Honest question

Honest question.

What the absolute fuck happened to civilization? You know exactly what I mean.

Everyone is disillusioned with shit, and I can't really blame them. But how the fuck did it come to this?

Other urls found in this thread:


That's marx fault
Marx was jew
Jews always wanted to destroy western civilisation.

How will the world look in, say, a few decades?

This fucking shit happened


But why did it happen? What happened that made people so hypersensitive?

There has to be some point of origin this can be traced back to.

Ours? Completely exhausted, lost its drive completely. There's no higher driving principle/belief around anymore, thus the material world dominates. Everything that we here on Sup Forums want to preserve it's pretty much seen as a vestigial of an era when things that didn't revolve around materialism and consumption still mattered.
Even fundamentally modern notions like the nation crumble under the black hole that is nihilism.
Even here in Italy which is supposed to be a still spiritual country sometimes I'm baffled by how far gone some people are, especially young.

the internet

most people can't handle this much information, so they spaz out

It happens with complacency. I would not survive in a harsher world because I'm allergic to every fucking plant in nature, almost. However, technology can filter air and make medicine for me. Now apply that to people with poor-quality minds instead of immune systems. Also as more people openly acted like that, more people found it acceptable to act like that.

So information overload, then? Would it be safe to say the majority of people are impacted by it?

womens rights/suffrage was the start, they voted in all of the marxism/gibsmedat and family court laws that destroyed the nuclear family to favor a matriarchy. even with single moms and birth control, it was on a plateau until the internet which gave propaganda saturation to degeneracy and atheism. the pillars and institutions of western civilization are almost gone. thousands of years to create, it only took women 100 destroy.

This, the ultimate redpill

these days are over :(

probably the end is near they say this friday, the Christians im not sure I sorta blame global warming.

Women were allowed to vote

women were given power by (((men))) and the latter are the ones who enforce the system as it is, this ridiculous democracy
blaming women is giving them too much credit and not seeing the full picture, not even closely
it's a symptom

We lost sense of community, now instead of worrying about everyone else, everyone is worried about themselves and is oblivious to the world around them

Not information too much social media
Angry people get other people that are angry at other people, it includes muslims etc.

jesus comes and goes. and I'm not talking about some fairy tale, the resurrection of christ symbolizes the birth of human consciousness.

Giving women voting rights and a say happened

Bad parentage, hedonism, french revolution ideals, consumism and others

post-war destruction of European civilization

Are you talking about Art Museums?

id put some blame on over population.

It's Baby boomers !

It's Protests of 1968 !


zyklon ben

its pretty fucking obvious to anyone who is not blind

the rate of change has accelerated to the point of insanity. The internet entered into "popular" existence in 1992. Smartphones introduced 2008.

In 1960 London was 1.5% foreigners. Today it is more than 40% foreigners, most of them non-white

Inequality is rampant and the middle class has not got a pay rise in real terms since 1980, world wide.

The technological revolution is beyond belief.

Things are changing so fast, and so much, it feels as if the world is spinning out of control. Thats what happened.

>Things are changing so fast, and so much, it feels as if the world is spinning out of control. Thats what happened.

Read my mind.

>Protests of 1968

This is interesting, late 60s. Eventually these people, the boomers, just went on and adhered to capitalism as the grew older. Will the same happen with the current crop of people in their early to late 20s?


Since you got trip oughts, I'll sum it up in one word: Tavistock.

"History is filled with the sound of silken slippers going downstairs and wooden shoes going up."

Civilizations become victims of their own success. They eventually discard the values that made them great as they grow in power and comfort.

Yes, they'll become taxpaying adults as a survival strategy.

However, the damage all their progressive whining and virtue signalling and protesting will have already been done.

The youth in the 60's pushed marxism under the guise of free love and drugs.
Most of them grew up, got a haircut and a job eventually.

However, some that didn't get a job continued spouting that bullshit, and eventually came to positions of power, where they can use their influence to spread the agenda.

The people who grew out of the hippy stage still had those ideologies instilled in them, even if they didn't notice, and are more willing to accept the policies passed by the now-elected ex hippies/marxists.

It was always like this but now we have the internet so we can hear everyone bitching and spreading their bullshit opinions

We've hit the 250 year marks and are now in a period of decadence. All this means is that we are idle, gluttonous, and apathetic to the well being of our country due to our success. We are past the hubris stage and are now entering nemesis mode.

At least after our society fails no one will try and duplicate our mistakes. Just kidding of course will happen.

A lot of modern progressive and post-structual thinking is informed by Marxist ideas (and, in fact, goes back to Hegel).
But it's pretty absurd to say Marx is a bad guy who cooked up fallacious ideas with the thought of destroying anything but the terrible situation of central Europe post-1800.
You can't blame the guy for the attempt to formalize an economic situation in a way that turns out to leave out a lot of shit, and surely you can't blame him for not incoorporating global politics of 100 years later.

>The only way to end a bourgeious state is through violent revolution
>All hail the eternal prolitereate

Yeah no I hold marx solely responsible for hijacking populist movements and destroying western civilization. If we want to get down to the basics of the fall. It's not technically the Marxist leninists who are pushing for the death of the west but it's those from the Frankfurt School who tried to reform marxism. Marxism is still the central concept.

the problem is that it assumes a utopia at the end. this is no better than any shit other demagogues spew

Marx saw starving underclass people in 1840, he didn't tell Frankfurt school and then Americans to apply his class struggle ideas to women with too much free time.

>What happened?


Not even joking. Just take a step back and think about it.


Black Pigeon explains it all.

every society falls because people are assholes and no matter what they never get along because they all want exclusive power.

I'd venture to say we still have 50-100 years left.

When I say "Memes" I mean it.

I mean bad ideas spreading like wildfire through the Internet.

People are always looking for excuses for their own failings and the worst most cancerous ideas are the most seductive.

There is no way to put the Meme Jenie back in the bottle and probably the only way to overcome all of the bad ideas (memes) is to create good ones.

We became Babylon

>But how the fuck did it come to this?
The inevitable failure of empires and complex civilizations. The end of the Bronze Age was just as much of a shitshow. If they had image boards, they would've made happening threads every day. This has been going on since we decided that mono-culture agrarian diets were a good idea. It's been going on since societies made themselves dependent on trade. And really, it's been a long time coming for us.



>There is no way to put the Meme Jenie back in the bottle and probably the only way to overcome all of the bad ideas (memes) is to create good ones.
So true. But it's not just creating good ones, it's feeding them and making them stronger than the competing bad memes. In the words of some smart Jew that I forget, "ideology matters". It matters a lot.

Collective Concious
Meme Magic

yes, but that's also just in the past 10-20 years max. what happened basically since 1950? or 1900? where did the classical statues go? did we just get sick of beauty?

Your trips are checked and acknowledged.
Blame the leftists.

It's all about power, fuck being a non power guy. You loose. Chad get's the power. POWER? POW4ER, That's what's important and lalso huou quesiton.

Fuck 4 chan, you wouldn't know some intelligent sutff, if i0t shit you in te face.

Today more than ever we consume a lot of entertainment. These media to be looked at on your phone, tv, laptop and buildboards outside.
Everyone is too distracted to be aware of what's going on in the world so they just read a title of a clickbait article and uses it as proof

Technology is growing at an enormus rate. People use their cellphones and the internet a lot. Their brain is constantly running, with no rest. When was the last time you sat in a quiet room with nothing but peaceful rest? No one is getting good sleep. Our state of health mentally is fucked.

We are just too much in our asses.

Y'all sound like a bunch of paranoid fucks.
>Duh world is ending! The sky is falling!!!
If you're talking about politics then remember that it all happens in cycles. 1940-1950s America was conservative. 1960-1970s America was liberal.
1980s and a bit of the 1990s was conservative. Early 2000s was conservative. Late 2000s to now is liberal. The rise of Trump is simply a sign that we're going through a conservative cycle.
Though Sup Forums may rejoice, eventually things will go back to being liberal and visa versa.
Also, The world is "going to shit" in what regards? Crime rates have been falling through the years
If you're talking about shit like blm, safe spaces, and 3rd wave feminism, then they're irrelevant garbage that the media simply hypes up.

>You know exactly what I mean.
I love you

That series of artwork by Thomas Cole maps out the entire cycle of civilization, which plays out over and over again. Everything happening right now is predictable if you subscribe to 80-year generational theory laid out by Strauss-Howe.

This extreme special snowflake syndrome running rampant in the west is a product of hyper-connectedness. Everyone has a place now to air their dirty laundry and half-baked ideologies. It's essentially a disease of the mind. Some of these ideas get a lot more support than they would in real life where people have to be careful about what they express and how they express it or risk social alienation. There's no such thing on the Internet. These ideas spread freely from host to host with a simple image or short text (such as a tweet). Young, gullible minds think "wow, that sounds like a great idea," and take up the cause (get infected) without taking the time to think things through to their logical conclusions. Some people are too far gone now, but most can still be saved by showing them the other half of the argument (red pill). It's the only hope for humanity.

Yeah, my grandparents' families were poor af but they still got houses in Connecticut and Delaware. It's simply not possible anymore.

The quality of construction of all the objects in our lives has decreased, and utility has replaced beauty in most respects. We live in a very shoddy, ugly world.

Take a look at the artifacts of the early 1900s in America. The monumental stone buildings in a timeless, classical style, like the art museum in Philadelphia. Built to last. Built to inspire. The future-oriented, hopeful world's fairs.

We don't talk about progress anymore. We talk about stymieing decline.

Our parents had a better life than their parents, who had a better life than their parents. Add to that the idea that has been pounded into kids' heads that they can be whatever they want and getting participation trophies, and you have a recipe for a bunch of bullshit. Older folks smell the bullshit that is coming out of political institutions, and younger people get out of high school and the opportunities that their parents had aren't there. Maybe they go to college after being told that a degree means a good job, go deep into debt studying something useless, and then become a barista with student debt.

Basically, we've been told that the world works one way, and we're seeing that it works another. Some people deal with it, and others develop profound cases of cognitive dissonance.

are you really this sheltered?

this is like the third time i've seen you post this shit. even on other boards. obviously you haven't found answer to your stupid, vague-as-fuck question. k.y.f.s.f.c.s.

get back to history class and read some books you underageb&

>disillusioned with shit

these days existed because of religious shame. the western world is fresh out of religious shame.

Whatever, Hillary, we really couldn't care less.

well we do talk about "progress," but the only """""""progress"""""""i ever hear about is:

>more female ceo's
>close the """"Wage gap"""
>more black movie stars
>more black video game charaters
>more refugees in white countries
>more tolerance
>more inclusion
>more lgbt parades


once you realize this isn't "progress," but is actually "regression," you start to see the world much more clearly.

>I fucking hate millennials

>wahh wahh

Cry moar on your blog fagget, adults are talking.

>current year
>asking what went wrong
>on Sup Forums

Fucking newfags.

>not knowing it was the enlightenment which ruined western civilization

It is definitely summer in here

Nice argument. I'm not "sheltered", but go ahead and tell me your reasons why you would assume so.

Each and every day i laugh and scorn at all these idiots here on Sup Forums crying and throwing tantrums because of the "fall of the western civilization" and their general retardation about how things aren't what they were 50 years ago.
Disillusioned delusionated faggots, all of you.
You know nothing about history, this is just part of the natural cycle of things, empires fall, new one arise, this has been a constant for millennia.
I get it, you're all scared because your perfect world and dreamish reality didn't happen, as your parental indoctrination fueled by the children jewish propaganda of "and they lived happily ever after" told you it would, but the true fact is, this world was never meant to be a heaven.
Humans claim their labours are to build a heaven, yet their heaven is populated with horrors.
This is just normal routine, i think you should actually realize this now rather than 30 years in the future, for the new dynamics and general organization of humans will have shifted once again, and new threats will rise, as new ideals and laws will become the norm.
In the end, remember the dogma; "Change is inevitable, all you can do is make sure it happens in your favour."

Yeah you've made some great points and arguments in this thread, kiddo.

Thanks m8.

I don't think greed will agree with you, Jew.


>greed will agree


>ou can't blame the guy for the attempt to formalize an economic situation in a way that turns out to leave out a lot of shit

Yes, but I can blame people for actually taking economic advice from a guy who never worked a day in his life.

Also, the French Revolution probably started it. They were the first ones to act on the idea that you can quickly and radically change society for the better. The idea has been pretty definitely proven to be dangerously delusional bullshit, but people keep biting on it.

Edmund Burke is laughing at us from Irish Hell.

don't make english jokes about languabe bbq man

>You know exactly what I mean.
No actually I got no idea cause your post is so vague you could mean absolutely anything

>Everyone is disillusioned with shit
With what?

The World Wars (particularly WWI) interrupted the intergenerational transfer of Western tradition, allowing relativism and nihilism to grow from a fringe idea to basically the default mindset of most people to some degree or other.

The worst effects of this were delayed by the surviving members of the generation that preceded the Wars lingering on in positions of power/influence, but now we're living in a world governed by a generation entirely raised in the ruined post-war culture.

All this has happened before, and all this has happened again.

Of course, we only need to loose once...

You're an itidot, ac/dc


Go back to plebbit, faggot.

They are a buch of loosers.
I really like ' Highway Hell'
Please accept me, superior australian bbq-man ?

But relativism is ultimately legitimate. Rejecting e.g. objective morals is merely a scheme to not let things go to shit. So you can recommend it, but not really defend it properly otherwise.

Isn't just colonialism kicking us in the nut? If the West were isolated and rich, and didn't have a birth rate deficit, the leftist utopia could work - I assume.

That picture is massively inaccurate. Rome was a slum in 410, and the Visigoths were Christians.

read some fucking history books

>Isn't just colonialism kicking us in the nut?

No, colonial guilt is kicking us in the nut. We got out of that game, and the countries went back to how we found them, and now we think we own them something.

That's the problem.

>the Visigoths were Christians.

But at that point, everyone was.

I'm sorry I offended you, neighbours, bbq-fagot.

liberals, jews, sjw's and progressives ... you know what, anyone that identified as lefty is the problem and need to hang.


Tough guy is the Australian guy just to make ,clear (with our European guys tough guy and shit.)


the stratification of military power

Basically most people are powerless parasites that know they're going to die, and they're children are going to die, so they prefer to escape into little technological bubbles than face up to reality.

It's not about that, it's about power or not power, Feeling happy about your power, psuedo-intellectual ?

waffle is wrecking this thread

Reality bites.


Long story short, western civilization has solved more or less all of its existential problems. In doing so it has ceased to strive and to build, and has begun to reflect and critique. It is picking itself apart culturally and slowly ruining the sociocultural and moral foundations that form its psychic commons. At the same time, the average individual is faced with unfulfilling service jobs and a massive array of unproductive pleasures (drugs, alcohol, vidya, netflix, internet, pornography, casual sex, etc). As social "sciences" continue to destigmatize and normalize this aberrant, maladaptive behavior, more people start to do it as it is seen as the new normal. People also consider their hedonism as something valuable that they'll lose, and keep themselves from moving on to the part of life that's actually valuable and worthwhile, i.e. marriage and children. People are also less invested from their community by the rapidity of social turnover, mostly due to technology. Not helping matters, and of HUGE interest to Sup Forums, is the fact that diversity is proven to break down social trust and feelings of community. So the greater the enrichment, the more alienated everyone feels (but at least we have good restaurants amirite?).
Personally, I think China is a red herring and the future millenium is Muslim. They have the numbers, they have the zeal, and they've been through the shit for decades.

Daycare generation? Millions of kids in the 90s put in daycare where there are "safe spaces" and everyone has to be appeased.