Bill Nye saves the world

Has a clip of this been uploaded to youtube yet?

Other urls found in this thread:

>he can't afford a Netflix account

i bet this is number 1 thumbs up in saudi arabia

keep paying the electric jew goy

>he buys into the tv jew

this can't be real

tell me this isn't real



Oh shit look at that hard science
You died in my childhood you old pandering faggot, you could have remained in the middle but you picked a side

Top fucking zoz dude

>people will try to say this isn't due to the mom pushing this shit on her son from an early age

Jeesus christ.. I don't even have words at this point.

I'm all for gender identity spectrum but this is god damn degeneracy

>He doesn't hug the man in his underwear
Nice microaggression billyboi

Are you leaving your full name and normiebook to be bobmarded by all of us?

I actually laughed at this. Fuck poorfag alt righters lol


>he has a real facebook account

pls go and stay go

this post gave me a nanoaggression

Jesus fucking christ I'm gonna kill myself

Who exactly is the intended audience? I thought this was a kid show? Is this just Bill trying to grow with his audience?

it's 5D chess-level humour only people in the science community can produce where they ridicule something but at the same agree with it because it's undeniably right so it only takes people knowing about it to agree

holy fucking shit bill nye needs to be executed

wtf I love islam now

>meme arrowing on facebook
>screencapping your own post
kill yourself

>Paying money for an engineer to lecture you on new age gender issues

just friended your mom
she seems like a nice lady ;^)

we need Islam to save us honestly

it's not just the "science" that is sjw bullshit but bill and every segment is fucking terrible
like the redhead on the golf course was cringey as fuck

>childhood is fearing terrorism
>adulthood is realising IS is needed

keep downvoting you trolls, you can't stop progress

>tfw the islamization of the west will put an end to this cancer

>Trying to green text on normie book

>Mr. Worf, fire photon torpedoes.

>no likes
Was it the alt-right nazis?

When will these fucking NAZIS learn that they can't stop progress?

guys I'm confused. How can scientists spout this bullshit when it's clear to anyone with eyes that there are only two sexual organs and therefore only two sexes/genders.

can someone help me out here? You can clearly look at tell if something is a dick or a vagina, no "in between" exists except for people born with deformities.

Reminder that degenerates belong on a cross.
love, Sup Forums.

>tfw you'll be drafted to die in a war to protect this

You can identify as a person with a deformity and not be deformed. It's all about how you identify, not necessarily how you actually are or how you present yourself. It's like a video game where you can choose your class at whim and start a new character if you feel like it.

it's what happens when you believe science is infallible and can solve every social issue in existance


You know, maybe islam isn't so bad...

Supposedly science used to be about proposing theories and rigorously trying to disprove them. In reality though, it takes the old generation's scientists dying off in order for new and more correct ideas to form. That's why things seem to happen in waves.


Sexual identity has nothing to do with a persons gender. A person can identify as a fucking attack helicopter if they so choose.

>bill nye retards kids by saying you are whatever gender you feel like

This isn't science. It's pure ideology.



>I thought this was a kid show?

I'm guessing it's aimed at the kids who grew up with Bill Nye i.e. millennials

>Doesn't understand how liberal science works.
Next you are going to tell me you believe in god.

Sup Forums was 100% right about this. Jesus this is a shitshow.

The word 'science' is a dangerous thing. Science combines in it two interesting properties:
1. It creates real, useful, tangible results
2. Its impossibly incomprehensible to 99.9% of human population
In other words, science is akin to modern day magicks. When you describe something as 'scientific' you imbue it with both the quality of absolute truth, and impossibility of being personally checked and verified. It's a rhetorical bomb and libshits, who always based their arguments on feels and morality, are starting wake up it. Expect more 'science confirms - this new political bullshut is 100% science!' bullshit in the near future.



Jesus Christ. It's like it was only yesterday that Bill Nye tapes were carted into my 2nd grade classroom and everyone got pumped chanting Bill and wanting to learn shit.

This is fucking sick. Make it stop.


>Sup Forums
It's ok. You can say it.
Sup Forums was right again.

I have just the episode for you.


>assigned at birth

>tackling overpopulation
Here's a thought: stop fucking.

You know when in a dramedy film one of the characters gives a stage performance and it's super bad and akward for drama's sake? This shit feels like it

fuck "science". fuck "i fucking love science" people.

this is actually making me reconsider global warming

holy shit lmao

go to imdb and downvote this is at 7.6 with only 300 reviews




This was physically uncomfortable to watch
How is this even science? Where is the evidence to back up any of the claims made about this stuff?

you forgot to finish "... white men and bring in tyrone and ahmed by saying you're not overpopulating your country enough"

is Bill Nye trying to imply that sex is on a scale? what exactly are the stages between XX and XY?

Where's the superman button pic for
>Western countries are overpopulated
>We must import millions of 3rd people

>You know, maybe nationalism and race aren't so bad

This is what we need to move this to

The episode is about how cis white males are going to stop fucking and how the US will need to bring in immigrants to prop up its population.

Suddenly becoming an Islamic state doesn't seem so bad.

You need to leave.

>Is a liar sometimes

What has the world come to?

What did we humans do to deserve this kind of torture and degeneracy. I saw the face of a god, and he was crying.

the problem is that the scientific method needs specificity to work and in order to get that you have to start with a presupposed idea of what the result of the experiment should be, making it inherently biased in your favor

Everyone should just accept that we can't know everything, truth is very elusive. In society more than anything.


>What has the world come to?
(multi)cultural marxism. The elites have "big" plans for us and this society

>you belong to the period that will be regarded by future generations as the laughingstock of history

No one watching cares about science, so those are interchangeable to them. Just as easily as Xhe and Xir and He and She. If you try to think about it too much it'll just make you upset. Like if you tried counting to ten, but the person sitting next to you did it all backwards but was told you're both correct.


At what point did the media decided to say the same shit pol does but go "but that's good!"?? The Moshe Kosher's show problematic was another one.

It's like they're going

>Everything is a jewish conspiracy and they'll destroy the west/whites and overrun it with the 3rd world and white genocide is real: AND THAT'S GOOD! TRANNYS, MALE-HATRED AND LOW BIRTH!

>Childhood is thinking America is at war with terrorism
>Adulthood is realizing WE are the terrorists

That's great but Bill belongs on the chart with a bitch label on him.

CAPTCHA; clothing unsuitable

best case scenario, the next generation gets its act together and we will forever be remembered as the gayest generation to ever exist

So this is what living in the communist purge was like

Bill "If you say global warming is fake, in prison you'll be raped" Nye

>Bill not saying Wubba lubba dub dub when talking about there being no god.

Missed opportunity senpai

>Its impossibly incomprehensible to 99.9% of human population

t. mouthbreathing retard

Bill "Science deniers will fry" Nye

>The word 'science' is a dangerous thing.
I don't even care if you're trolling, you might actually convince a kid or two in this thread.

wtf i want to kill all christians now

Isn't it hilarious how you're all basically agreeing with libcucks that islam is what the west needs?

Bill "If you think the Earth isn't too hot, in jail you will rot" Nye

Clip from his new show

You realize those people are joking, right?