Now that the dust has settled, what's Sup Forums's opinion on
Now that the dust has settled, what's Sup Forums's opinion on
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Edgy high schoolers...
>captcha was store front
Great place to post and talk about your ideas if you like being on lists.
>just make an account and put your email address in here
The place is completely irrelevant and filled with 50yolds, the only people mentioning it on this site are leftist shills.
The very moment I access the website my computer freezes for a split second and then the computer fan goes on overdrive. I'm pretty sure I just involuntarily registered with the thought police and will have my house raided next week.
You probably think I'm being sarcastic too. Well I'm afraid I'm not.
I wish many people on this board would go back to there and never return.
I'm not a white nationalist, but did spend some time there when I didn't know what to make of my recent redpilling. I searched something like "white pride" and it was the first result. That should have been my first red flag that it was a shill site.
this desu. honestly surprised any of them are able to navigate a forum
I've visited it only twice so I couldn't tell you.
A bunch of ignorant, ill-informed, lower class trash.
Those fucks, along with Dailystormer cunts are absolute cancer. Especially when they shill on Sup Forums.
They are walking caricatures and make anyone who advocates for white racial consciousness or Right-wing authoritarian ideologies from the previous centuries look bad by association.
My internet disconnects for exactly 5 seconds everytime I access 8ch
Are you me?
I'm a nazi too.
Daily Stormer occasionally come out with good articles, the recent post from the editor on why he doesn't allow women to write for the site was great.
shit tier
trs every damn day
Can someone explain to me why Stormfags are so bad?
I've only been on Stromfront when looking for debunks of afrocentrist bullshit, and they seem smart, back up their arguments with facts, and don't act like cunts.
Is the rest of Stromfront different?
Pretty good website.
Liar! Lies! Jewish lies!
Needs to get some foreigners in, the lack of diversity in podcasts since RFS went bust is making me think like a (((social democrat)))
You don't have at least 20 e-mail accounts?
i dont mind dailystormer
stormfront i never go
Red flag number 2:
Don Black learned to code a website in jail. (They probably let him out early so he and Dukey could shill.)
Red flag number 3:
Don Black tried to push his son into white nationalism, but it ended up backfiring on him.
The place attracts KKK and Neo-Nazi looneys by the truckload. There are no moderate views allowed. It's only a few shades better than VNN and Daily Stormer.
Aren't they Jew supporters or at least don't allow anti-Semitism
WN is an ideologue of the poor and disenfranchised. All the intelligentsia jumped ship to Marxism from pressure/hatred of the lower rungs
if anything theyre good at spotting r_thedonald niggers who come here with their milo faggotery and shit the board
well you need an account so it sucks
atleast there are no shitskins and degenerates like on here
Stormfront requires anti-semitism.
Can't you just browse it without an account?
>dust settled
>overt nazis are not fbi informants or jews playing haman
>pol is one person
>data mining and survey threads are suddenly permitted
White supremacists trying to integrate with/take over white nationalists. Worthless trash.
It's long but most of it is worth considering, though mind the odd bit of conjecture.
you cant post
>there is a difference
The only good Nazi is a dead Nazi. Nazi punks fuck off!!!
Nazis like Wernher von Braun were okay, neo-nazis are literal human trash.
Commie fag detected
honestly i never go on SF and I go on dailystormer once a month. However I dont get why people on pol hate them so much they seem to have similar views. Maybe it's the rebbitors LARPers that stop LARPing or just shills that jump on certain threads with certain keywords
anyone can explain me why pol hate SF ?
Does stormfront have anime?
It's full of "am I white" threads ?
they have an obcession with 'pure whiteness' that it's kinda scary, unlike Sup Forums they take that shit real seriously.
Basically all of stormfront = erectile dysfunction, juggalo, meth heads
Some of them are based, others are stupid... At least they are not libercocks like a lot of posters over here.
There is a difference, a big difference. White supremacy believes whites are superior to other races and seeks to eradicate or subjugate them.
White nationalism seeks a white state to preserve the white race, but is not necessarily predisposed to supremacy.
Bruh, You just fucking said the Jews have a below average IQ. okay.jpeg
I'm actually an active longtime member of Stormfront. I enjoy it a lot, and some people think it's trash, but truthfully it's no different than pol. One thing is for sure; its more white than pol. :^)
Yes, that's the main difference. SF, while it can be funny at times, was always dead serious when it came to their "whiteness" whenever I visited. If your great great great great great great grandpappy fucked an Injun princess, and you admit it on the website, they pretty much denounce you.
Opposing views and the defunct religion section provided me the most laughs in the late aughts.
White supremacy is a logical concision from white nationalist arguments.
The value placed on western civilisation, the arguments based around IQ, our colonial history, don't kid yourself.
Any culture that isn't growing and fighting will eventually be taken over itself.
>the people who killed millions in war aren't trash
I'm sure there are some respectable Neo-Nazis
White people existed 3000+ years in Europe without strict whiteness laws. They did alright for themselves. Just get rid of the anti-white stuff and the rest should sort itself out.
Bullshit, mutual respect between nationalists of different nations, races, and faiths is possible.
It's war, people get killed. Do you want them to hug or something?
>White people existed 3000+ years in Europe without strict whiteness laws.
Possibly the most retarded argument I've seen this week. There weren't strict whiteness laws because nearly everyone was already white.
all the people who died on both sides need a gun :( so much wasted life of the best generation :(
They're fairly irrelevant. However, since the site is almost entirely comprised of edgy teens and geriatrics, the shit they say is a goldmine for liberals
Suddenly a race war doesn't exist or Neo-Nazis aren't trying to start a war like Nazis did
so the supremacists want to rule over foreign lands and making them better?
supremacists win
It's the big bad scary boogeyman various butthurt kikes and shills on Sup Forums whine about all the time
Could be a great organization if it wasn't so edgy/cringe worthy, intelligence and finesse is required
If you were remotely familiar with Adolf Hitler beyond Sup Forums propaganda (this is a very good piece of propaganda mind you) you would know he always understood that eventually there would (in the distant future) be a final war between white Germanics and "the yellow races". This quote comes from Hitler's pragmatic diplomacy, not his actual beliefs.
I personally see asians as a race of value, I'm more concerned with the mulatto republics of South America, and the despotic post-tribal nations of Africa and the middle east.
This doesn't refute my point?
Used to browse that site for a while about 4 years back, only because I wanted catch up on world events. It got so depressing in the end, mainly because of the users always thought it was the end of the world when a white girl got beaten up by a black guy.
I'll say this though, Stormfront has a lot of good reading material, and I would recommend browsing through the site to read it. Would I go back there? Definitely not. Unless I'm looking for an article. They aren't supremacists as most people believe, they're nationalists. Most users have no problem with other races, just as long as they didn't interfere with Europeans.
However, they're extremely strict with their views, one step out of line and you're pretty much sent to the gulag. These people have been red pilled for so long, they can't even watch a movie/read an MSM article without knowing what a big giant lie it is.
SF has never really accomplished anything though. It's the type of site that doesn't know how to connect with the newer generation, it still has that '1970s neo nazi' feel about it, if you get what I mean.
However, Sup Forums on the other hand is amazing. Most of us here are between 17-26, and we know how to connect to the new generation, we allow ourselves to be criticised, which allows us to grow with better opinions, unlike Tumblr.. This is why Tumblr/Leftism/SJWism or whatever you wish to call it are losing. They've hidden themselves in this bubble for so long, that they don't know how to debate.
All ideals are placed on a equal field of opportunity because Sup Forums is pretty much a bastion of free speech. People on Sup Forums and Sup Forums in particular tend to be more honest, because there's no backlash here. With honest discussion springs forth honest ideologies.
Just my 2 cents tbhfam
I thought Opposing Views is pretty good and full of info to counter Liberals
The same as it ever was when they started invading Sup Forums in 2004.
You're not welcomed.
Completly retarded. Will not accomplish shit.
>Don Black learned to code a website in jail.
Isn't it just vBulletin?
Sup Forums is a libertarian board though, we aren't stormfags. we treat all races equally, and we worship the free market and nothing else.
We supported Ron Paul in 2012 and we support Gary Johnson in 2016 since Rand got knocked out of the Republican race.
Except for that isn't true?
>one day Germany would extend through Asia
Weak user.
No, cuck
All this hate about Stormfront :( ..I..I like it and am a very active member of the site :(
Good post.
We need to understand the need for some orthodoxy in our ideologies, but terms like "autistic" have become popular for a reason. Stormfront embodies this autistic far-right that rose up during the 80's and 90's and never really got why they never went anywhere.
Humor is really key, and we need to be flexible enough to be inviting while also having a staunch or orthodox enough community to create a cohesive "in-group" people want to be a part of.
>1 post by this id
It is a forum where you can go to discuss in a serious manner the jewish problem and the evils of multiculturalism. The single and only reason I come to Sup Forums is I can say whatever the fuck I want. Stormfront holds themselves to a higher standard of not memeing gas kikes and day of the rope shit. Anybody here talking shit about SF is only bitching because they got fucking slaughtered in a debate and shown the bullshit of their controlled opposition, alt-right, jewish, pole smoking, coal burning, milo shill, "red pilled" nonsense. I regularly see interracial porn on Sup Forums. "Yu jelus wite boi?!" threads are quite normal. Yet Sup Forums laughably calls Stormfront "degenerate".
Seriously if you want genuine conversation on race issues and the jewish problem, Sup Forums is a huge joke. Go to Stormfront.
He is asking for others' opinions, what else do you want him to post?
Better than some retarded sticky with faggots posting "this thread is going too fast..." bullshit and LE DUBS SO RANDOM XD
What is unrealistic about European powers taking over entire continents? I can list 4 continents in which this has successfully happened.
In any case you seem to lack the understanding of National Socialism's scope. Ethnic conflict was always at its heart, right beside a spiritual belief in the superiority of the German people.
Dude grow over your lolbertarian phase everyone else did
There are good topics on Sup Forums, just too many fags derailing them
It's pretty lulzy but I'm always too scared that if I go there the government will watch me.
So it's basically Sup Forums.
>that pic
Come on, Christians are some of the biggest cucks and are part of the multicultural problem
Sup Forums is not libertarian, it has not been for nearly 5 years now. Libertarianism is dead and nationalism is resurgent.
Here's another good relevant article from the daily stormer for the Sup Forumsacks to read.
Isn't that basically Stormfront meets Sup Forums?
>the government will watch me.
And? Are you doing anything illegal?
Why do you think it's just SF and Sup Forums that are being spied on? You can get pretty much everyone's info from Facebook.
I'm sure you're online all day, have a bank account, credit cards, and SSN. What more can the government know about you?
Because Hitler denounced Imperialism and if you understood National Socialism you would know the sacred bond between Germans and Germany. The Fatherland.
You're just quoting me grade school textbook talking points from a jew academic without any actual investigation.
In early Sup Forums there was a lot of crossover from stormfront, but stormfronters always had a negative stigma here. Even in nat soc generals, they were regarded as "uncool" because they were so uptight and humorless about their beliefs, even though many of the same beliefs were and still are espoused here. Sup Forums has had much better staying power because we mastered memetic warfare
>SF has never really accomplished anything though.
>It's the type of site that doesn't know how to connect with the newer generation
This is true. Stormfront used to have many members and put a lot of work into this bug campaign which was basically organized memetic warfare. The problem was they didn't/don't understand that humor and subversion are what people pay attention to and thus Sup Forums has accomplished more than they ever did.
The moderators used to do a better job too.
I'd also like to say that even 5 years ago whether or not Sup Forums was libertarian is suspect. I think the best thing to say is that the community at large flirted with the ideology during the Ron Paul surge.
Good article. My ideological views shifted from libertarian to nationalism as well. I think in order to have a stable libertarian society there needs to be a racially homogenous society.
>unironically referring to memetic warfare
Everyone chose Nazi flags when posting
> Mongols
> Middle Easterners
> Moors
There were plenty of foreign elements with which to contend and it worked. Some people have "diluted" blood in the 5% range. Big deal. It was better than an outright attack on white Christian civilization.
>(((Anonymous (ID: sw0r1nAB))))
gb2 the Communism General. pinko queer.
What does the sacred bond between the people and the fatherland have to do with anything? Why on earth would Hitler want lebensraum if he though that the German people could only be connected with Germany as a geographical concept? National Socialism was far too esoteric to be concerned with nuisance borders.
Again, your sense of scope is limited to the physical. Don't try and insult your way out of the argument.
>You're just affected by the jews!
You seem to naively believe every word uncle Adolf said, this is unrealistic no matter how affected we all might be.
Nat Soc symbols are part of board culture though, they are not indicative of what the community thinks, just where it came from.
Only Ashkenazism have an average IQ above 100. Other Jewish ethnicities range from 85 to 100. Moreover, Israel is home to millions of non-Jews, mostly Arabs, whose average IQ is approximately that of American blacks.
That being said, I'd bet Israel's average IQ is probably 105.
Lebensraum of lost land, namely due to the Versailles treaty.
Germany was allied with numerous neighboring nations, this wasn't a war of imperialism.
Because they had a third of their territory stolen from them at Versailles?
And there's nothing esoteric about national socialism. Please consult Oswald Spengler's "Prussianism and Socialism" for further information.
I don't know but Stormfront radio is rather comfy in the morning everyday at 9:07 am EST which iake threads every day for but get only a few responses which is sad because the callers are larpy as a mothefcucker and with the lack of thread participation reveals to me that Sup Forums is pretty anti-white.
Storefront is a bunch of fools. They worship a Jew on a stick... yet hate Jews... Why don't they worship someone with a hammer and nails?