Why the FUCK do people here have an issue with hijabs...

Why the FUCK do people here have an issue with hijabs? Wouldn't you rather your daughter cover up than dress like a whore?

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I don't care desu. It's just ammo to expose the left's hypocrisy for me.


>dress like a whore

i see what ya did there achmed.

In America its referred to as a scarf you fucking leaf. Hijab is arabic and we aint in Arabia you fucking leaf

My problem is that all Muslims should die and go to hell.

That looks closer to a head covering, which tends to be cultural or Christian, than a hijab. Are you trying to ruse us?

Fuck off roach

It's not about the headscarf itself, it's about what it represents.
It's a representation of a people who think that honor killings are a great way to deal with inter-family conflict.
It's a representation of a people who think that leaving a religion is justification for a public killing.
It's a representation of a people who have the sense to name the majority of their male children Mohamed.

Because it disrupts our cultural and legal norm of being able to see people, as part of a long term supremacist movement.

It's a vicious cycle.

Muslim men force women to cover up because they're the horniest race on the planet.

Muslim men get super raging hard-ons from the littlest bit of skin Muslim women show.

Muslim men who get rejected become terrorists.

Muslim women fall in love with would-be terrorist to save the world.

Muslim women fail to please their husband because oppression.

More terrorists... etc...

Islam is fundamentally flawed and its up to their followers to fix that shit.

But in order to "fix that shit" they need the whole world to adopt Islam.

Ass backwards isn't it?

At some point you've got to stop exposing the left and start standing up for the right


It's a representation of people that want to take my booze.

It's a representation of people that take no issue with pedophilia.

It's a representation of people that would destroy all scientific progress, historical monuments, and art pieces because they don't conform to Islam.

I like it
When driving in my car or down the Walmart and I have a runny bottom I just ask my Turkish gf for her gangrag and down the back of my pants I wipe my ass in public and she puts it back on after

Mudslime spotted

We have an issue with muslims.

MUSLIMS. The traitors you know.

It's not my culture, it's backwards and dehumanizing to women. Unlike you sand niggers I can actually raise a decent family without having to resort to honor killings to keep people in line. No other man has the right to tell me how I should raise my family and this thread is grounds for a fight in my state. Get the fuck out of here dumb Paki.

i don't have a problem with women wearing scarf on their heads. i just have a huge problem with Muslims! i fucking hate Muslims!

>iranian slut with all her hair visible
why even bother?

It's not Western culture so I don't want it in my country

>Wouldn't you rather your daughter cover up than dress like a whore?
Are these my only choices?

Not if she's going to give people that slutty smile.

Your entire race is a disgrace to humanity yet you feign to tell me how I should live my life? Fuck off, you Muslim slime slinging, shit dobbing faggots are the last people anyone should take "life advice" from. You can't even trust your own women to not be whores unless you completely cover them from head to tow like a fucking penguin - that's how much your people lack integrity, honour and trust. Our people are fundamentally different, you give a woman freedom doesn't mean she will instantly stab you in the back or act like a whore, it means you - as a man- are a fucking moron if you can't judge your wife's character when you marry her. It actually places more responsibility on both parties to act like decent fucking humans instead of being degenerate faggots. That's true freedom, unlike yourself where you are a slave to your Quran and a paedophile named Muhammad.

I would rather her dress like a hore.

If I wanted her to cover herself up I would have her dress in some kinda uniform. Like paintball outfit with mask.

Also the Hijab in particular has a specific meaning which is Insulting and Derogatory to not just the culture of the people who live here... but also the Nation itself.

Anyone wearing Hijab deserves to be Slugged not just have the thing slapped off of them. Like knock some fucking teeth out.

Its like in the movie Unforgiven the sherrif beats english bob half to death. Its one thing to have broken the law in his town, but Bob's arrogance and pure disdain for america deserved to be rectified in his eyes.

This Muslim guy I'm an acquaintance with keeps pushing his daughter on me. He's not subtle about it.
She's like 13 and I think he wants me to marry her. Should I do it?

>1 post by this id
every fucking time

I want my daughter to dress like a whore so I can leer at her and surreptitiously beat off.

The pro mudslime shilling over the past few days (after the Nice attack) is insane. Are we getting raided by some pro mudslime forum?

I think it's more of an indication of refusal to assimilate, rather than the garment itself.
after all a hijab is just a piece of cloth, but it is a very ditinctive garment that signals the wearer as muslim.
it is basically a giant sign that says "I'm not part of you're culture so you must change to embrace my beliefs while i embrace none of yours"

The problem is its mandatory

Sounds very pedo

nice bunnyhug fag

This is bad bait.

Why the FUCK do people here have an issue with suicide bombers? Wouldn't you rather see your son getting 72 virgins than becoming a weeb?

wow, really makes you drink

I don't have problems with hijabs, I have problem with people who would stone to death your daughter if she refuse to wear them

I want a Persian gf lads

so much islam

Ugh.... just shut the fuck up leaf

Hijabs look cute as fuck tbqh

Who does? I see most people here saying what you're saying now, varying types of veils were common among western women up until like 40 years ago

Well, It's more naivety than anything

They think women should be allowed to wear whatever they want, but dispel the fact that a huuuge amount of women from muslim households don't really have a choice in the matter. Because muslims dindu nuffin of course

Oh yeah, hijabs make women definitely cuter, uhuh.

-_- thats what you call cute ?

Islam is order and traditionalism. Christianity is lawlessness and degeneracy.

Disgusting ugly brown shitskin paki manlet Ahmed faggot

for muslims thats degeneracy. better take off that headscarf or wearit right. and hide that tongue cow.

Post cute hijabis then Pakistan

left: mod eastern decency
right: western degeneracy

give women all control and they become rainbow haired skanks who spread their legs for jamal and his gang

to be fair, the hijab isn't the deal breaker in this case...

well no, most people who call themselves Christians are that just on the paper. and the current pope is a joke too
Go visit Poland and learn the true faith because they haven't lost their roots

fuck, imagine the smell.those faces are only good for getting slaps.

Why are shitskin inbred faggot mudslimes allowed to post on Sup Forums? Why are tbey allowed to live in Western countries?

Hey you disgusting brown shitskins you will be exterminated when the time comes.

You do realize you're a Greek Turk rape baby right?

I can't those paki are the best [NoT]

Which Vice docu is this?

You realise that you are a literal shitskin mudslime savage that thinks its OK to have anal sex with men right? Kill yourself I pray some White patriot shoots you and beats your gross sandnigger fat mom to death. Subhuman trash

What are you trying to say here?
I can't tell what you're trying to say.

The hijab itself isn't THAT big of a deal, it's the fact that it ISN'T a choice and is also attached to a scumfuck religion.

The hijab wasn't a religious garment. It was just sand protection. Muslims turned it into what it is.

I'm not arab or muslim though, I just think hijabs make women look cute


Hijabs don't stop women from being whore, the stonings do.

the real problem people have with hijabs is that it's a visual reminder that their lands are being invaded by aliens with stronger sense of identity, morality, and group purpose than the natives. this makes people nervous because their reptilian hindbrains sense that war and rape are around the corner. however, people are dumb and labor under 20 layers of taboos that bar all coherent thought on the topics of race, religion, etc. so they articulate their anxiety in dumb ways e.g. "it represents hatred of women!"


Watch the entire thing. It demonstrates how unethical dirty and outright disgusting and sick mudslimes are. Literal subhumans every single last one of them. Why are they even allowed to exist?

I can't post not because i don't want you to spoil what's left of your testosterone on covered meat.

what's the backstory?


cheers bigears

The guy by that green divider casts meteo

Hijabis are not for sexualizing, I just like to look at them.
Thank you for caring though.

I am "mad" because after the Nice attack there have been multiple pro mudslime threads where they post cherrypicked images of raghead women and say shit like "pislam is a bulwark against degeneracy". It's infuriating only a few days after a subhuman mudslime shitskin murdered so many innocent people those filthy shitskin islamist dogs are shilling on Sup Forums.

You've presented two options. To be covered or else you're a whore. If I had a daughter I wouldn't treat her as a sex object of flesh that requires covering you fucking muslim piece of shit.

you won, have nice day

>ywn have a shy arab gf
>ywn do her with her veil on

Hijabs give me a boner so sure. The more extreme Islamic veils do nothing for me.

those are like trainig threads to keep you in touch with the maddness outside. its like strenghts our immunity system agaist shit said .

Going to need the slo mo version of this

As an American who respects a person's right to religious freedom, I have zero problems with head scarves.

It sucks to think that a women might be forced into wearing it by her husband or family, hopefully that's not always the case. Either way, it's their right to choose in this country.

Get red pilled on Islam. It is the natural order of a strong society. Christianity does not stand a chance against this growing movement. It is nothing to fear but rather something to be embraced. Society is out of its natural balance.

>Why the FUCK do people here have an issue with hijabs?

>Not Canadian
>not even European
>Not even from a culture of people of Proto-Indo-European root
>women don't have to cover their hair
>hijba or dress-like-whore aren't the only two choices
>Reminds me of Islam
>Islam is foreign and antithetical to Western Civilization

Would you rather your daughter wear a hijab and get married or wear yoga pants and fuck Jamal?

belive me or not i get frightned by nikabs. and when with friens we shout in a satirical fashion "look a piece of darkness walking on earth" thank go they are uncommon.

I have no problem with women wearing a hijab or dressing slutty. No one is forcing you too look.

It's a representation of people who want to take away my ham, my pork, my bacon, my peameal bacon and my sausage.

It's a representation of of people who cut baby dicks.

Isn't that the iranian head scarf that's not called a hijab and isn't required to wear though?

Just remember Hitler approves of Islam. Muslims and Sup Forums share the same goals.

My issue is Muslims and anything associated with them

And we call it a scarf here in the states you leafy little roach

Kek is Allah you just don't know it yet.

>Sup Forums is one person
Fuck Hitler, only a loser an heroes.

pol is not a hivemind but kinda

Why are you replying to me you fucking slimy T*rk

>Just remember Hitler approves of Islam.

Hitler was wrong about a lot of things. Including the idea that Germans were descended from ancient aliens and their latent psychic powers could be unlocked through eugenics.