Milo doesn't need your dying platform, you need him

Milo doesn't need your dying platform, you need him.

Can we talk about how BASED Milo Yiannopoulos is Sup Forums? There is no one more right-wing than this guy.

>Hates Islam
>Hates Feminism

What more do you need? I can only imagine what it would be like to meet him at his talks. I imagine he parties afterwards with the young conservatives he meets and gets into some real right wing stuff. Yeah, that's right, he probably takes them to participate in one of our civilisation's new proudest traditions - to service a gang of black men at a viral poz party. Raw and raunchy stuff, I envy the young men who spend their days going to a Milo talk and end their nights filled with the med-resistant AIDS babies of 50 nigger's toxic loads. (Though when I say niggers I still acknowledge that blacks are the only group still owed something in America - obviously a holdout from slavery)

ITT we talk about how Milo Yiannopoulos and gays are the new voice of the right wing, and how they spread healthy conservative messages that will only ever benefit our civilisation.

Gays/Milo = BASED. Thank god for them.

the only thing dying is aids-ridden milo

>Hates islam
>Hates feminism
So does everybody else, that doesn't make you right wing, hes a faggot, and an obnoxious one at that.

>It's another milo using a proxy to shitpost on Sup Forums episode.

Is he sucking Floyd Mayweather's dick?

I like Milo but I don't understand how a conservative analogue to the Huffington Post like Breitbart keeps him. Not simply being a homosexual but just for being an all around degenerate.

Is this copypasta?

Yet ?


It is now.

Common Filth pls go

I hate this faggot so much.
You can't be anything but a God fearing conservative to be right wing.
It's a no faggot club.

>taking cocks up his ass

i realy hate neo-pol

Common Filth did nothing wrong

literally looks like a chimp
what happened to all those narcissistic spergouts he had regarding his lips and voice
im not seeing them

back to >>>reddit

But who was phone?

>fucks niggers
>looks like a nigger
>glorifies the money his (((TRIBE))) uses to control the goyim
>raging faggot
>right wing

>ones wrapped in larger bills

I hope that fags addy isn't on the web.
Some nigger might profit.

S'up milo, how's the dick smoking business?