find it incredible to think thath in 1958 some guy payed a women less then the guy next to her even tho they did the same job.Why didnt they just take women as workers then if they were so cheap i dont get it

The debunking has been debunked. Keep up lad.

Wage gap is the dumbest uninformed liberal meme out there

user, facts are misogynist

Wage gap makes sense in a world where women weren't even allowed to vote of course they got paid less.

But they also didn't work the same jobs as men.

Of course it's nonsense you could debunk it by just going on some job hunting website and notice they don't put gender by thr pay offered.

Yes there is an actual pay gap.

Just for once accept somethings don't go womens way.

Females should make zero and stay home a fuck and cook. Ill even doin the cleaning if you cunts will just





So coal mining is a safe job and white collar is not?

>Feminist humour

The moon landing conspiracies have been debunked thousands of times and people still believe them.

Linked in

Dox this cunt

Feminist lies are not debunking lol.

If women do as good a job as men and accept less pay for it, why are any men still employed?

That's because there's no objective proof that the Moon exists.

>typical feminist
>can't do something themselves so they have to get someone else to do the work for them

Oh you're right. Every man works in a coal mine.

Does an underwater welder deserve the same salary as a pre-school teacher?

Do something more important with your time you fucking idiot. You're gonna die in like 70 years.

>we need a law to close muh wage ga- oh wait

Women only get paid 75%
Somehow every big business who would happily screw the world for profit hasnt replaced its entire workforce with women

Also somehow women havent made millions suing their places of employment for discrimination

Its almost like the pay gap isnt real

because they won't date unemployed men. they all want the top men now and won't settle for less.

they complain they "can't find any good men" but don't mind at all pushing men out of the workforce, and making their own situation even more shit.

>Huh, it really makes you think.
Huh, it really makes you think.

If the wage gap is real, why aren't companies hiring exclusively women? They would make tremendous savings.

congratulations, you're better at critical thinking than most women


If you think any pro-women statement is feminist lies you should kill yourself.


because you're a muslim loving faggot

>implying both sides don't have equally retarded retards

>muh lawd ova 97% of scientists

>muh mission accomplished!

Marketplace had a story on the wage gap this morning but I wasn't paying much attention. I think there was a new study trying to look at the thing from a different angle. I guess they're trying to make the lie real


Im waiting for the proofs

There isn't numerical proof and statistics to prove the moon landing to be true or false you fucking imbecile. On the other hand, there is numerical proof that a "gender pay gap" is completely false.

Because women aren't as skilled or efficient as men.

Smash open a picture frame, engineering degree if male, history of lesbian film-making degree if female.

Alright then, show me some credible sources that cite evidence which supports your claim.

Just because evil corporations that care about nothing but fucking people over for money could make billions upon billions of dollars in extra profits by hiring exclusively women PENIS COCK SHITLORD MYSSOGGYNEE RAPE RAPE RAPE RAPE SEXISM RAPE!

It's 2016 and I can't even right now!

Oh ok. Proofs inbound.

>Work for an electric company
>All females are useless customer service drones
>Or they're "engineers" with no electrical engineering degree
>Or theyre sleeping with upper management
>2 females in our entire overhead maintenance and construction group
>0 females in our entire underground maintenance and construction group

Women wonder why they make less money...

>dat pic

Also wtf is a "Gender Reveal"? And is that why out of nowhere cake brands (Betty Crocker, Duncan Hines) now have Pink and Blue Velvet cakes?

Holy skedaddles! They raised it by a WHOLE cent?!

I'm an Electrician and there are two women who work on the crews at the company I work for. Neither of them sign up for the overnight jobs, or stay the extra hours if we need guys to stay on a site to get shit done. The paygap is a myth, it comes down to work ethics and apparently men are more serious about it.





Men are more likely to negotiate for higher pay.

"According to a study by Carnegie Mellon, while negotiating for pay, 83% of men instead of only 58% of women negotiated for a higher wage."



One day you will die, and on that day I will smile.

Ability to negotiate pay is a different topic altogether. That's just another proof that men have a better skillset.

But that still doesn't prove there is a wage gap between two equally skilled people regardless of gender.

Nice "proof"

>Linking earnings when it's called "wage gap"

I wish I could debunk those titties

I wish I could bunk those titties.

wow QE fucking D I am now #paygapmissile

Whats the future these people are trying to fight for anyhow? One where if you work in a profession, your pay is fixed to an exact amount that cannot change because then there could be examples of bias?

nice digits
peep this 6

So women don't want to be paid the same?
That's what your post and "proof" is stating.
I don't see how you can not want something and complain about not having it at the same time.

nigger come on nobody can be this socially retarded

So if I were a jew, I'd be born with a tax refund bonus?

Look if you have better proofs that the wage gap is a myth I'm all ears.

But fact is, you guys are all fucking misogynists.

>"uhh ghostbusters fuck that its women eww fuck i hate women boycott ghostbusters fuckin liberal media mom make me dinner"

Grow up and worry about Muslims or something actually problematic.

>Still comparing the average earnings of all people
>Still comparing nurses to neurosurgeons and calling them the same occupation
To the trash it goes then.

>Look if you have better proofs that the wage gap is a myth I'm all ears.
>literally in the OP

Here you go
No employer having employees subject to any provisions of this section shall discriminate, within any establishment in which such employees are employed, between employees on the basis of sex by paying wages to employees in such establishment at a rate less than the rate at which he pays wages to employees of the opposite sex in such establishment for equal work on jobs the performance of which requires equal skill, effort, and responsibility, and which are performed under similar working conditions, except where such payment is made pursuant to (i) a seniority system; (ii) a merit system; (iii) a system which measures earnings by quantity or quality of production; or (iv) a differential based on any other factor other than sex: Provided, That an employer who is paying a wage rate differential in violation of this subsection shall not, in order to comply with the provisions of this subsection, reduce the wage rate of any employee.

>Written by Christina Hoff Sommers

You nearly got me. But not quite. Try again.

I look forward to the day you're beheaded by a Muslim.

hmm really makes you think

>I'm going to ignore an article that has numerous references by a variety of authors just because I don't like the person that wrote the review. I'll just use the Wikipedia article that was written by Goldstein!
Wouldn't surprise me if you read Shaun King everyday too

Damn that's a good argument. We better just give up now, everyone. We're dealing with an expert here.


This is sufficient.

I have changed my mind. Wage gap is a myth.

Yes. People have parties to reveal what gender their kids is going to be. I'm suprised the sjw's allow this archaic ritual since in doesn't even let the kid decide what gender it wants to be.

Surely this is bait.
You're using too many buzzwords to be a real person.

We have this sort of law here in Oz too but I still hear dickheads going on about a pay gap.

If your pay gap is real why aren't companies full of only female workers? Why would you even employ a man in the first place?

is this a meme?

It was bait. You gotta have somebody to practice against. You can never be too prepared when going against the feminazi.

I think most people assume that because women earn less than men INCOME wise, not WAGE wise. It's illegal to discriminate wages based on sex, etc.

Women earn less then men in total because of their educational choices, maternity leave, etc.

this is great! I am gonna use this all the time now. thank you based user!

Someone changing their opinion on the internet?

How could such a thing as a wage gap come to be???

>Tells me to wait for proof
>Comes up with this


Mild autism in males + naturally high muscle mass = high valuable slave

More like:
>Reveal 1$ it's a boy
>Reveal 1.14$ it's a girl

look how turned on she is
fucking awesome tits

I assume it was sporadic and people got taken advantage of in the past more in general. Women were probably easier to exploit in many situations and also known for not daring to stand up for themselves.

My mom says she knew one time in an office copying engineering plans she got less than some bloke for the same job. Could be true, could be something she didn't know. I'm sure they had some sort of justification, at least on paper, I should ask her about it.


Didn't you see all the engineers at the bottom of the list?

I'm suprised that 53% of financial managers are women.

Also, 50/50 for maths....what?

Please leave after reading this.

Rofl get the fuck out of here with that garbage.

You dumb cunts care about what women think too much. You don't argue with women, you dismiss their dumb shit, ignore them then proceed to carry on with whatever you were doing.

He's sort of right, positive discrimination causes women in some tech fields (forgot study) to be hired twice as likely as men!

Actually you are correct I apologize I did engineering I'm college and even the lowest GPA black engineers got job offers out the ass. It is digesting you are 100% right.

lol sweet that guy left her e library of resources. i hate dumb cunts well mainly just leftist liberal dumbasses

you fucking NIGGER

of COURSE the fucking pay gap exists

Women earn 78 cents for every dollar a man earns



its because

women fucking become NURSES AND TEACHERS when men become ENGINEERS AND ROCKET SCIENTISTS?!?!

fuck me you are fucking retarded. the vast majority of women go into career fields that pay considerably less than the career fields that men enter, and then they fucking complain when SURPRISE, the average woman in america makes less than the average man, which is actually what the pay gap measures, it is NOT a fucking measure of gender inequality in america


>often work less hours to be with their kids/personal lives
>usually stick to receptionist jobs, almost never in the heavier working industries
>can become pregnant at any time and take off several months at a time for their kid and expect pay for it anyway
Women that believe this are really fucking stupid.

oh I got baited
top kek

I want to handle that girl very roughly

shit boys
we got told
time to pack it in #HilitaryMilitary

There isn't a pay gap. The overall earnings of women is less then the overall earnings of men. Not because women are paid less for the same job but because women choose lower paying jobs. Like women are more likely to go into healthcare or education and men are more likely to go into computer programming and engineering.

I wish I could spunk those titties

Those aren't pro women statements. They are lies to brainwash the weak minded like yourself.

the problem is, every time these guys say the exact same thing, word for word, and every time the other side retorts they point out a million different reasons why they're wrong
People are stupid. I'm not a particularly smart guy, but I've seen some amazing shit about the way people think in my time. When you give so many different reasons as to why they're wrong, people get confused. It's a lot easier to just remember "the gender gap is real, 1$ to ~77c"
Communication is an art. If your message isn't getting across, the problem isn't them, it's you. If you want to be an effective communicator, you have to make things very short and sweet and easy to understand. Like a "meme".

>No evidence

I literally pinged a mirror on the moon planted by apollo 15 the other day as a test of some laser equipment at my uni, of course they landed, there's no way a rover could have planted something like that so perfectly in those days.

Keep the tinfoil on


Nice shot m8

Nobody gives a fuck about coal miners anymore, I don't think you understand how bottom of the barrel those blue collar jobs are nowadays.

You're dreaming of Industry in a post-industrial world. You're 50 years too late, buddy, it's over.