Let's calm down the rage levels and rejoice at the little things.
Sup Forums YLYL thread
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the use of emojis is ironic...right?
Yes it is.
I lol'd desu
that jew shouldn't be touching the paper on that scroll.
German rivers picture is actually from Slovenia.
>Brexit in a nutshell
It's weird seeing leftists defend George Soro's FOREX portfolio.
I didn't know, thx for info though.
Exactly, I love posting that image. So true.
wait, what?
please be real
im dying !
I don't get it.
What are "white elevators"?
it elivates the whites only
They are already self-deporting.
>He is scared of the Remittances being blocked so he is going to do the work for us.
>that pic
The only political compass I've ever seen that wasn't shit was this one.
twitter in 2001 ?
that's just stupid
I doubt things will play out that well, but it's an amazing thought.
shitty shoop. her first words were "but I poop from there"
Where is the one where it compares left wing authoritarianism ( and shows star trek), left wing libertarianism, right wing authoritarianism (shows hitler), and right wing libertarianism (with this picture)
I see some red-flags there
there was three sets of elevators with each set being labeled either red, white or blue
the one labeled white elevator triggered a bunch of cucks
would oblige/10
As it should.
But really I feel like everything is raciss now in USA.
Because only whites vote Republican
any images of them?
Sounds like something they'd have done before.
So true
Average Bernout
>Let's calm down the rage levels and rejoice at the little things.
I just can't anymore. It's all so fucking horrible everything. Whenever I open my eyes I see the hell that is reality. How could we allow things to get this fucked? I can't feel genuine happiness knowing how bad things are.
Shocking Interview with Sweden Police about Muslims and Wristbands
I'm really contemplating right now.
Muslim should say we are allahs true folowers
Dude, I'm not sure if Swedes are allowed to post in these threads. The Swedish flag bums me out.
Just...leave or do something man. It's too pathetic.
Get off Sup Forums, then. It's nothing more than an echo chamber of negativity and you're honestly better going elsewhere. It's not going to get better if you stick around.
Allah Ahkbar
In the last pic her body type is different and her arms are all of a sudden much skinnier
I'm Finnish if it triggers you less, faggot.
no way
I can imagine someone being raped not fighting back because they're frozen out of shock or fear, it's not irrational seeing how it maintained the assumption of innocence.
The necessary part of that law wasn't even in regards to rape itself but sexual harassment which somehow wasn't a criminal offense in and of itself before but could only be prosecuted as a form of insult so as long as you were complimenting a girl's ass as you groped it you technically didn't do anything illegal. If you want to see really fucked up rape laws look at California's Yes means Yes standard.
Japan's banter is so natural it's beautiful.
They didint even try to be "racist", they were just being them.
haha this gets me everytime
fucking ackbars
Not triggered nor do I hate Swedes themselves. I just can't comprehend the mental gymnastics that leftists do in that country to justify the unjustifiable. When I see swedes I'm reminded of the current state of the western world and how it almost seems pointless to resist if things can go that far with no consequences.
I don't get the Simpsons reference :(
There was probably no use for such laws before because rape is more or less only commited by shitskins.
Basically their mantra at this point.
capcha aeroplanes
My personal favorite
amputation will do that to you
>shut down the atoms
Legendary thread.
Well try living here mate. It's fucking hell.
Fucking underrated as fuck. That was an amazing thread I pity anyone who didn't witness the best thread in history.
I'm sure it is man. I honestly feel bad for the upcoming generations there that will suffer because of suicidal altruism.
Hope the few that aren't mentally dysfunctional can rebel or leave.
Whut ? I'm egyptian ?
I lel'd
Are all dogs considered to be the same species?
On the line between liberty and death
And 1776
But I'm a bong
God damn my shit country
So what does this mean? Subhuman high-IQ pol shitposters fap to tight gaps while BBC chads rail them? Seems legit.