Here's your reminder that personal freedom is in conflict with protectionist trade policy.
Here's your reminder that personal freedom is in conflict with protectionist trade policy
that cameltoe
Nice hoe, love the camel toe
I used to be in love with her.
not really.
Personal freedom is good for your countrymen. not for everyone on the planet.
Just as you might have different rules in your community for people who are allowed into your house without express permission ie a sibling or close girlfriend, a county should be allowed to have different rules for how other countries trade within your country.
I would be no more a hypocrite for saying i support personal freedom at the same time as supporting protectionist trade policy than you would be for giving your girlfriend a key to your apartment and telling your friend bob he cant come in any time he wants to.
tl;dr: Kill yourself kike.
So what's your excuse for restricting my personal freedom to spend a dollar overseas?
Is this the same kimbra poster as always? Anyone know what she thinks about Trump? She's probably for shillary.
Pretty sure she's been at a Black Lives Matter protest at some point, so she's probably for Bernie/Hillary. In her defense this was before they got all murder-y. So at that point they were just really stupid and not outright evil.
there is no restriction to that... there IS a restriction to coming from overseas and trying to sell something from overseas in a way that gives you unfair advantage over the same product made domestically.
>used to
I very much like Kimbra, but I don't like her fans. She is talented. She seems to be trying to figure the world out and is unfortunately ending up in situations that dilute her perception of reality.
You would have to talk to the country you were buying from about that while you were over there i guess.
>there is no restriction to that
Before tariff: I want a cheap shirt. I buy one. It's made in China. It costs me $X.
After tariff: I want a cheap shirt. I buy one. It's made in China. It costs me $X+$Y.
You can always rely on Trump voters to have unfunny memes to back up their policy claims.
>tfw you will never live on a green new zealand hill with kimbra and start a beautiful family away from american politics
so what
I'm aiming the post at people who care about personal freedom and maybe don't realize how anti-freedom it is to restrict free trade. If you don't care about freedom, then I'm not gonna convince you to do so.
Still your choice. You could buy an American made the shirt, or a Singaporean shirt. Nobody is stopping you.
I am being monetarily punished for it. Do you believe people should be taxed for attending church? Why not? You can still go to church, you just have to pay more money to attend then you otherwise would have.
Obviously, because the government shouldn't punish free choice like that.